Kaluoka‘hina: The Enchanted Reef
Hawai‘i Premiere February 21 at WCC’s Hōkūlani Imaginarium
Windward Community CollegeMktg & Public Rel Dir, Chancellor's Office
Carolyn Kaichi, 235-7350
Imaginarium Manager, Natural Sciences
Kaluoka'hina: The Enchanted Reef, an animated feature film in 360° fulldome projection format will celebrate its Hawai‘i premiere with two Imaginarium shows on Saturday, February 21 at 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. A visually thrilling adventure/educational film, Kaluoka‘hina offers a message of awareness for preserving our environment.
A special ocean awareness exhibit with activities for keiki hosted by the University of Hawai‘i Center for Microbial Oceanography Research & Education (CMORE) will take place at the entrance to the Imaginarium from 1:00 to 400 p.m. Families can learn about fascinating ocean research and exciting careers in oceanography, ecology and microbiology.
Kaluoka‘hina: The Enchanted Reef
An entertaining film adventure for the whole family
February 21, 2015
2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Call early for reservations, 235-7433 by 4:00 p.m. Friday, February 20.
Seating is limited.
Show Description
The viewer is transported deep below the ocean’s surface to an enchanted tropical reef hidden from mankind–Kaluoka‘hina. The reef's colorful inhabitants have always lived in secrecy and peace until a volcanic catastrophe breaks the spell. Now it's up to Jake, a young sawfish and his buddy, Shorty, a lively reef fish to restore the magic of their home. Their only lead is an ancient legend that tells of touching the moon...but how is a fish supposed to touch the moon? The audience travels with Jake and Shorty as they try to unravel the ancient legend and save their Kaluoka‘hina.
Kaluoka‘hina: The Enchanted Reef was made possible by the generous donation of the Iris and Rodney Fukui Family through the Imaginarium’s Adopt-a-Show sponsorship.
To learn more about CMORE, go to http://cmore.soest.hawaii.edu/information.htm.
For more information about the Hōkūlani Imaginarium, contact Imaginarium Manager Carolyn Kaichi at 235-7350, kaichic@hawaii.edu, or visit http://aerospace.wcc.hawaii.edu/imaginarium.html.
About the Hōkūlani Imaginarium
- Located on the Windward Community College campus at 45-720 Kea‘ahala Rd. in Kāne‘ohe,
- Hōkūlani: Hawaiian for Starry Heavens. Hōkūlani Imaginarium is a high-tech planetarium and multi-media facility. The 84-seat theatre operates a Definiti 4K fulldome system from Sky-Skan.
- The Digital Sky 2 technology allows audiences to experience immersive adventures in a true 360° environment. Viewers feel like they are part of the unfolding scene, whether it is falling through a black hole, flying through Saturn’s rings or diving to depths of the ocean.