Graduate Certificate


Completion of the certificate program requires 16 credits of course work, including 7 core credits, 9 credits of electives (6 must be outside the student’s home department), and a capstone experience conceived as an individual research project directed by a participating faculty member.

For the capstone project the student will be expected to produce a publishable quality work or comparable product. This includes possible projects in the performing arts and community involvement.

Core Classes


International Cultural Studies: Faculty Speaker Series

Each semester, the International Cultural Studies Certificate Program organizes a Speaker Series. These guest presentations are typically held every other week (usually Wednesdays) from 12:00 noon until 1:15 pm and include a question and answer session. Guest speakers include University of Hawai‘i faculty, East-West Center Fellows, visiting faculty, as well as graduate students and other community members conducting work relevant to International Cultural Studies.

Students enrolled in CUL 609 are required to attend all of the presentations in the series. Additionally, students meet periodically with the instructor and must write reflections for at least eight of the presentations.

Fall 2021: W 12-1:20PM



International Cultural Studies: History and Theory

This course provides students with an understanding of the key terms, concepts, analytical techniques, and interpretive strategies commonly employed by Cultural Studies scholars. We focus our investigation on how cultural processes, knowledge, and artefacts have been historically produced, continuously reinforced, re-inscribed and resisted.

View Syllabus – CUL 610 Syllabus

Fall 2021: W 3-5:30PM



Research in International Cultural Studies

Once the student has completed all course requirements, s/he will be ready to begin the capstone experience. After initial consultation with the co-directors of the Program, the student will select an advisor for the capstone experience research project. Together, the student and the advisor will conceive of a research project to be pursued by the student. For students pursuing MA and Ph.D. degrees at UH, the capstone experience may form one part of or overlap with their larger research projects.

The capstone project is expected to be work of publishable quality. On the other hand, it may also be a project related to the performing arts or to community development. This project ultimately provides the student with an opportunity to pursue her/his interests within the framework of Cultural Studies theory and practice. Thus, the topics are endless.

View Syllabus – CUL 750 Syllabus

Fall 2021: R 12-3:00PM