
Participants try samples of onion varieties under the tent

Kula Onion Field Day

Agents are looking for alternative sweet onion varieties to keep production going up country.

2019 Molokai Taro Field Day Speaker and Audience

Molokai Taro Day

On Saturday, August 10th Hawaiian taro varieties and their significance to the Hawaiian culture were discussed at the 2019 Molokai Taro Variety Field Day held at the Molokai Agriculture Park. The event included cooked samples of different taro varieties and a limited amount of native Hawaiian variety taro huli to…

Onions Drying in the Field

The Life of An Onion

Follow along as we view the Life of an Onion and learn how the onion goes from the field to table. The Life Cycle of an Onion

Eggs dyed with turmeric

‘Olena (Turmeric) Field Day

The Field Day featured presentations by experts and field demonstrations of innovative harvest practices.

Pak Choy Growing in the Field

Pak Choy Field Day

Video from the Pak Choy Field Day Trial at the Kula Ag Park.



Zucchini is a summer squash that grows on non-vining bushes and do best on medium-textured soils.

Chinese Cabbage

Chinese Cabbage

Napa Cabbage are short, blunt, barrel-shaped compact head, about 12 inches tall.