Cross Currents

Cross Currents

Work continued in 2005 on Cross Currents, a multimedia website that explores the relationship between the United States and Japan throughout the past fifty years. This bilingual site contains pictures, videos, graphs, and a variety of primary documents that are easily accessible to teachers and students. The Cross Currents development team consists of content and design specialists from CRDG, the UH College of Social Sciences, the UH School of Communication, and Tokyo University.

Local and international teachers provided positive feedback on the site’s content and usability during the 2005 workshops. The new scrapbook component, which allows teachers and students to create and manage interactive projects, is of particular interest to teachers. The project will continue with content development and classroom testing through 2006.

Here’s what local high school students have to say about Cross Currents:
“I like the mini videos and charts, which were informative and useful.”
“[The site] is easy to navigate.”
“I liked the variety of topics.”