Research Tracks

Submissions may address any accounting topics, including, but not limited to:


Accounting Information Systems (Including Topics about Technology in Accounting and Blockchain)

Financial Accounting 1: Financial Analysts/Equity Valuation

Financial Accounting 2: Disclosure

Financial Accounting 3: Determinants and Consequences of Financial Reporting Attributes

Financial Accounting 4: Accounting Issues Related to Labor, Politics, and Environments (Including Other ESG Topics)

Financial Accounting 5: Accounting Issues Impacting Financial Reporting Outcomes

Financial Accounting 6: Bank

Financial Accounting 7: Debt Market Research (Debt Contracting and Credit Ratings)

Financial Accounting 8: Investor Relations/Regulations /IPO/M&As/ Pension Accounting

Financial Accounting 9: Fair Value Accounting/ Intangible Assets/Innovations



Management Accounting (Including Behavioral/Experimental)

Other Accounting Issues (Macro-accounting and International Accounting)


*Research tracks may have up to three days of parallel sessions.


Track chairs have the following responsibilities:

1) Review and accept/reject submitted papers and suggest a discussant if the paper is accepted for “presentation with discussion.” Each paper should be reviewed by two qualified people active in the topic.

  •   Reach out to potential referees/reviewers to communicate the overall objectives of the conference and each track.
  •   Make sure that the accepted papers contain original results and have not been published. Papers that have been published will not be considered for the conference.
  •   Structure the sessions and if possible, introduce the presenters.

2) Track chairs may also recommend whether a paper should be considered for “presentations followed by comments from discussants” or a “presentation followed by “a question and answer” session.