Hawaii Accounting Research Doctoral Institute (HARDI 2022)

HARDI 2022 Archive / About



View of the Shidler courtyard and building looking North.


The Hawaii Accounting Research Doctoral Institute (HARDI) invites selected Ph.D. students from the top institutions to attend a three-week Ph.D. consortium at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Participating Ph.D. students have the opportunity to:

  • Develop and exchange research inquiries relevant to the profession
  • Obtain insight into the future of accounting research from excellent researchers and peers
  • Discuss, share, and develop novel research ideas
  • Prepare research papers for influential conferences
  • Meet with other Ph.D. candidates from top-tier schools and establish long-lasting connections


HARDI brings some of the most influential accounting researchers to participating Ph.D. students. HARDI 2022 contributors are as follows:


Lisa Koonce, Deloitte & Touche Endowed Chair in Accounting, McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Eva Labro, Professor of Accounting and Michael W. Haley Distinguished Scholar, Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina, USA

Christian Leuz, Joseph Sondheimer Professor of International Economics, Finance and Accounting, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, USA

Rodrigo VerdiNanyang Technological University Professor of Accounting, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA


*You can find more detailed information about HARDI 2022 speakers and contributors here.


HARDI’s Ph.D. students will join an influential research network that will play a significant role in their future research. This network will include at least four prominent researchers from around the world, University of Hawaii faculty, and their fellow Ph.D. students from around the globe. We expect that by attending the program, students will have developed a workable research idea/proposal that is practically relevant.