Emergency and Disaster Prep Resources

CTAHR Programs

Teen Disaster Prep Training

Disaster Prep Training CPRPONO Teen Disaster Prep Training – FREE Disaster Preparedness Training program for Teens that includes hands-on skills including: Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety, Triage and First Aid, and Search and Rescue. The training ends with hands-on practice during a live simulation that allows youth to apply their skills.

Emergency Planning Workshops

Emergency Preparedness Workshopsis a FREE community-based training for adults, families (up to 4), or youth over 13 years old. Participants who complete the full 5 hour workshop will receive plants, emergency supplies, and other resources.

Preparing Our Neighbors and 'Ohana (PONO) Logo

CTAHR Resources and Publications

Tropical Cyclone Emergency Management for Farmers Tropical cyclones can bring heavy rains and strong winds that can cause catastrophic damage to crop fields, structures, and equipment.

After the Disaster
Use this resource from the UH Manoa CTAHR Maui County Cooperative Extension office to guide you through the immediate impacts of the wildfire disaster and to help you locate the support and resources you will need.

Recovery Guide
Use this resource from the UH Manoa CTAHR Maui County Cooperative Extension office to guide you through the recovery process as you move from immediate needs to long-term planning and recover.