2023 Trainees

Sophia Garrido ChavezMolecular Cell BiologyYaounde, CameroonVivek Nerurkar, Ph.D., Abanda Ngu, Ph.D. Nsai ElizabethPersistence of Yellow Fever IgM Antibodies After Vaccination and Reactivity of The Vaccination Sera to The Yellow Fever Envelope Protein Domain III
Christina DaltonPublic HealthGuamAngela Sy, Dr.P.H., Francis Dalisay, Ph.D., Kayli LizamaAnalysis and Implications for Substance Use Prevention for Youth in Guam: Indirect-Contextual Offer
Kaonohi LapilioHuman Evolutionary Biology and Medical Anthropology & Global HealthMysore, IndiaVivek Nerurkar, Ph.D., Angela Sy, Ph.D.,Yoga for Healthy Aging Study
Van RimandoBiologyMysore, IndiaVivek Nerurkar, Ph.D., Angela Sy, Ph.D.,Yoga for Healthy Aging Study
Natalie Subia (G)Tropical MedicineYaounde, CameroonVivek Nerurkar, Ph.D., Abanda Ngu, Ph.D., Henri Moumbeket, Richard Njouom, Ph.D.Detection and Genomic Characterization of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) In Suspected Cases of Acute Respiratory Infections (ALRI) In Suspected Cases of Acute Respiratory Infections In Cameroon, 2022-2023.
Jane Nicole Taneza (G)Public HealthGuamAngela Sy, Dr.P.H., Francis Dalisay, Ph.D., Kayli LizamaAnalysis and Implications of Cigarette, E-Cigarette, and Betel Nut Offers Experienced by Youths in Guam: Direct-Relational Offer

Note: (G) are graduate students

MHRT 2023 Trainees after the hybrid 10th Annual E Hoʻoulu Haumāna with the MHRT team held at the JABSOM auditorium.