Question Set: Diving Technology
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
NGSS Crosscutting Concepts
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
Table of Contents
- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of conventional hard-hat diving with those of scuba diving.
- Compare pressure-related problems for free divers and scuba divers.
- What problems occur on descent?
- What problems occur on ascent?
- Most scuba divers are trained at sea level and in salt water. How might diving in high-altitude freshwater lakes differ from diving in seawater at sea level?
- What is the difference between compressed air and compressed gas mixtures? Under what conditions is a compressed-gas mixture better for divers to use than compressed air?
- Complete Table 9.5 and Fig. 9.29. In Fig. 9.29, sketch the size of the lung in the box below each diver. Put in dots to represent the density of air in each lung. The examples show divers at sea level. Explain the similarities and differences you find in the volume, density, and mass of the air in the lungs of the two divers.
- What are the physical signs and symptoms of decompression sickness? If your diving buddy suddenly reported these symptoms, how would you respond?