Google Apps For Education (GAFE) Workshop Series

Google Apps For Education (GAFE) Workshop Series

CRDG is happy to announce the Google Apps For Education (GAFE) Workshop Series. These workshops will help teachers and administrators of all ability levels build dynamic, 21st century learning environments for their students to learn and thrive in.


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This hands-on workshop will focus on the basic functionality and use of Google Apps For Education. Attendees will learn to navigate the Gmail interface, manage calendars, create and share folders, documents, presentations and forms. This workshop will also help teachers to create a basic classroom management system that will help them to hit the ground running with their students.


Are you thinking about Going Google? We will help answer some of your pressing questions, provide tips on deployment strategies and professional development models and explore ways to improve adoption rates for students and faculty. Using Hawaii DOE case studies and research driven best practices this workshop should be able to provide you the information you need to decide of Google Apps are good for your school.

Designing a Google Apps Classroom

This workshop will provide attendees with all the tools you need to establish a vibrant, efficient and collaborative learning environment. By leveraging Folders to open channels of communication, Sites to share information with the community, Calendars to increase efficiency and Forms to collect more, better and faster information teachers will leave ready to launch their classes into the 21st century.
