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Dr. Sharon Bulalang, PhD 2020
Dr. Sharon Bulalang, PhD 2020


  • Andel Blake:  The Abui People’s Language and Plants:  An Ethnobotanical Investigation in Eastern Indonesia
  • Amber Camp:  The Perception of the Interaction of Tone and Intonation in Thai.  Chaminade University
  • Thomas Dougherty:  The Origins of Yapese Glottalization
  • Jacob Hakim:  A Prosodic Description of Nasal: Investigating Stress and Intonation in an Endangered Sumatran Language
  • Yuri Lee:  Acquisition of Information Structure in Korean: A Perception-Based Approach
  • Kai-Ying Lin:  On Mandarin Unaccusativity:  A Perspective From Language Acquisition
  • Akari Ohba:  Acquiring the Unobservable:  Empathy Verbs, Belief Verbs, and Long-Distance Binding of Zibun “self” in Child Japanese
  • N. Ha’alilio Solomon:   Attitudes and Ideologies Surrounding ‘ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi: A Qualitative Study.  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • Christina Truong:  Western Austronesian Applicative Constructions: Typological and Functional Approaches
  • Louward Zubiri:  The Acquisition of Coastal Bikol



  • Archbold, Liam
  • Asperheim, Margaret
  • Demmon, Tyler
  • Hong, Justin
  • Jimenez, Jezzabella
  • Le, Amanda
  • Li, Yihan
  • Schwerdtfeger, Kianu



  • Kavon Hooshiar: Facilitating language documentation through incremental development of digital archive infrastructure (Chair: Gary Holton).  Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
  • Anongnard Nusartlert:  ISAN-THAI Diglossia:  Intergenerational Transmission as the Key Indicator to Vitality (Chair:  Kamil Deen).  Khon Kaen University


  • Arnold, Juliana
  • Brennan, Patrick
  • Cabrera, Angeli
  • Delatte, Percy
  • Fessler, Eli
  • Jessen, Joel
  • Jeter, Jessamine
  • Liotta Madison
  • Ma, Yunzhou
  • Scheel, Juniper
  • Yount, Ashley



  • Kevin Baetscher:  Predicate Initiality in Space and Time (Chair: Gary Holton)
  • Khairunnisa:  Diathesis, Grammatical Relations, and Clitics in Ampenan Sasak (Chair: Bradley McDonnell) National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia)
  • Leah Pappas: A Multi-Modal Study of Spatial Language in Hawu in Typological Perspective (Chair: Gary Holton). University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • Margaret Ransdell-Green:  Kala Phonology in a Typological and Regional Context (Chair: Shelece Easterday)
  • Jennifer Sou:  The Acquisition of Kosraean and English: A Diglossic Community at a Crossroads (Chair: Kamil Deen)
  • Ashleigh Surma:  Reciprocity and Language Work: Considering the Role of the Outsider Linguist (Chair: Andrea Berez-Kroeker).  The Language Conservancy


  • Chang, Chao-Chun
  • De Falco, Ella
  • Eastman, Lydia
  • Farrall, Dannielle
  • Gomes, Melia
  • Griffin, Laura
  • Hendy, Caroline
  • Lai, Audrey
  • McLeod, Kelli
  • Wilhoite, Alyssa



  • Catherine Lee Brockway:  Building high-frequency word lists for the semantic domain of ʻĀINA (‘land’) using a raw corpus of spoken ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Chair: Andrea Berez-Kroeker).  United Nations CIFAL Center of Honolulu
  • John Elliott:  A grammar of Enxet Sur (Chair: Lyle Campbell).
  • Thomas Kettig:  Haʻina ʻia mai ana ka puana: The vowels of ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi  (Chair: Rory Turnbull).  York University
  • Christian Mortensen:  The Kemaloh Lun Bawang language of Borneo  (Chair: Robert Blust)
  • Emily Jo Noschese:  Younger Deaf People’s Attitudes Toward American Sign Language Structure. (Chair: Andrea Berez-Kroeker and James Woodward)  Wayne State University


  • Breneman, Zachary
  • Champagne, Sarah (Sar)
  • Ono, Suzuka
  • Riedeman, Cody



  • Anna Belew:  Sociolinguistic documentation of language shift and maintenance in Iyasa (Chairs: Katie Drager & Lyle Campbell).  Endangered Languages Project
  • Tobias Bloyd:  Sula: Its Language, Land, and People (Chair: Robert Blust)
  • Ivan Bondoc:  Probabilistic and predictive parsing in Tagalog voice alternations (Advisor: Amy Schafer).  University of Toronto
  • Sharon Bulalang:  A Grammar of Western Subanon (Chair: Gary Holton).  De La Salle University
  • Bryn Hauk:  Deixis and reference tracking in Tsova-Tush (Chair: Andrea Berez-Kroeker).  Google
  • Ryan Henke:  The first language acquisition of nominal inflection in Northern East Cree: Possessives and nouns (Chair: Kamil Deen).  University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Andrew Pick:  A reconstruction of Proto-Northern Adelbert phonology and lexicon (Advisor: Robert Blust).
  • Peter Schuelke:  Grammatical relations and syntactic  ergativity in Roviana, a little-described language of the Solomon Islands (Chair: William O’Grady).  University of North Texas
  • Gyu-Ho Shin:  Connecting Input to Comprehension: First Language Acquisition of Active Transitives and Suffixal Passives by Korean-Speaking Preschool Children (Chair: William O’Grady),  University of Illinois Chicago


  • Baron, Michelle
  • Charest, Jessica
  • Nakupueo-Garcia, Keane



  • Peter Jian Li Chong:  The Effect of Talker Nativeness on the Perception of Voicing in Syllable-Initial Plosives by American English Monolinguals (Chair: Katie Drager).  Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • David Iannucci:  The Hachijō Language of Japan: Phonology and Historical Development (Chair: Lyle Campbell).
  • Claire Stabile:  It’s Like, You Know: Variation in the Production and Social Perception of Discourse-Pragmatic Like in Pidgin and Hawai’i English (Chairs: Kamil Deen & Katie Drager).


  • Fettes, Evelyn
  • Fukasawa, Michiko
  • Gier, Healy
  • Handley, Noella
  • Irihamye, Jennifer
  • Ludlow, Sydney
  • Merritt, Laurabeth
  • Miller, Lucia. Doyon Foundation Mentor-Apprentice Program
  • Ono, Christianne
  • Ukasick, Trent
  • Wainwright, Meena



  • Russell Barlow:  A grammar of Ulwa (Chair: Lyle Campbell).  Max Planck Institute
  • Yen-Ling Chen:  Proto-Ong-Be (Chair: Lyle Campbell).  Academia Sinica
  • Jonny Kim:  Socially-conditioned links between words and phonetic realizations (Chair: Katie Drager).  Pusan National University
  • Grant Muagututi’a:  Recovering ergativity in heritage Samoan (Chair: Kamil Deen).  California State University San Marcos
  • Colleen O’Brien:  A grammatical description of Kamsá’a, a language isolate of Colombia (Chair: Lyle Campbell).  Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies
  • Bradley Rentz:  Pohnpei sohte ehu: A survey- and interview-based approach to language attitudes on Pohnpei (Chair: Andrea Berez-Kroeker).  McREL International
  • John Van Way:  The phonetics and phonology of Nyagrong Minyag, an endangered language of western China (Chair: Lyle Campbell).  Scarsdale High School
  • Sejung Yang:  Assessing language knowledge in Jeju: Vocabulary and verbal patterns in Jejuo and English (Chair: William O’Grady).  Jeju National University


  • Andelian, Ashley
  • Chen, Yi-Chun
  • Lee, Han
  • Mizukami, Micah
  • Williams-Solomon, Noah (Ha’a)



  • Yen-hsin Victoria Chen:  A reexamination of the Philippine-type voice system and its implications for Austronesian primary-level subgrouping (Chairs: Robert Blust and Shin Fukuda).  Currently Senior Lecturer (equivalent of associate professor in North American institutions) in the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington
  • Brenda Clark:  A grammatical sketch of Sivia Sign Language (Chairs: James Woodward and William O’Grady).
  • Katie Gao:  Dynamics of language contact in China: Ethnolinguistic diversity and variation in Yunan (Chair: Katie Drager).  McREL International
  • Raina Heaton:  A typology of antipassives, with special reference to Mayan (Chair: Lyle Campbell).  University of Oklahoma Department of Native American Studies
  • Mayumi Oiwa-Bungard:  Morphology and syntax of gerunds in Truku Seediq: A third function of Austronesian “voice” morphology (Chairs: Robert Blust and Yuko Otsuka).
  • Eve Koller (Okura):  Language nests and language acquisition: An empirical analysis (Chair: Lyle Campbell).
  • Samantha Rarrick:  A tonal grammar of Kere in typological perspective (Chairs: Victoria Anderson and Andrea Berez-Kroeker).  Griffith University
  • Melody Ross:  Attitudes toward Tetun Dili, a language of East Timor (Chairs: Andrea Berez-Kroeker and Christina Higgins).  Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • Alexander Smith:  The languages of Borneo: A comprehensive classification (Chair: Robert Blust),  National University of Singapore


  • Brown, Maggie
  • Callendar, Aaron
  • Closson, Reuben
  • Flavelle, Darren
  • Takahashi, Maho
  • Thompson, Caitlyn



  • Elaine Lau:  Acquisition of relative clauses in Cantonese: A multi-factorial analysis (Chairs: Kamil Deen and William O’Grady).  Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Nozomi Tanaka:  An asymmetry in the acquisition of Tagalog relative clauses (Chairs: Kamil Deen and William O’Grady). University of Iowa


  • Copeland, Cassidy
  • Guan, Xuan
  • Hamer, Aaron
  • McCullough, John
  • Shelby, Ryan
  • Smith, Dillon
  • Thorne, James
  • Uno, Sarah



  • James Grama:  Variation and change in Hawaiʻi Creole vowels (Chair: Katie Drager).  Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • James Hafford:  Wuvulu grammar and vocabulary (Chair: Yuko Otsuka).  Canada Institute of Linguistics
  • Tyler Heston:  The segmental and suprasegmental phonology of Fataluku (Chair: Victoria Anderson).  University of Kansas
  • Megan Joelle Kirkley:  Language, identity and non-binary gender in Hawaiʻi (Chair: Katie Drager).  Mass Liberation
  • Cheng-Chuen Jonathan Kuo:  Argument alternation and argument structure in symmetrical voice languages: A case study of transfer verbs in Amis, Puyuma and Seediq (Chair: Yuko Otsuka).  Taipei Tech
  • Emerson Lopez Odango:  Afféú fangani ‘join together’: A morphophonemic analysis of possessive suffix paradigms and a discourse-based ethnography of the elicitation session in Pakin Lukunosh Mortlockese (Chair: Kenneth Rehg).  Old Dominion University
  • Kanjana Thepboriruk:  Thai in diaspora: Language and identity in Los Angeles, California (Chair: Patricia Donegan).  Northern Illinois University
  • Mary Walworth:  The language of Rapa Iti: Description of language in change (Chair: Yuko Otsuka).  Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology


  • Awai, Clinton
  • Comstock, Bethany
  • Kindred, Shaun
  • Nicks, Constance
  • Park, Kyubyong
  • Sawada, Mihoko
  • Toler, Nicholas



  • Carolina Aragon:  A grammar of Akuntsú, a Tupian language (Chair: Lyle Campbell).  Universidade Federal Da Paraiba
  • Yukie Hara:  Sentence comprehension of event structure in English and Japanese: An evaluation of the interaction between grammatical aspect and lexical aspect (Chair: Amy Schafer).
  • Jason Jackson:  A grammar of Irarutu, a language of West Papua, Indonesia, with historical analysis (Chair: Robert Blust).
  • Kum-Jeong Joo:  Children’s interpretation of the Korean reflexive pronouns caki and caki-casin (Chairs: Kamil Deen and William O’Grady).  Induk University (Seoul)
  • Nala Huiying Lee:  A grammar of Baba Malay with sociophonetic considerations (Chair: Lyle Campbell).  National University of Singapore
  • On-Soon Lee:  Individual differences in first and second language processing: Evidence from statistical learning (Chairs: William O’Grady and Luca Onnis).  Sunchon National University
  • Fumiko Yamada:  Māori as a phrase-based language (Chair: Yuko Otsuka).  Mililani Ike Elementary


  • Buritica, Estefania
  • Patton, Colleen
  • Wilson, Brittany
  • Windham, Bonnie
  • Yeh, Ya-Chi



  • Yumiko Enyo:  Exploring Senpai-Koohai relationships in club meetings in a Japanese university (Chair: Haruko Cook).  Hokkaido University
  • Katherine Hardeman:  Gender and second language style: American learners’ perceptions and use of Mandarin Sajiao (Chair: Katie Drager).  University of Central Florida.
  • Tatjana Ilic:  Modality and causation in Serbian dative anticausitives: A cross-linguistic perspective (Chair: Kamil Deen),
  • Chae-Eun Kim:  Asymmetries in the production of relative clauses: First and second language acquisition (Chair: William O’Grady).  Chosun University
  • Insung Ko:  Korean coronal obstruents: A second language articulation of heritage language learners and non-heritage language learners (Chair: William O’Grady and Ho-Min Sohn).  George Washington University
  • Jason Lobel:  Philippine and north Bornean languages: Issues in description, subgrouping, and reconstruction (Chair: Robert Blust).  University of Hawai’i at Manoa
  • Hiroko Sato:  Grammar of Kove, an Austronesian language of the West New Britain province, Papua New Guinea (Chair: Robert Blust).
  • Diana Stojanovic:  Cross-linguistic comparison of rhythmic and phonotactic similarity (Chair: Ann Peters).


  • Clifford, Rebecca
  • Joo, Kum Jeong
  • Kiesling, Paula
  • Kim, Chae-Eun
  • Kim, Hyeyeon
  • Kim, Sunju
  • Locke, Stephanie
  • Simpson, Sean



  • Kaliko Christopher Baker:  A-class genitive subject effect: A pragmatic and discourse grammar approach to a- and o-class genitive subject selection in Hawaiian (Chair: Yuko Otsuka).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • Thiago Chacon:  The phonology and morphology of Kubeo: The documentation, theory and description of an Amazonian language (Chair: Lyle Campbell).  University of Brasilia
  • Jin Sun Choe:  Children seem to know raising: Raising and intervention in child language (Chairs: Kamil Deen and William O’Grady).  Korea University of Technology and Education
  • S. James Ellis:  Saipan Carolinian, one Chuukic language blended from many (Chair: Kenneth Rehg)
  • Akiemi Glenn:  Wayfinding in Pacific landscapes: Negotiating Tokelau linguistic identities in Hawaiʻi (Chair: Yuko Otsuka).  Honolulu-based scholar and culture worker
  • Ryoko Hattori:  Preverbal particles in Pingelapese, a language of Micronesia (Chairs: William O’Grady and Kenneth Rehg).  University of Hawai’i at Manoa
  • Karen Huang:  A study of neutral-tone syllables in Taiwan Mandarin (Chair: Patricia Donegan).  University of Auckland
  • Jin-Sook Kim:  Comprehension of elided phrases in Korean and English: VP-ellipsis, null object constructions, and one-substitution (Chair: William O’Grady).  Sookmyung Women’s University
  • Nian Liu:  The effect of naming systems on the acquisition of reasoning about time concepts (Chair: Benjamin Bergen).  University of Oklahoma
  • Carl Polley:  Metaphors for happiness in English and Mandarin Chinese (Chair: Benjamin Bergen).  Kapi’olani Community College



  • Toshiaki Furukawa:  Humor-ing the local: Multivocal performance in stand-up comedy in Hawaiʻi (Chair: Christina Higgins).  Waseda University
  • Sang-Gu Kang:  English Attrition in Korean-English Bilingual Children (Chair: William O’Grady).  Cheongju University
  • So Young Kim:  From participles at syntax, semantics and pragmatics interface: The acquisition of only and even in English (Chair: William O’Grady).  Tongmyong University
  • John Kupchik:  A grammar of Eastern Old Japanese dialects (Chair: Alexander Vovin).
  • Tsai-Hsiu Dorinda Liu:  Complementation in three Formosan languages — Amis, Mayrinax Atayal, and Tsou (Chair: Yuko Otsuka).  Shih Hsin University
  • Ai-Yu Apay Tang:  From diagnosis to remedical plan: A psycholinguistic assessment of language shift, L1 proficiency, and language planning in Truku Seediq (Chair: Robert Blust).  National Dong Hwa University
  • Jennie Tran:  The acquisition of Vietnamese classifiers (Chair: Ann Peters).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • Kaori Ueki:  Prosody and intonation of Western Cham (Chair: Victoria Anderson).



  • Hunter Hatfield:  Temporal expectancy and experience of statistics in language processing (Chair: William O’Grady).  University of Otago
  • Hye-Young Kwak:  Scope interpretation in first and second language acquisition: Numeral qualifiers and negation (Chair: William O’Grady).  Korea University
  • Manami Sato:  Message in the ‘body’: Effects of simulation in sentence production (Chair: Amy Schafer).  Okinawa International University
  • Heeyeon Dennison Yoon:  Processing implied meaning through contrastive prosody (Chair: Amy Schafer).  Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center



  • Elena Indjieva:  Oirat tones and break indices (ToBI) intonational structure of the Oirat language (Chairs:  Kenneth Rehg and Victoria Anderson).
  • Sunyoung Lee:  Interpreting scope ambiguity in first and second language processing:  Universal quantifiers and negation (Chair:  William O’Grady)
  • Tomoko Miyakoshi:  Investigating ESL learners’ lexical collocations:  The acquisition of verb and noun collocations by Japanese learners of English (Chair:  Ann Peters).  St. Marianna University School of Medicine



  • Valerie Guerin:  Discovering Mavea:  Grammar, texts and lexicon (Chair:  Yuko Otsuka).  James Cook University
  • Hui-Hua (Jessie) Hwang:  Serial verb constructions in Chinese (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Aya Inoue:  Copula variability in Hawaii Creole (Chairs:  Jefff Siegel and Amy Schafer).  Aichi University of the Arts
  • Kyuseek (Hwang) Jackson:  The effect on information structure on Korean scrambling (Chairs:  William O’Grady and Amy Schafer).  Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
  • Jun Nomura:  Japanese postposing as an indicator of emerging discourse (Chairs:  Ann Peters and William O’Grady).  Kyoto Women’s University
  • Fabiana Piccolo:  Listener-identified phonetic correlates of gay-, lesbian-, and straight- sounding speech (Chair:  Patricia Donegan).
  • Laura C. Robinson:  Dupaningan Agta:  Grammar, vocabulary and texts (Chair:  Alexander Vovin).



  • Burgel Rosa Maria Faehndrich:  Sketch grammar of karlong variety of Mongghul, and dialectal survey of Mongghul (Chair:  Alexander Vovin).  Hawai’i Pacific University
  • Hyekyung Hwang:  Prosodic phrasing in sentence comprehension:  Evidence from native English speakers and native Korean speaking second language learners of English (Chair:  Amy Schafer).
  • Kyung Sook Shin:  Processing of nominal reference in English and Korean:  Data from first and second language acquisition (Chair:  William O’Grady).



  • Jee Won Hahn:  Apologizing in Korean (Chair:  Michael Forman).  Pukyong National University
  • Mie Hiramoto:  Dialect contact in Hawaii:  The use of Japanese by plantation immigrants (Chair:  Andrew Wong).  National University of Singapore
  • Preena Kangkun:  Narratives and identities:  A look at talk among three generations of Chinese-Thai-Cambodian Americans (Chair:  Michael Forman).  Chulalongkorn University
  • Laura Sacia:  The translation of “You”:  And examinations of German, Portuguese, and Vietnamese address terms and their treatment in dictionaries and L2 learning materials (Chair:  Michael Forman).  University of California Berkeley
  • Naoko Takahashi:  Syntactic and semantic complexity of lexical compounds in analysis of Komu, Dasu, and Saru compounds in Japanese (Chair:  John Haig).  Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
  • Kerry Laiana Wong:  Kuhi aku kuhi mai, kuhi hewa e:  He mau loina kuhikuhi akena no ka olelo Hawaii (Chair:  Michael Forman).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa



  • Keira Ballantyne:  Textual structure and discourse prominence in Yapese narrative (Chair:  Benjamin Bergen).  Center for Applied Linguistics
  • Sang-Yee Cheon:  Production and perception of phonological contrasts in second language acquisition:  Korean and English fricatives (Chair:  Ho-min Sohn).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • Barry Michael Cowan:  The language or corporate names: Historical, social, and linguistic factors in the evolution of technology corporation naming practices (Chair:  Michael Forman).  VmWare
  • Atiqa Hachimi:  Dialect leveling, maintenance, and urban identity in Morocco Fessi immigrants in Casablanca (Chairs:  Miriam Meyerhoff and Michael Forman).  University of Toronto Scarborough
  • Jae Yeon Kim:  L2 acquisition of transitivity alternations and of the entailment relations for causaltives by Korean speakers of English and English speakers of Korean (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Tomoko Kozasa:  An acoustic and perceptual investigation of vowel length in Japanese and Pohnpeian (Chair:  Kenneth Rehg).
  • In-Kyu Park:  First language phonological processes and morphophonological rules in second language acquisition:  Korean learners of English (Chair:  Patricia Donegan).
  • Sumittra Suraretdecha:  Thai-English code-switching:  A Hawaii case study (Chair:  Michael Forman).  Mahidol University
  • Napasri Timyam:  The interaction of linguistic, pragmatic and social factors:  The case of datives and ditransitives in Thai (Chairs:  Benjamin Bergen and William O’Grady).  Kasetsart University



  • Mijung Lee:  Resultative constructions in Korean (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Hsiu-Chuan Liao:  Transitivity and ergativity in Formosan and Philippine languages (Chair:  Lawrence Reid).  National Tsing Hua University
  • Shan Shan Wang:  An ergative view of Thao syntax (Chair:  Lawrence Reid).  National Taiwan University
  • Takako Yasuta:  Stop perception in second language phonology:  Perception of English and Korean stops by Japanese speakers (Chair:  Patricia Donegan).  Fukushima Medical University



  • Te-Fang Hua:  The acquisition of English speech rhythm by adult Chinese ESL and EFL learners (Chair:  Ann Peters).
  • Terry Dean Klafehn:  Emergent properties of Japanese verbal inflections (Chair:  Ann Peters).
  • Sun-Young Lee:  Argument/adjunct asymmetry in the acquisition of inversion in WH-questions by English speaking and Korean learners of English frequency account vs structural account (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Michiko Nakamura:  Processing of multiple filler-gap dependencies in Japanese (Chairs:  William O’Grady and Amy Schafer).
  • Jung Ran Park:  A study of selected Korean pragmatic markers synchronic and diachronic perspectives (Chair:  Ho-min Sohn).  Drexel University
  • Marilyn Plumlee:  Making do with what you’ve got:  The use of prosody as a linguistic resource in second language narratives (Chair:  Michael Forman).  Nazarbayev University
  • Min Sun Song:  The first and second language acquisition of negative polarity items in English and Korean (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Chi Chung Aaron Tsang:  Transitivity in Cantonese (Chair:  William O’Grady).  Calvary Hawaii



  • Moriyo Shimabukuro:  A reconstruction of the accentual history of the Japanese and Ryukyuan languages (Chair:  Leon Serafim (EALL)).  University of the Ryukyus
  • Nanette Louise Wichman:  Meaning in legal discourse beyond the lexicon (Chair:  Michael Forman).



  • Jung-Hsing Chang:  The syntax of event structure in Chinese (Chair:  William O’Grady).  National Chung Cheng University
  • Lan-Hsin Chang:  Discourse effects on the second language acquisition of Enlgish and Chinese dative structures (Chair:  Robert Bley-Vroman).  National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
  • Yu-Ling (Christie) Chang:  Bo-Po-Mo for ABC:  Teaching the Mandarin phonetic alphabet to American-born Chinese children at Chinese language schools in Hawai’i (Chair:  Michael Forman).  Council on International Educational Exchange
  • Masako Hirano Izutani:  The acquisition of Japanese passives (Chair:  Ann Peters).
  • Kyoung-Kook Kim:  Korean negation and the licensing condition on negative (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Nobuko Koyama-Murakami:  Grounding and deixis:  A study of Japanese first-person narrative (Chair:  Michael Forman).  UC Davis
  • John Francis Mayer:  Code-switching in Samoan:  T-style and K-style (Chair:  Albert Schutz).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • Waiching Enid Mok:  Chinese sound symbolism:  A phonological perspective (Chair:  Patricia Donegan).



  • Mark Alves:  A Pacoh analytic grammar (Chair:  Lawrence Reid).  Montgomery College
  • Katsura Aoyama:  A psycholinguistic perspective on Finnish and Japanese prosody perception, production and child acquisition of consonantal quality distinctions (Chair:  Ann Peters).  University of North Texas
  • Tadashi Baika:  Verb classes and split intransitivity in Japanese and English (Chair:  John Haig).  Tokiwa University
  • Sukenari Hino:  Grammaticalization of Japanese pseudo nouns and auxiliary verbs:  A morphosyntactic and semantic approach (Chair:  Alexander Vovin). Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University
  • Jya Lin Hwang:  On grammaticalization in serial verb construction (Chair:  Anatole Lyovin).  Chinese Culture University
  • Ritsuko Kikusawa:  Reconstructing the actancy systems of proto-central Pacific and its daughter languages (Chair:  Lawrence Reid).  National Museum of Ethnology
  • Soichi Kozai:  Viewpoint distribution and transitivity in Japanese and English (Chair:  Ann Peters).  Kansai Gaidai University
  • Soo-Ok Kweon:  The acquisition of English contraction constraints by advanced Korean learners of English experimental studies on wanna contraction and auxiliary construction (Chair:  Robert Bley-Vroman).  Pohang University of Science and Technology
  • Miseon Lee:  On agrammatic deficits in English and Korean (Chair:  William O’Grady).  Hanyang University
  • Chin-An Arnold Li:  Lexical Change and variation in Taiwanese literary texts, 1916-1998-A computer-assisted corpus analysis (Chair:  Robert Cheng).



  • Farooq Babrakzai:  Topics in Pashto syntax (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).  Defense Language Institute
  • Sookeun Cho:  The acquisition of relative clauses:  Experimental studies on Korean (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Shawn Michael Clankie:  On brand name change:  A theory of genericization (Chair:  Michael Forman).   Otaru University of Commerce
  • Achmad Effendi Kadarisman:  Wedding narratives as verbal art performance:  Explorations in Javanese poetics (Chair:  Michael Forman).  Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Michael David Larish:  The position of Moken and Moklen within the Austronesian language family (Chair:  Lawrence Reid).  Hawai’i Community College
  • Susan Louise McClintock:  Consonant sequence constraints in Fijian and Micronesian languages (Chair:  Kenneth Rehg).
  • Marc Hideo Miyake:  The phonology of eighth century Japanese revisited:  Another reconstruction based upon written records (Chair:  Alexander Vovin).    The British Museum
  • Katsuhiro Ota:  Aspects of case-marking and transitivity in Polynesian (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).
  • Sarka Simackova:  Prosodically motivated allophonic processes in speech of Czech learners of English (Chair:  Patricia Donegan).  Palacky University Olomouc
  • Ryo Evans Stanwood:  On the adequacy of Hawai’i Creole English (Chair:  David Stampe).
  • Takaaki Suzuki:  Two aspects of Japanese case in acquisition (Chair:  William O’Grady).  Kyoto Sangyo University
  • Xinhua Wu:  A corpus-based construction grammar analysis of the Mandarin BA constructions (Chair:  Robert Bley-Vroman).



  • Blaine Philip Erickson:  The origins and development of Japanese mora nasals (Chair:  Patricia Donegan).  Defense Language Institute
  • Kihong Lim:  A split analysis of Caki-binding in Korean (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Shinya Matsunami:  Pitch patterns of Etal Mortlockese (Chair:  Patricia Donegan).
  • Richard Jon Nivens:  Borrowing vs code-switching:  Malay insertions in the conversations of West Tarangan speakers of the Aru Islands of Maluku, Eastern Indonesia (Chair:  James Collins (HIPL).
  • Sang-Suk Oh:  A syntactic and semantic study of KOrean auxiliaries:  A grammaticalization perspective (Chair:  Ho-min Sohn (EALL)).
  • I-Ru Su:  Transfer sentence processing strategies:  A comparison of L2 learners of Chinese and English (Chair:  Ann Peters).  National Tsing Hua University
  • Elzbieta Anna Thurgood:  A description of nineteenth century Baba Malay:  A Malay variety influenced by language shift (Chair:  Kenneth Rehg).  California State University Chico (Emeritus)
  • Fumio Usami:  Consonant graduation (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).
  • Manabu Watanabe:  A mental space analysis of the speaker’s linguistic reality (Chair:  Patricia Lee).
  • Sing-Ping (Cathy) Wong:  The acquisition of Cantonese noun phrases (Chair:  William O’Grady).  Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Yun Xiao:  An investigation of the syntactic development of school-age Chinese-speaking children learning English:  The role of topic prominence (Chair:  Ann Peters).



  • Varisa Osatananda:  Tone in Vientiane Lao (Chair:  Kenneth Rehg).  Thammasat University
  • Titima Suthiwan:  Malay lexical elements in Thai (Chair:  James Collins (HIPL).  National University of Singapore



  • Gregory Lee Carter:  The Hawaiian copula verbs he, ‘o, and I, as used in the publications of native writers of Hawaiian:  A study in Hawaiian language and literature (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).
  • Shu-Hui Eileen Chen:  Pragmatic comprehension:  A developmental study of Mandarin-speaking children’s strategies for interpretation of given and new information (Chair:  Ann Peters).  National Taipei University of Education
  • Feng-Sheng Richard Hung:  Prosody and the acquisition of grammatical morphemes in Chinese languages (Chair:  Ann Peters).  National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
  • Seiichiro Inaba:  Initial binary feet and surface ternary feet in metrical theory:  An integrated computational analysis of loan words and nominal compounds in Japanese (Chair:  Kenneth Rehg).  San Jose State University  
  • Mohamed Subakir Mohd-Yasin:  Shift in language allegiance:  The Javanese in Malaysia (Chair:  James Collins).  Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Natthaporn Panpothong:  A pragmatic study of verbal irony in Thai (Chair:  Patricia Lee).  Chulalongkorn University
  • Chhany Sak-Humphry:  Khmer nouns and noun phrases:  A dependency grammar analysis (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).  University of Hawai’i Mānoa
  • Hideaki Sugai:  A neural network application in Thai text-speech conversion program (Chair:  David Stampe).  Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Naoko Yoshinaga:  WH-Questions:  A comparative study of their form and acquisition in English and Japanese (Chair:  William O’Grady).  Hirosaki Gakuin University
  • Seokhoon You:  Argument licensing in complex verbal constructions in Korean (Chair:  Ho-min Sohn (EALL)).  Korea University



  • Fred Einar Anderson:  Classroom discourse and language socialization in a Japanese elementary school setting:  An ethnographic-linguistics study (Chair:  Michael Forman).  Kansai University (Emeritus)
  • Sungdai Cho:  On verbal intransitivity in Korean with special reference to middle constructions (Chair:  William O’Grady).  Binghamton University
  • Josie Paz Clausen:  The taxonomy, semantics and syntax of Ilokano adverbial clauses (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Matazo Izutani:  Against a subjacency account of movement and empty categories in Japanese (Chair:  William O’Grady).   Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  • Seongchan Kim:  The acquisition of WH-questions in English and Korean (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Cheung Sheung (Sam) Leung:  The development of aspect markers in a Cantonese-speaking child between the ages of 21 months and 45 months (Chair:  Ann Peters).  Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
  • Hirokuni Masuda:  Verse analysis and its theoretical contribution to the study of the genesis of Hawai’i Creole English (Chair:  Michael Forman).
  • Maryann Elizabeth Overstreet:  The form and function of general extenders in English interactive discourse (Chair:  Jack Bilmes (Anthropology)).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • Uri Tadmor:  Language contact and systemic restructuring:  The Malay dialect of Nonthaburi, Central Thailand (Chair:  James Collins (IPLL)).  Brill Publishing
  • Chin-Chin Janet Tseng:  Taiwanese prosody:  An integrated analysis of acoustic and perceptual data (Chair:  Robert Cheng (EALL)).  National Taiwan Normal University
  • Yoshie Yamashita:  The emergence of syntactic categories evidence from the acquisition of Japanese (Chair:  William O’Grady).  Meiji University



  • Mi-Ho Choo:  A unified account of null pronouns in Korean (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Paul Walter Gracie:  Foreigner talk in urban Malaysia (Chair:  James Collins (IPLL)).
  • Kitima Indrambarya:  Subcategorization of verbs in Thai:  A lexicase dependency approach (Chair;  Stanley Starosta).  Kasetsart University
  • Narahiko Inoue:  Ways of debating in Japan:  Academic debate in English-speaking societies (Chair;  Michael Forman).  Kyushu University (Emeritus)
  • Mariana Audrey Marguerite Maduell:  On-stage calls:  An ethnolinguistic analysis of spoken language in professional flamenco performance (Chair:  Michael Forman).
  • Amanda Scott:  Chinese written language in Hawai’i:  The linguistic, social, and cultural significance for immigrant families (Chair:  Donald Topping).
  • Craig Alan Volker:  Nalik grammar (New Ireland, Papua New Guinea) (Chair:  Michael Forman).  James Cook University



  • Fumiko Fukuta Earns:  Language adaptation:  European language influence on Japanese syntax (Chair:  George Grace).  University of Northern Colorado
  • Rueih-Lirng Sharon Fahn:  The acquisition of Mandarin Chinese BA-construction (Chair:  William O’Grady).  Tamkang University
  • Robert Edward Gibson:  Palauan causatives and passives:  An incorporation analysis (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Rong-Rong Kao:  Grammatical relations and anaphoric structures in Mandarin Chinese (Chair:  William O’Grady).
  • Jung Ying Lu-Chen:  Bilingual code-switching between Mandarin and English:  A case study (Chair:  George Grace).  Punahou School
  • Deborah Ann Masterson:  A comparison of grammaticality evaluation measurements:  Testing native speakers of English & Korean (Chair:  Robert Bley-Vroman).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa (Retired)
  • Yutaka Sato:  Complex predicate formation with verbal nouns in Japanese and Korean:  Argument transfer at LF (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  International Christian University
  • Marion Sachiyo Okawa Sonomura:  Idiomaticity in basic writing:  Formulas and idioms in the writing of some multilingual and creole speaking community college students (Chair:  Patricia Lee).  BYU Hawaii (retired)
  • Hisami Konishi Springer:  Perspective shifting constructions in Japanese:  A lexicase dependency analysis (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Penglin Wang:  Description of Dagur verb morphology (Chair:  Anatole Lyovin).  Central Washington University
  • Supriya Wilawan:  A reanalysis of so-called serial verb construction in Thai, Khmer, Mandarin Chinese and Yoruba (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Sung Kyu Yun:  Honorific agreement (Chair:  Patricia Lee).



  • Meichih Laura Chang:  A prosodic account of tone, stress and tone sandhi in Chinese languages (Chair:  Kenneth Rehg),
  • Hysook Rhee Jeong:  A valency subcategorization of verbs in Korean and Russian:  Lexicase dependency approach (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Weondon Jeong:  Word formation and interfact phenomena in the Korean lexicon (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee)
  • Kazue Kanno:  Japanese passives and related constructions (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • Haeyeon Kim:  Clause combining in discourse and grammar:  An analysis of some Korean clausal connectives in discourse (Chair:  Michael Forman).
  • Dong Jae Lee:  Korean verbal morphology: Inflectional affixes are heads (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).  University of Hawai’i at Manoa (retired)
  • Francis Lynn Lindsey Jr.:  A computational model for the testing of linguistic hypotheses concerning language change (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Siew-Ai Ng:  Verbal subcategorization and derivation in Singapore Mandarin:  A dependency grammar analysis (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Thomas Neil Robb:  Aspects of the pitch-accent system of Ibuki-Jima (Chair:  Timothy Vance (EALL)).  Kyoto Sangyo University
  • Kathryn Elizabeth Wolfe-Quintero:  The representation and acquisition of the lexical structure of English dative verbs:  Experimental studies of native English speakers and Japanese and Chinese adult learners of English (Chair:  Robert Bley-Vroman).  University of South Florida



  • Philip Andrew Bralich:  X-bar theory and morphological juncture:  Chair:  Derek Bickerton).
  • Hsun-Huei Claire Chang:  Interaction between syntax and morphology:  A case study of Mandarin Chinese (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  National ChengChi University (retired)
  • Bruce Wayne Horton:  The lexicography of English copula verbs (Chair:  Patricia Lee).
  • Jeong-ryeol Jay Kim:  A lexical-functional grammar account of light verbs (Chair:  David Stampe).  Korean National University of Education
  • Keon Soo Lee:  Multiple accusative constructions in KOrean and the stratal uniqueness law (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).
  • Sayhyon Park:  Analysis of Korean intonation (Chiar:  P. Gregory Lee).
  • Takako Unetani:  Predication in Japanese (Chiar:  P. Gregory Lee).



  • Margaret Jean Florey:  Language shift:  Changing patterns of language allegiance in Western Seram (Chair:  James Collins (IPLL).
  • One-Soon Her:  Grammatical functions and verb subcategorization in Mandarin Chinese (Chiar:  Robert Cheng (EALL)).  Tunghai University
  • Duk Soo Park:  Lexicon and syntax in Korean phonology (Chiar;  P. Gregory Lee).  University of Sydney (retired).
  • Nitalu Sroka:  The syllable-evidence from Icelandic skaldic poetry (Chair:  Patricia Lee).
  • Ching-Yuan Kenneth Tsai:  Studies in interrogatives in Chinese (Chair:  Patricia Lee).



  • Nagiko Lee:  Complementation in Japanese:  Lexicase analysis (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Anita Clara Nordbrock:  The development of speech interaction:  A case study of turn taking, communicative sounds, imitation, and repetition in the language acquisition of a child from eight months to two years of age (Chair:  Michael Forman).
  • Saranya Savetamalya:  Thai nouns and noun phrases:  A lexicase analysis (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).




  • Young Seok Choi:  A study of ascension constructions in Korean (Chair:  Jeanne Gibson).
  • Gyung Ran Kim:  The pitch-accent system of the Taegu dialect of Korean with emphasis on tone sandhi at the phrasal level (Chair:  Anatole Lyovin).
  • Sung Ock Sohn:  Tense and aspect in Korean (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).    University of California Los Angeles



  • Louise Pagotto:  Veep subcategorization and verb derivation in Marshallese:  A lexicase analysis (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).  Kapi’olani Community College (retired)
  • Hiroshi Sugita:  A study of Trukese possessive expressions (Chair:  George Grace).



  • Eileen Ann Cain:  Lexical retrieval disturbances in a conduction aphasic (Chair:  Ann Peters).  Leeward Community College
  • Esme Hoban:  The promise of animal language research (Chair:  Derek Bickerton).
  • Katherine Hubbard:  The syntax of English temporal constructions by after, before, since, until, when and while (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).
  • Anne Geok-In-Sim Pakir:  A linguistic investigation of Baba Malay (Chair:  George Grace).  National University of Singapore
  • Kenneth Lee Rehg:  The phonology of Ponapean vowels (Chair:  Byron Bender).  University of Hawai’i (retired)



  • Elaine M. Good:  Clause-final determiners in Kosraean (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).
  • Abdu Mtajuka Khamisi:  Swahili verb derivation (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Amara Prasithrathsint:  Change in the passive construction in written Thai during the Bangkok period (Chair:  George Grace).
  • Lertdow Sayankena:  Verbs in Phuthai:  A lexicase analysis (Cahir:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Robert Benjamin Wilson:  The emergence of the semantics of tense and aspect in the language of a visually impaired child (Chair:  Ann Peters).



  • Martin Combs:  Glides:  The problem of definition and analysis, including a discussion of the treatment of semivowel guides in Micronesia and an acoustic phonetic analysis of glides in selected Trukic dialects (Chair:  Iovanna Condax).
  • Steven Mark Egesdal:  Stylized characters’ speech in Thompson salish narrative (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).  Carlsmith Ball
  • Gregg Jonathan Kinkley:  Structure and development of copular verbs in Tibetan (Chair:  Anatole Lyovin).
  • Kimie Miyazaki:  Some dimensions of Japanese verb semantics in relation to translation from English (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).
  • Timothy Montler:  Saanich morphology and phonology (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).  University of North Texas (Emeritus)
  • Sirinee Santaputra:  Structure and functions of questions in Thai (Chair:  Patricia Lee).
  • Rumiko Shinzato:  Epistemology in linguistic analysis:  A case study from Japanese and Okinawan (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).  Georgia Institute of Technology (Emeritus)
  • Lily I-Wen Su:  The representations of temporality in extended text:  A study of Pride and Prejudice (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).  National Taiwan University



  • Kannikar Tongprayoon Chomaitong:  An outline of syncrhonic Thai phonology (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).
  • Frederick Henry Jackson:  The internal and external relationships of the Trukic languages of Micronesia (Chair:  Byron Bender).
  • Susanne Jeannette (Hancock) Young:  The medio-passive R-forms in Indo-European (Chair:  Gordon Fairbanks).



  • Melvin Joel Bradshaw Jr.:  Word order change in Papua New Guinea Austronesian languages (Chair:  George Grace).  University of Hawai’i Press (Retired)
  • Leokhar Chan:  A study of information structure and sentence mood in Hokkien syntax (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).
  • Teresa M. Chen:  Verbal constructions and verbal classification in Nataoran-Amis (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Choon-Hak Cho:  A study of Korean pragmatics:  Deixis and politeness (Chair:  Patricia Lee).
  • Peansiri (Vongvipanond) Ekniyom:  A study of informational structuring in Thai sentences (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).  Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Barbara Jo Easton:  Blended beginnings:  Connections and the effects of editing a case of academic “Japanese English” (Chair:  Michael Forman).
  • Thomas George Huebner:  A longitudinal analysis of the acquisition of English by an adult Hmong speaker (Chair:  Derek Bickerton).  San Jose State University (Emeritus)
  • Suzanne B.K. Scollon:  Reality set, socialization and linguistic convergence (Chair:  George Grace).  Thammasat University (Retired)
  • Takashi Sugimoto:  Transformational montague grammatical studies of Japanese (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  Osaka University
  • Eiko Niihara Uehara:  Some informational dimensions of embedding in Japanese (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).



  • Sung-Yun Bak:  Studies in Korean syntax:  Ellipsis, topic and relative constructions (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).
  • Sagarmal Gupta:  Restrictive relative clauses in Hindi:  A topic comment analysis (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  Sobhasaria Group of Institutions (Emeritus)
  • Kyung-Ja Park Hahn:  The development of negation in one Korean child (Chair:  Michael Forman).
  • Edward Francis Klein:  The acquisition of English in Hawai’i by Korean adolescent immigrants:  A longitudinal study of verbal auxiliary development (Chair:  Derek Bickerton).  Hawai’i Pacific University (Retired)



  • John Andrew Bisazza:  The processing complexity of nouns and verbs:  Psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic issues (Chair:  Ann Peters).
  • Linda L. Kuntzman:  A study of English passives (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).
  • Frantisek Lichtenberk:  A grammar of Manam (Chair:  George Grace).
  • R. Edward Smith:  Natural phonology of Japanese (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).
  • William Henry Wilson:  Proto-Polynesian possessive marking (Chair:  Irwin Jay Howard).  University of Hawai’i Hilo



  • Vaneeta Gail Acson:  A diachronic view of the case-marking systems in Greek:  A localistic-lexicase analysis (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Charles Morrison DeWolf:  Sentential predicates:  A cross-linguistic analysis (Chair:  Roderick Jacobs).  Keio University (Emeritus)
  • Paul Alban Geraghty:  Topics in Fijian language history (Chair:  Albert Schutz).  University of the South Pacific
  • David Chen-Ching Li:  A syntactic and semantic analysis of Taiwanese modality (Chair:  Robert Cheng (EALL))  Shih Hsin University (Retired)
  • Richard McGinn:  Outline of Rejang syntax (Chair:  Donald Topping).
  • April R. Purcell:  Variation in speech by children in Hawaii (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).
  • Tamati M. Reedy:  Complex sentence formation in Maori (Chair:  Andrew Pawley).  University of Waikato (Emeritus)
  • Shigeo Tonoike:  Complementation and case particles in Japanese (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  The Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies



  • Arthur Grayson Crisfield:  Sound symbolism and the expressive words of Lao (Chair:  Fang-Kuei Li)
  • Geoffrey Steven Nathan:  The syntax and semantics of the English existential construction (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  Wayne State University (Emeritus)
  • James Tyrone Patrie:  The genetic relationship of the Ainu language (Chair:  Anatole Lyovin).
  • William Peet Jr.:  Relativaization in a Creole continuum (Chair:  Derek Bickerton).
  • Alison Watt Schilling:  Some non-standard features of Bahamian dialect syntax (Chair:  Derek Bickerton).



  • Carol Jean Harmon:  Kagayanen and the Monobo subgroup of Philippine languages (Chair:  Lawrence Reid).
  • Sheldon Philip Harrison:  Some problems in the history of Mokilese morpho-syntax (Chair:  George Grace).
  • Susan Joyce Iwamura:  Games and other routines in the conversation of pre-school children:  A case study in developmental sociolinguistics (Chair:  Ann Peters).
  • Karen Jensen Neff:  Theories of the syntax of aspect (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  Microsoft Research (Emeritus)
  • Sachiko Oda:  The syntax of Pulo Annian, a nuclear Micronesian language (Chair:  Byron Bender).



  • Videa Pena De Guzman:  Syntactic derivation of Tagalog verbs (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).  University of Calgary (Emeritus)
  • Heng-Hsiung Jeng:  Topic and focus in Bunun (Chair:  Lawrence Reid).
  • Tadashi Kimura:  The syntactic and semantic structure of Japanese adverbials (Chair:  Lewis Josephs).
  • Peter C. Lincoln:  Describing Banoni, an Austronesian language of southwest Bougainville (Chair:  Albert Schutz).  University of Hawai’i at Manoa



  • Marybeth Clark:  Coverbs and case in Vietnamese (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).
  • Emily A. Hawkins:  Hawaiian sentence structures (Chair:  Byron Bender).  University of Hawai’i at Manoa (Retired)
  • Kay Ikranagara:  Melayu Betawi grammar (Chair:  George Grace).
  • Carol Odo:  Phonological processes in the English dialect of Hawaii (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).



  • Robert Andrew Blust:  The Proto-North Sarawak vowel deletion hypothesis (Chair:  George Grace).
  • Pranee Kullavanuava:  Transitive verbs in Thai (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).  Chulalongkorn University
  • Kee-Dong Lee:  Kusaiean verbal derivation rules (Chair:  Byron Bender).
  • John Dominic Lynch:  Lenakel phonology (Chair:  George Grace).
  • James V. Powell:  Proto-Chimakuan:  Materials for a reconstruction (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).  University of British Columbia (Emeritus)
  • Young-Key Kim Renaud:  Korean consonantal phonology (Chair:  Irwin Jay Howard). George Washington University (Emeritus) 
  • Ronald Thomas Scollon:  One child’s language from one to two:  The origins of construction (Chair:  Michael Forman).



  • James A. Gibson:  Shuswap grammatical structure (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).
  • Paul Jen-Kuei Li:  Rukai structure (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).  Academia Sinica
  • Anthony Mattina:  Colville grammatical structure (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).  University of Montana
  • Teresita V. Ramos:  The case system of Tagalog verbs (Chair:  Howard McKaughan).  University of Hawai’i at Manoa (Retired)



  • Richard Anthony Benton:  Phonotactics of Pangasinan (Chair:  Howard McKaughan).  University of Waikato
  • Barry Frederick Carlson:  A grammar of Spokane:  A Salish language of Eastern Washington (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).  University of Victoria (Retired)
  • Richard R. Day:  Patterns of variation in copula and tense in the Hawaiian post-creole continuum (Chair:  P. Gregory Lee).  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa (Emeritus)
  • Helen Irene Wilson:  The phonology and syntax of Palauan verb affixes (Chair:  Lewis Josephs).
  • Elmer Paul Hinson Wolfenden:  A description of Hiligaynon phrase and clause constructions (Chair:  Howard McKaughan).
  • In-Seok Yang:  Korean syntax:  Case markers, delimiters, complementation and relativization (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).



  • Timothy McLemore Manley:  Outline of Sre structure (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).
  • Leatrice Taeko Mirikitani:  Kampampangan syntactic processes (Chair:  Howard McKaughan).
  • Choon-Kyu Oh:  Aspects of Korean syntax (Chair:  Charles-James Bailey).
  • Harvey Martin Taylor:  Case in Japanese (Chair:  Stanley Starosta).



  • Gloria Glissmeyer:  A tagmemic analysis of Hawaii English clauses (Chair:  Howard McKaughan).
  • Bruce Arthur Sommer:  Kunuen syntax:  A generative view (Chair:  Howard McKaughan).





  • Thomas Hughes Roberts:  Some aspects of Chinese grammar:  A stratificational approach (Chair:  Laurence Thompson).



  • Richard Well Elkins:  A reference grammar of Bukidnon Manobo (Philippines) (Chair:  Howard McKaughan).
  • Joseph Francis Kess:  Syntactic features of Tagalog verbs (Chair:  Howard McKaughan).  University of Victoria (Emeritus)



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Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96822 USA
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