First ever Python Conference and Competition at Honolulu Community College
Honolulu Community College(Honolulu) - PyNow!, a collaborative effort by PyHawaii, Honolulu Community College, the Pacific Center for Advanced Technology Training (PCATT), Booz Allen Hamilton, the Dark Art of Coding, and the Python Software Foundation will be hosting the first ever Python Programming Event and Conference in Hawai‘i.
Python Conference and Competition
Saturday, November 7, 2015
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Norman W.H. Loui Conference Room, Honolulu Community College
“Python is is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability. Python is commonly used for web development, game development, graphics, software development among many other uses. Data scientists use it for analyzing data, plotting charts and as a general useful tool for understanding patterns and trends,” explains Steven Auerbach, director of PCATT.
Many business and industries use Python: Walt Disney Feature Animation is using Python to add scriptability to their animation production system, and NASA's Johnson Space Center uses Python in its Integrated Planning System as the standard scripting language for rapid prototyping scientific and numerical programs.
This first of its kind conference is open to beginners who have never programmed before via a Beginner Tutorial. In addition, there will be a Tech Talk track for beginners, intermediate and advanced users. In the afternoon, everyone will have a chance to compete in a programming competition with puzzles for all levels of programmers. Mentors will be available to assist throughout the competition.
This is a free event open to individuals who are at least 18 years of age at the time of registration.
For more information, visit: