Third Maunakea observatory set for decommissioning
University of Hawaiʻi**Links to video and images below.
The University of Hawaiʻi has identified the third observatory to be decommissioned and removed from the summit of Maunakea, advancing the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan. The third observatory is the UKIRT Observatory, formerly known as the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope.
For more information see the UH News story at:
Link to video and interview -
UKIRT telescope exteriors
Guenther Hasinger - Director, UH Mānoa Institute for Astronomy
"UH is fulfilling itʻs promise to take several telescopes down from the mountain. You can imagine for us as scientists this is very hard thing but this has to be done."
Guenther Hasinger
"UKIRT is a very specialized telescope on the mountain and itʻs doing great things and we think for the next several years it will keep on the forefront of science."
UKIRT telescope high quality images -