2003 Chancellor's Awards Announced

University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Posted: May 20, 2003

Four faculty and staff members of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo recently were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the University.

Those honored include Michelle Miyaji, Gail Makuakane-Lundin, Dr. Judith Gersting, and Dr. Don Hemmes.

Miyaji, a supervising library technician, received the Outstanding University Support Employee Award for her exceptional contributions to the Library, her superior performance on the job, and excellence in service to students, faculty, staff and the general public.

Makuakane-Lundin was awarded the Professional Staff Award for her contributions as director of the Hawaiian Leadership Development Program, and for the impact she makes on the welfare of students and colleagues and her ability to expand or create programs and services.

Gersting, professor of computer science, received the Outstanding Advisor/Mentor Award for her role in helping students clarify their educational and career goals as well as mastering institutional policies and procedures and relaying them meaningfully to assist students.

Hemmes, professor of biology, received the Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activities. This award is presented to a tenure-track faculty member for outstanding scholarly/creative endeavors, including publication of well-reviewed books, publication in refereed journals, or performances or exhibitions at the state or national levels.

"UH Hilo is extremely fortunate to have so many talented and dedicated people among our staff and faculty," said Chancellor Rose Tseng. "This is just one small way of recognizing the countless contributions they make to this University. I want to congratulate the recipients of this year‘s awards and thank our selection committee who had the difficult task of making these selections given the large number of outstanding candidates."