Waipahu Intermediate students make the pledge for college

University of Hawaiʻi
Lesli Yogi, (808) 956-5443
Hawaiʻi P-20 Partnerships for Education
Posted: Apr 30, 2018

Waipahu Intermediate School student signing the Hawai‘i P-20’s 55 by ’25 pledge
Waipahu Intermediate School student signing the Hawai‘i P-20’s 55 by ’25 pledge

Link to video and sound (details below): https://bit.ly/2KkAsKv


Students at Waipahu Intermediate School made a commitment to their future at Hawaiʻi P–20 Partnerships for Education’s 55 by ’25 pledge day. The event, spearheaded by students, included college booths, games and other activities designed to motivate classmates to sign pledge sheets and banners to commit to attending college.

The pledge days are part of Hawaiʻi P–20’s 55 by ’25 campaign which aims to have 55 percent of Hawaiʻi’s working age adults hold a two- or four-year college degree by the year 2025. The initiative hopes to build college aspirations starting as early as middle school by mobilizing students to create a college-going culture on their campuses.

“It’s great when we help our middle school students to think about college,” says Stephen Schatz, executive director, Hawaiʻi P–20. “To reach our state’s 55 by ’25 goal, we need our students to see that college leads to a brighter future, including higher pay, more job opportunities and more independence.”

As part of this effort, middle school students are developing innovative ways to spread the message about the importance of college and encouraging their classmates to make the pledge.

At Waipahu Intermediate, students created college boards to showcase to their classmates, organized a college fair featuring University of Hawaiʻi campuses and planned college themed games including a college spelling bee. Teachers also posted their college name plates in their classrooms and shared their experiences with students.

“The 55 by ’25 campaign at Waipahu Intermediate School is a way for our students to get excited about college,” says Randell Dunn, principal at Waipahu Intermediate. “Currently we are getting more and more students signing up for early college before they enter high school. This is a way for our students to prepare themselves for their future. It fits with our vision that “We Inspire Success…Everytime…Everywhere…Everyone.”

Students are getting the message.

“It’s important to go to college because it is the first step to achieving all your goals in life and pursuing your career,” said Waipahu Intermediate 8th grader Maureen Albano, who was also one of the student organizers.

In addition to Waipahu Intermediate, five additional schools held 55 by ‘25 pledge events on their campuses this year including ʻEwa Makai Middle, Kalākaua Middle, Kealakehe Intermediate, Waimea Canyon Middle and Waiʻanae Intermediate. More than 3,500 students have been involved in 55 by ’25 campus events this year.

The 55 by ’25 campaign’s middle school pledge program is a grassroots effort that began in 2016. To date, 15 middle schools statewide have participated in this student-led initiative.

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Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education, a statewide partnership led by the Executive Office on Early Learning, the Hawai‘i State Department of Education and the University of Hawai‘i System, works to strengthen the education pipeline from early childhood through higher education so that all students achieve college and career success. Hawai‘i P-20’s partners share a sense of urgency about the need to improve Hawai‘i’s educational outcomes in an increasingly global economy, and have established a goal of 55 percent of Hawai‘i’s working age adults having a two- or four-year college degree by 2025. For more information, visit http://www.p20hawaii.org.


VIDEO: https://bit.ly/2KkAsKv

B-ROLL (1 minute, 30 seconds):

  • School sign
  • WS of field with event and kids
  • Students signing the pledge (2 shots)
  • Students looking at college booths and playing games (11 shots)
  • Students signing pledge
  • WS of field


Celeriena Calivuyot - Waipahu Intermediate 8th grader (6 seconds)
“You are going to sign your name on the banner and this will promise that you will get youʻll get your degree by 2025.”


Maureen Albano - Waipahu Intermediate 8th grader (7 seconds)
“Itʻs important to go to college because it is the first step to achieving all your goals in life and pursuing your career.”