Welcome to the Office of Public Health Studies (OPHS) Alumni Webpage! The Alumni Webpage is designed to help alumni stay connected to OPHS and the public health community through the following features:
- The UH Public Health Alumni Listserv. OPHS will use this listserv to advertise employment or practicum opportunities, solicit and announce public health-related community events, and publicize OPHS Continuing Education seminar classes. To subscribe to our Alumni Listserv, send an email to ophsas@hawaii.edu (subject: Subscribe Alumni Listserv).
- The Pulse: OPHS Newsletter . The newsletter will allow you to keep up-to-date with the program, current students, and your fellow alums. To ensure we have your correct contact information, please complete and submit the Alumni Record Update Form (online version or print version) and/or the Featured Alumni Form.
We consider our alumni to be one of our greatest assets and encourage all University of Hawai‘i public health graduates to be actively involved in our program.