10 Mar Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Berg, K. F. & Giuli, C. (Eds.) (2005). Pacific Educational Research Journal, 13(1).
Brandon, P. R. (2005). Using test standard-setting methods in educational program evaluation: Addressing the issue of how good is good enough. Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 3, 1–29.
Dougherty, B. J. (February 2005). Early algebra: Perspectives and assumptions. For the Learning of Mathematics, 24(2), 29–31
Gutstein, E., Fey, J. T., Heid, M. K., DeLoach-Johnson, I., Middleton, J. Larson, M.,
Dougherty, B. J., & Tunis, H. (March 2005). Equity in school mathematics education: How can research contribute?. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 36(2), 92–100.
Menton, L. (Ed.) (2005). The Hawai‘ian Journal of History, vol 39.
Quattro J.M., D.S. Stoner, W. B. Driggers, C.A. Anderson, K.A. Priede, E.C. Hoppmann, N.H. Campbell, K.M. Duncan, J. M. Grady. (2005). Genetic evidence of cryptic speciation within hammerhead sharks (Genus Sphyrna). Marine Biology, Online First. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-005-0151-x.
Linda Menton became the editor of the Hawaiian Journal of History in 2005 at the request of the Hawaiian Historical Society’s Board of Trustees. She has served on the Society’s publication committee since 1994. She is the coauthor of A History of Hawai‘i and has published on the subject of nineteenth century Hawai‘i history, particularly on the history of education in Hawai‘i.
The Hawaiian Journal of History has been published by the Hawaiian Historical Society since 1967. It is a scholarly refereed journal devoted to original articles on the history of Hawai’i, Polynesia, and the Pacific with worldwide circulation. Each issue includes articles on a variety of subjects; illustrations; book reviews; notes and queries; and a bibliography of Hawaiiana titles of historical interest.
Volume 13 of the Pacific Educational Research Journal (PERJ) was published this year under the stewardship of CRDG Associate Director Kathleen Berg and co-editor Chuck Guili. Following the publication of volume 7 and the retirement of its editor in 1991, PERJ ceased publication. In 1997, after several colleagues had expressed a need for a peer-reviewed research journal that addressed educational issues specifically relevant to the Pacific region, Kathy and Morris Lai of CRDG’s Program Research and Evaluation (PRE) Section revived the journal. The two continued to co-edit the journal until this year when Chuck Guili of Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL) joined Kathy as co-editor.
The Pacific Educational Research Journal is published every other year under sponsorship of the Hawai‘i Educational Research Association and features theoretical, empirical, and applied research with implications for and relevance to education in the Pacific area. Besides Morris, Paul Brandon and Susan Saka from CRDG’s PRE Section are among the current PERJ volume’s contributing editors.