Erin Julia Chosy, PhD

Associate Specialist | (808) 956-4340 | Biomed D-104V

Academic Degrees

  • PhD (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), University of Illinois at Chicago
  • MA (Microbiology), Duke University
  • BA (Natural Sciences), Hampshire College

Research Interests

My career path has touched on many subjects, providing me with a broad knowledge of epidemiology and biomedical science.  I have performed a variety of lab-based research, including neuropathology, cancer cell isolation, and microbiology.  As I moved into my graduate studies, my path turned toward social epidemiology as I worked with chemically addicted criminal offenders to learn more about the correlates and consequences of their victimization. 

My first job after graduate school was with the Lincoln Park Zoo where I worked in the Davee Center for Epidemiology and Endocrinology.  Though my primary role there was to build the infrastructure for a zoonotic disease surveillance system, I also had the opportunity to assist in other zoo research projects in a variety of fields.  After the zoo, I joined the Hawai‘i Health Data Warehouse (HHDW) to perform data management and public health education.  Using vital statistics and national surveys, HHDW maintains multiple interactive websites where public health data for the state can be accessed and retrieved.  Additionally, we provided data seminars for the public and responded to individual data requests from researchers and community providers.  I took a break from HHDW to work with the Pacific Health Research and Education Institute (PHREI) studying aging and cognition in the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study cohort under the mentorship of Dr. Lon White.  The extensive data available for this longitudinal cohort continues to inform on lifestyle and risk factors for cognitive decline and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.  Currently, I am back with the HHDW working on two projects involving social determinants of health and race/ethnicity.  We continue to provide data support for community members, researchers, and students.

Selected Publications

Chosy EJ, Gross N, Meyer MJ, Liu CY, Edland SD, Launer LJ, White LR. Brain injury and later-life cognitive impairment and neuropathology: the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study.  Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.  2020; 73(1):317-325.  PMID: 31771050

Chosy EJ, Edland SD, Gross N, Meyer MJ, Liu CY, Launer LJ, White LR. The CAIDE dementia risk score and the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study.  Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 2019; 48(3-4):164-171.  PMID: 31968337

Chosy J, Benson K, Belen D, Starr R, and Lowery St. John T.  Insights in Public Health: For the Love of Data!  The Hawai‘i Health Data Warehouse.  Hawai‘i Journal of Medicine & Public Health. 2015; 74(11):382-385. PMID: 26568903

Holmes JR, Tootoo JL, Chosy EJ, Bowie AY Starr R.  Examining Variation in Life Expectancy Estimates by Zip Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) in Hawai‘i’s Four Main Counties, 2008-2012.  Preventing Chronic Disease. 2018; 15:E114. PMID: 30240571

Landolfi JA, Mikota SK, Chosy J, and Terio KA.  Comparison of systemic cytokine levels in Mycobacterium spp. Seropositive and seronegative Asian elephants (Elephas maximus).  The Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2010; 41(3):445-455. PMID: 20945642

Chosy EJ, Mladonicky J, and McNamara T.  2010.  The role of zoos in biosurveillance. In: Kass-Hout T, Zhang X, eds. Biosurveillance: Methods and Case Studies. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier Press 

Lonsdorf EV, Murray C, Lonsdorf EV, Travis DA, Gilby I, Chosy J, Pusey AE, and Goodall J.   A retrospective analysis of factors correlated to chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) respiratory health at Gombe National Park.  Ecohealth. 2011; 8(1):26-35. PMID: 21562902

Chosy J, Wilson M, and Santymire R.  Behavioral and physiological responses in felids to exhibit constructions.  Zoo Biology. 2014; 33(4):267-74. PMID: 25042703

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