Public invited to free 'Night of the Living Will' program at UH Law School on October 29
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Just before the spooks and goblins appear for Halloween, the UH Law School will offer its popular annual "Nite of the Living Will” to discuss end-of-life care decisions.
The program, offered free to the public each year, is scheduled for 1 p.m. Thursday, October 29, 2015, in the UH Law Library at 2525 Dole Street.
Sponsored by the Elder Law Program (UHELP) at the William S. Richardson School of Law, the program titled "Deciding . . . What if?" will explore medical treatment decision-making and advance care planning, including:
- Informed consent/informed refusal
- Individual instructions for health care
- Durable powers of attorney for health care
- Comfort care only (DNR bracelets/necklaces)
- The new Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form
Said Professor James Pietsch, director of UHELP, “If you still have an old ‘living will,’ or if you are unsure of how end-of-life decisions will be made for you, come and find out how to make an advance directive or provide other documents that will help ensure that your wishes regarding health-care decisions are honored."
Pietsch said the program is particularly helpful for family caregivers and service providers.
Tea and refreshments will be provided. Call 956-6544 to reserve a seat, or send an email to
Parking for $5 is available in the UH Mānoa Parking Structure.
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