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December 1, 2023

Professor Deen gives plenary address at BUCLD 48

Professor Kamil Deen was invited to give the plenary address at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Boston University Conference on Language Development, November 2-5, 2023. Professor Deen's address was titled "The Fingerprints of Universal Grammar." The abstract of his…

November 30, 2023

Anu Reddy, Youngin Lee, Akari Ohba & Kamil Deen present at AMLaP Asia

UH was well-represented at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Asia conference in Hong Kong, December 1-3, 2023. Akari Ohba and Kamil Deen presented "Why children (incorrectly) accept inverse scope: Inverse scope derived from generalized distributivity." Anupama Reddy and…

November 30, 2023

UH linguists attend LSA Summer Institute

The UHM Department of Linguistics was very well represented at the 2023 LSA Summer Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Six graduate students were in attendance (more than any other school!): Ashley Yount, Liv Bianchini, Emma Breslow, Olivia Waring,…

November 30, 2023

Impressive UHM presence at BUCLD 48

Many linguists from the UHM Department of Linguistics presented their work at the 48th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, held November 2-5, 2023. Professor Kamil Deen delivered a plenary address titled "The fingerprints of universal grammar." In addition…

November 30, 2023

Youngin Lee presents at ICTEAP-4

PhD student Youngin Lee presented her research entitled "Examining incremental sentence processing in Korean: The case of control constructions" at the 4th International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics in Seoul, Korea, on August 17, 2023. Congratulations, Youngin!

November 30, 2023

Orlyn Joyce Esquivel presents at multiple conferences

PhD student Orlyn Joyce Esquivel presented several papers in the summer and fall of 2023. She presented her paper "Philippines' linguistic landscape: Perceptions on ethnolinguistic vitality, identity and power" at the Michicagoan Conference in Linguistic Anthropology at the University of…

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