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PhD in Linguistics

The Ph.D. program provides comprehensive professional training for careers in research and teaching.


All students in the Ph.D. program are required to complete a minimum of 33 credit hours of course and seminar work at the University of Hawai`i (exclusive of LING 800) beyond those counted toward their MA degrees (or, for students not holding an MA, beyond the core courses LING 410, 420, 421, 422, and 645). Courses in phonology (LING 621), grammar (LING 622), and methods are required of all Ph.D. students.  Methods courses include: LING 630 (field methods), LING 632 (laboratory research), LING 750F (phonetic fieldwork on endangered languages), and LING 750Q (methods in language acquisition).  Students interested in experimental research are strongly advised to take one or more courses in statistical analysis as well (e.g., EDEP 429, ESL 490 or 671).

Ph.D. students are required to demonstrate competence in one language other that their native language. They are also required to prepare two clearly and professionally written ‘publication-quality’ papers and pass a comprehensive examination, dissertation proposal defense, and final oral examination in defense of their dissertation.

For more information, please refer to the Graduate Handbook.

A doctoral student and a language expert conduct research on the island of Yap

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Department of Linguistics
1890 East West Road, Moore Hall 569  [map]
Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96822 USA
Office Hours M-F  8 AM – 4:30 PM
+1(808) 956-8602 /

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