10 Mar New Products
On ePortfolios
In a project that breaks new ground in many ways, CRDG entered into a collaboration with the College of Education’s educational technology (ETEC) department to market their new product, On ePortfolios. The product is an interactive learning capsule that addresses faculty and student needs related to the development of electronic portfolios. The creation, marketing, and distribution of an original product is a first for ETEC. On ePortfolios is an exciting and engaging way for both faculty and students to tackle the challenges of developing program and course-based electronic portfolios, and creates electronic portfolios that showcase the dynamics of a graduate’s skill-set to future employers. The product sports its own slogan, “Your Passport to Career-path Success,” and as such, sets the standard for conceptualizing, producing, and distributing a unique electronic portfolio while providing a life-long professional development tool for the digital age.
Working ‘Round A Problem (WRAP)
Working ‘Round A Problem (WRAP) is a new and exciting mathematics supplement for students in middle and high school. The WRAP box includes 250 problem cards that engage students in solving problems from each of the NCTM content strands: number and operation; patterns, functions and algebra; geometry; measurement; and data analysis and probability. The thought provoking and non-traditional problems included in the set were created from years of research into how students learn mathematics.