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Activity: Draw a Fish
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
NGSS Crosscutting Concepts
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Fig. 4.8. Blank fish form

Image by Byron Inouye

  • Fish form handout
  • Three writing utensils, each with a different color


  1. Choose a type of fish. Think of its shape in your mind, and use a pencil to draw on the blank fish form (Fig. 4.8) to complete the external features of the fish. You may also draw your fish freeform to have more control over the body shape.
  2. Draw all of the body parts that you can remember for your type of fish.
  3. If you know the names of the fish parts, label them.
Activity Questions
  1. Compare your fish form to one of your classmates’ drawings, to a real fish, or to a photograph of a fish:
    1. Describe three similarities and three differences between your initial fish form and the real fish.
    2. After comparing the two, add or change parts of your fish form drawing using a different color pencil or pen.
  2. Referring to Fig. 4.9 B, label the parts of your fish. Fish are a very diverse group, so this drawing may have features your fish does not. And, your fish may have features Fig. 4.9 B does not.


Fig. 4.9. (A) An Epaulette soldierfish, Myripristis kuntee

Image courtesy of Rob, Flickr

Fig. 4.9. (B) Anatomy of a soldierfish, Myripristis berndti

Image by Byron Inouye

Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.