10 Mar Presentations
Acord, S. A. Cross Currents: A Bilingual Bi-national Web- Based Multimedia Resource. Kansas City, MO: National Council for the Social Studies Conference. November, 2005.
Acord, S. A. Cross Currents: A Bilingual Bi-national Web-Based Multimedia Resource. Honolulu: Hawai`i International Conference on Education. January, 2005.
Baumgartner, E., Burgess, S., Chao, D., & Young, D. B.. Filling a Professional Development Gap: Impact of the National Science Foundation GK-12 Project on Graduate Education. Honolulu, HI: Hawaii International Conference on Education. January, 2005.
Baumgartner, E., & Zabin, C. J. Field Ecology Sampling Techniques. Kahului, Maui: National Marine Educators’ Association. July, 2005.
Baumgartner, E., & Zabin, C. J. Project-based Learning in Marine Science. Kahului, Maui: National Marine Educators’ Association. July, 2005.
Baumgartner, E., & Zabin, C. J. A Case Study of Projectbased Learning. Honolulu: Hawaii Educational Research Association. March, 2005.
Baumgartner, E., & Zabin, C. Project-based Learning in Action. Honolulu: Hawaii International Conference on Education. January, 2005.
Berg, K. F. A Successful Partnership: Year One of a Professional Development School. Sydney, Australia: Pacific Circle Consortium Annual Conference. July, 2005.
Berg, K. F., & Pottenger, F. M. III. Authentic Natural Science in the Classroom Delivered through Ten Modes of Inquiry. Sydney, Australia: 29th Annual Conference, Pacific Circle Consortium. July, 2005.
Berg, K. F. & Berg, S. R. A Distance Education Model for In-service Training. Honolulu: Hawaii International Conference on Education. January, 2005.
Berg, S. R., Burke, B., & Berg, K. F. Making Student Evaluations of Instructors a More Valid and Fair Process. Honolulu: Hawaii Educational Research Association. March, 2005.
Berg, S. R., Burke, B., & Berg, K. F. Student Course Evaluations: A Proposal for Change. Honolulu: Hawaii International Conference on Education. January, 2005.
Brandon, P. R., & Taum, A. K. H. Development and Validation of the Inquiry Science Teacher Log and the Inquiry Science Teacher Questionnaire. Toronto: American Evaluation Association. October, 2005.
Brandon, P. R., & Taum, A. K. H. Instrument Development for a Study Comparing Two Versions of Inquiry Science Professional Development. Montreal: American Educational Research Association. April, 2005
Brennan, C. DASH Awareness. Kaewai Elementary School. January, 2005.
Brennan, C. DASH Awareness. Ewa Elementary School. February, 2005.
Brennan, C. Technology and Hands-On of Elementary Science. Dallas, TX: NSTA. March, 2005.
Brennan, C. Concept Mapping—A Successful Instructional Strategy for All Kinds of Learners. Dallas, TX: NSTA. March, 2005.
Brennan, C. & Gray, M. Gyotaku—Using an Ancient Technique to Integrate Science, Art, and Literacy. Dallas, TX: NSTA. March 2005.
Brennan, C. Germy Goo Puppets. Dallas: CESI Make and Take/NSTA, March 2005.
Brennan, C. DASH and Inquiry. Honolulu: Charter School Conference. May , 2005.
Chun, M. N. Seeing the World Through Different Eyes–The Reconstruction of an Indigenous World View. Honolulu: Research Conference on Hawaiian Wellbeing. October, 2005.
Dougherty, B. J. Measure Up: Generalized Mathematics for Young Children. Montreal, Canada: American Education Research Association. April, 2005.
Dougherty, B. J. Measure Up: A Generalized Approach. Anaheim, CA: Research Presession of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. April, 2005.
Dougherty, B. J. Algebra for All: Assessment Practices. Birmingham, AL: Southern Regional Conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. October, 2005.
Gray, M., & Baumgartner, E. The Fluid Earth and the Living Ocean. Kahului, Maui: National Marine Educators’ Association. July, 2005.
Gray, M. E., Nguyen, T. T., & Speitel, T. W. Developing and Implementing an Alternative Version of FAST Professional Development. Montreal: American Educational Research Association. April, 2005
Lai, M. K., Kawakami, A. J., Cram, F., Porima, L., & Aton, K . Brackish Waters: Going With the Flow in the Space Between Indigenous Cultural Identities and Western Professional Evaluation Roles. Toronto: American Evaluation Association. October, 2005.
Kawakami, A. J., Aton, K., Cram, F., & Lai, M. K. Decolonizing Evaluation Practice. Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand: World Indigenous Peoples. November, 2005.
Lai, M. K., Kishi, G., Dunn, H., Hanohano, M., & York, S. Evaluating Reading Achievement Using Mo‘olelo (stories) Laden with Data. Honolulu: Hawai‘i Educational Research Association. March, 2005.
Lawton, B. The Differential Effects of Two Versions of Professional Development on Teachers Self-efficacy after One year of Program Implementation. Toronto: American Evaluation Association. October, 2005.
Lee, L., Dougherty, B., & Slovin, H. Early Algebra Research: An Overview of the Field. Honolulu: Hawai‘i International Conference on Education. January, 2005.
Lush, N. W. Cross Currents: A Bilingual Bi-national Web-Based Multimedia Resource. Sydney, Australia: 29th Annual Conference, Pacific Circle Consortium. July, 2005.
Mackay, I. F. Research Methods Employed in Mentoring Research Projects. Aberdeen, UK: Aberdeen University Post Graduate Conference. June, 2005.
Madrazo, G. & Speitel, T. Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III—Science. Honolulu: Hawaii Science Teachers Association Fall Conference. October, 2005.
Menton, L. Teaching Democracy in Occupied Japan: The 1947 Constitution. Honolulu: Hawaii Educational Research Association. March, 2005.
Menton, L. K. Developing Curriculum Materials on East Asia for Seconday School Students. Sydney, Australia: 29th Annual Conference, Pacific Circle Consortium. July, 2005.
Menton, L. K. Hawaii: The Island Edge of America. Cheju, Korea: First International Conference for the Globalization of Jeju. October, 2005.
Nguyen, T. T. & Speitel, T. W. The School Web of Instructional Media, Future Directions. Kahului, Maui: National Marine Educators Association. July, 2005.
Nguyen, T. T. & Speitel, T. W. Marine Biology Computer Simulations & Visualizations. Kahului, Maui: National Marine Educators Association. July, 2005.
Olson, J. Integrating Handheld Technology Across the Elementary/Middle School Curriculum. Washington DC: T3 International Conference. March, 2005.
Olson, J. & Olson, M. Lending Students a Hand(held). Grand Rapids, MI: Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference and T-Cubed Midwest Regional Conference. October, 2005.
Olson, M., Olson, J., & Dougherty, B. Mathematics Without Numbers: An Early Grades Approach. Springfield, IL: ICTM Pre-Conference. October, 2005.
Olson, M., Olson, J., & Dougherty, B. How Would Your Students Measure Up with Measure Up. Springfield, IL: ICTM Pre-Conference. October, 2005.
Olson, J., Okazaki, C., & Olson, M. Gender Equity and Mathematics: A Journey, Not a Destination. Anaheim: 37th Annual National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Conference. April, 2005.
Pottenger, F. M., Baumgartner, E., Berg, K., Brandon, P. Brennan, C., Gray, M., & Shimabukuro, S. Re- Envisioning Inquiry. Honolulu: Hawaii Educational Research Association. March, 2005.
Pottenger, F. M. III. A Model for an All-Subjects Articulated Preschool Through High School Curriculum. Sydney, Australia: 29th Annual Conference, Pacific Circle Consortium. July, 2005.
Pottenger, F. M. III. Special Workshop. Honolulu: Hawaii International Conference on Education. January, 2005.
Pottenger, F. M. III. Inquiry, Socratic Questioning, and Student Reflective Assessment in the Classroom. Sydney, Australia: 29th Annual Conference, Pacific Circle Consortium. July, 2005.
Pottenger, F. M. III. Authentic Natural Science in the Classroom Delivered Through Ten Modes of Inquiry. Sydney, Australia: 29th Annual Conference, Pacific Circle Consortium. July, 2005.
Saka, S. M. (2005). If Sampling Is Good Enough, How Can Resources Be Allocated To Maximize Survey Response Rate? Toronto: American Evaluation Association. October, 2005.
Sjostrom, M. P. & Olson, M. Use Journal Prompts to Develop a “Write Way” for Mathematics Learning. Anaheim: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. April, 2005.
Slovin, H., Zenigami, F., & Veneciano, L. All problems Are Not Created Equal: Worthwhile Mathematics Tasks for Every Student. Extended session at the Anaheim: 37th Annual National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Conference. April, 2005.
Taum, A. K. H., & Brandon, P. R. The Development of the Inquiry Science Observation Code Sheet. Toronto: American Evaluation Association. October, 2005.
Taum, A. H. K., & Brandon, P. R. Coding Teachers in Inquiry Science Classrooms Using the Inquiry Science Observation Guide. Montreal: American Educational Research Association. April, 2005
Venenciano, L. Measure Up Mathematics. Honolulu: Charter Schools 5th annual Conference. May, 2005
Young, D. B. Inquiry-Based Learning. Honolulu: CSAO– HCSN Professional Development Conference. May, 2005.
Young, D. B., Baumgartner, E., Gruner, D.S., Rodman- Bergman, L. M., Lutzow-Felling, C., & Adams, D.N. Developing Effective University-school Partnerships in Science Education: The National Science Foundation’s Graduate Students in K–12 Education Program Impact in Hawai‘i. Sydney, Australia: Pacific Circle Consortium 29th Annual Conference. July, 2005.
Young, D. B., Shavelson, R., Ruiz-Primo, A., Yin, Y., Ayala, C., Brandon, P., Pottenger, F. M., Feldman, A., Tomita, M., Scarlett, T., & Haynes, R. Embedding Assessments in The FAST Curriculum: The Romance Between Curriculum and Assessment. Sydney, Australia: Pacific CircleConsortium 29th Annual Conference. July, 2005.
Zenigami, F., Okazaki, C., Slovin, H., & Venenciano, L. Teaching Mathematics Without Numbers: What a Concept! Anaheim: 83rd Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. April, 2005.