Please see the update emailed by the Vice President of Research and Innovation to UH…
UH Manoa Graduate Assistants Minimum Step 12, Effective August 1, 2023
Effective August 1, 2023, the new minimum step for graduate assistants enrolled in UH Mānoa
programs where UH Mānoa is the academic home campus will be Step 12. This minimum is
applicable for any graduate assistant enrolled in a UH Mānoa program regardless of the
employing unit within the UH System. This change is being made to ensure that GA
compensation covers our official UH Mānoa Cost of Attendance.
FY 2024 budgets will be augmented as necessary to fund the increase to Step 12 for graduate
assistants funded with general funds and tuition funds. For graduate assistants funded via
extramural contracts and grants, University funds may be utilized to augment the stipend
provided by the external source, if that stipend is below step 12, in order to bring the stipend up
to Step 12.
As always, please continue to adhere to Executive Policy E5.223, Graduate Assistants.
This memo supersedes the memo issued by President Lassner dated July 25, 2022 which
informed you of the new minimum steps for Years 2023 and 2024.