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Miriam Stark Headshot

Dr. Miriam Stark, Ph.D.

Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Professor, Department of Anthropology

Dr. Miriam Stark, Professor, Department of Anthropology. Dr. Stark, who currently serves as CSEAS Director, joined the University of Hawai‘i-Mānoa in 1995 as a Southeast Asian archaeologist. She has worked in Southeast Asia (Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia) since 1987. She currently co-directs the Lower Mekong Archaeological Project, the Greater Angkor Project, and the Pteah Cambodia Project and has published widely on these research projects.  Professor Stark also contributes to Southeast Asian archaeology through service on various advisory boards (Heritage WatchMaritime Asia Heritage Survey) and professional associations (Archaeological Institute of America, previously for Society for American Archaeology and Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association), and multiple Asia-focused journal editorial boards.  A recipient of the 2016 Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, Dr. Stark received numerous extramural grants including, but not limited to the National Science Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Earthwatch, and the Center for Khmer Studies Click here for her CV; for further details on her departmental website, see here.

Educational Background

Ph.D. (Anthropology), University of Arizona 1993
M.A. (Anthropology), University of Arizona 1987
B.A. (Anthropology/English), University of Michigan 1984

Phone: (808) 956-7552

Website: Mariam Stark

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