Conversations with 4-H Military Connected Youth

Join a Virtual town Hall

We can’t wait to hear from you. Conversations with Military-Connected Youth and Adults provide spaces for  military-connected youth and adults who work with them to have virtual conversations around the impacts of the pandemic on youth, their behavior and lifestyles during this time, and how we have changed, struggled, and thrived.  This is an excellent opportunity to come together virtually to talk about the experience and learn from each other.

The virtual town halls are led by peer facilitators who will help stimulate dialogue around the topics.  Teens will share their experiences and hear from others. Adults working with military-connected youth will also be working with their peers in similar conversations.  Hopefully, participants both youth and adults, will feel a bit more informed and prepared moving forward.

The CYFAR 4-H Military Partnership PDTA Project has partnered with the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development at the University of Georgia on this project.  Following the series of virtual town halls in March, we will have shared collective experiences from youth and adults at this unique time, identified innovations, opportunities, and challenges that have occurred, better understood the unique stressors for both youth and adults during COVID-19, and created recommendations for youth practice moving forward.

Check out dates and times here: