10 Mar Awards and Recognitions
Suzanne A. Acord received a scholarship to participate in the United States Institute of Peace Summer Institute on International Peace, Security and Conflict Management in Washington DC July–August, 2005.
Morris K. Lai received the College of Education COE Faculty Senate Impact Award.
Morris K. Lai was one of five evaluators sponsored by a grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to the Institute for Native Education and Culture (INPEACE) to make presentations on culturally appropriate evaluation methodology at the American Evaluation Association conference in Toronto and at the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Linda Menton was selected to participate in 2005 Fall Fellowship in Korean Studies by the Korea Society. The award included a 12 day docent-led study tour of Korea designed for textbook writers, editors, and other educational professionals.
Bill Teter received a diamond award from the National Forensic League in May 2005. The award represents 15,000 competition points accumulated by Lab School students in competition in the Hawaii Speech League.