Queer ‘Alika in Wonderland’ and ‘the underneath’ together at Palikū Theatre

Windward Community College
Bonnie J Beatson, (808) 235-7374
Marketing and Public Relations Director, Chancellor's Office
Nicolas Logue, (808) 236-9138
Assistant Professor, Humanities
Posted: Apr 15, 2021

Dylan Leming and Manuel Moreno in Alika in Wonderland
Dylan Leming and Manuel Moreno in Alika in Wonderland
Diamond Smith and Daniel Guajardo III in Alika in Wonderland at Palikū Theatre
Diamond Smith and Daniel Guajardo III in Alika in Wonderland at Palikū Theatre
Kevin Molina and Josh McClinton
Kevin Molina and Josh McClinton
Noah Nakachi and Avi Tate in Alika in Wonderland
Noah Nakachi and Avi Tate in Alika in Wonderland
Alika in Wonderland / the underneath banner
Alika in Wonderland / the underneath banner

Windward Community College presents a double bill of LBGTQ+-themed Alika in Wonderland and the underneath April 30 through May 9, 2021, both directed by Taurie Kinoshita.

Alika in Wonderland is adapted from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and follows a young gay man suddenly transported into a land of wonder and freedom. the underneath takes the audience on an expressionistic dream journey, following one young man’s search for his brother. Both plays will stream live to audiences from Palikū Theatre.

Two weekends only (Tickets for each performance available until two hours prior to showtime.)

Ticket information

$15 for all tickets. Livestream link will be sent on show day.

For tickets and more information, visit palikutheatre.com or call (808) 235-7315.

Highly provocative and exuberant, Alika in Wonderland is a queer, sexy and fabulous version of the classic children’s tale, rated PG-13 solely for sexually explicit and liberating dialogue. This LGBTQ+ retelling focuses on illogical notions of gender, oppression and freedom, and views American civilization—full of nonsensical rules—through the perspective of an idealistic queer boy.

Originally titled Alice’s Adventures Underground written by Oxford mathematician, fellow and teacher Charles Dodgson in 1862 and presented to his child muse Alice Liddell in 1864, Alice in Wonderland is one of the most widely read, translated and beloved stories of all time. This campy LGBTQ+ friendly adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, written by Kinoshita, explores the most commonly cited theme of Carroll’s original—the notion that Alice journeys to an adult world filled with irrational oppression, where rules cannot be explained. In Alika in Wonderland, Alika learns to embrace his identity and redefine his existence on his own terms.

Written by Emmy Award-winning writer Susan Soon He Stanton, the underneath takes audiences on a dream journey through Honolulu. Elements of film noir, surprising characters and the use of memory and flashbacks feature heavily.

To learn more about theatre classes offered at Windward CC, contact Assistant Professor Nicolas Logue at (808) 236-9138, logue@hawaii.edu, or Windward CC’s theatre website.

For more information about Palikū Theatre, please visit palikutheatre.com.



Photos by Micah Souza

#1 Dylan Leming and Manuel Moreno in Alika in Wonderland at Palikū Theatre

#2 Diamond Smith and Daniel Guajardo III in Alika in Wonderland

#3 Kevin Molina and Josh McClinton in Alika in Wonderland

#4 Noah Nakachi and Ayanna Tate in Alika in Wonderland


For more information, visit: http://palikutheatre.com