Arts of Europe from early Christian era to Renaissance. Pre: 175 or consent.
Minoan and Mycenaean arts; Greece and Rome. Pre: 175 or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 373)
Architecture, sculpture, and painting of Europe. Pre: 176 or consent.
Major developments, prehistoric through Kamakura; architecture, painting, sculpture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Major developments, Muromachi to modern period; painting, sculpture, architecture. Pre: 176 or consent.
Introduction to the arts and material culture of the Philippines from the pre-colonial to the contemporary period through the examination of sculpture, metalwork, ceramics, textiles, and painting from various ethnolinguistic groups. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as IP 382)
Ceramics, sculpture, painting, and architecture; neolithic through Yi periods. Pre: 175 or consent.
A culturally oriented study of Chinese visual arts; emphasis on jade, bronze, secular and religious sculptures, and paintings from prehistory to the 9th century. Pre: 175 or consent.
A culturally oriented study of Chinese visual arts; emphasis on the rise of literati painting and theory individualism in art and theory, garden, and architecture, and the Chinese pursuit of modernity and post-modernity in art. Pre: 176 or consent.
Thematic introduction to sculpture in China from the Neolithic period through the present day. A-F only. Pre: 175.
Contextual study of art from selected areas in Africa, the Pacific, and North America. Pre: 176 or consent.
Critical analysis of the historical and cultural development of Buddhist and Hindu art in Southeast Asia; (B) island Southeast Asia; (C) mainland Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 175 or consent.
Art and architecture of South Asia in historical and cultural context. Art of India and South Asia. Pre: 175 or consent.
History of photography from its beginnings to the present; emphasis on the evolution of photography as an art form; (B) nineteenth century, from the invention of photography through pictorialism; (C) twentieth century, from World War I to the present. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
American art in the first half of the 20th century and its impact on American culture. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 176 or consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Crosslisted as AMST 460)
Painting, sculpture, and architecture: (B) early Renaissance in Italy; (C) northern Europe; (D) High Renaissance and mannerism in Italy. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
Architecture, sculpture, and painting of Europe in the Baroque and Rococo periods. Pre: 176 or consent.
Emphasis on the 18th and 19th centuries. Pre: 176 or AMST 202 or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 456)
Development of modern art in Europe 1900–1939. Pre: 176 or consent.
Art since 1945, with a focus on the global expansion of the avantgarde; (B) contemporary art 1945-2000; (C) global contemporary art since 2000. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.
Visual form and function of the arts in cultural context: (B) Melanesia and Australia; (C) Polynesia and Micronesia; (D) North Pacific coast Indian, Eskimo. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.
Visual form and function of arts in cultural context. Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Congo, Zaire. Pre: 176 or consent.
Architecture, sculpture, and textile traditions of indigenous Indonesia in cultural context. A-F only. Pre: 176.
Thematic approaches to contemporary art and visual culture. Course themes may include identity, local/global issues, and appropriation. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent. (Alt. years)
Stylistic and aesthetic characteristics of art of ancient Hawai‘i; relationship to art from other parts of Polynesia. Pre: 176 or consent.
Ceramics, metalwork, lacquer, and textiles throughout Japanese history. Pre: 175 and 176; or consent.
Explores the recent history of environmental and ecological art;
provides a critical framework for the contemporary image politics of environmentalism, ecology, sustainability, and climate change. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.(Cross-listed as SUST 484) DH
History of contemporary art in Hawai‘i: the institutions, artists, critics, and historians that have shaped it. Strong focus on oral history of Hawai‘i artists. A-F only. Pre: 176.
Stylistic and historic development of two-dimensional arts; painting and calligraphy from prehistory through 18th century. Pre: 175 or consent.
Introduction to the arts of China in the modern and contemporary periods, in all media and genres, from 1840 to the present. Pre: 176 or consent.
History of Japanese cinema, including silent films, samurai films, monster films, and literary adaptations, analyzed through the lens of genre theory. Students demonstrate mastery of assigned readings and lecture content via weekly writing assignments. A-F only. Pre: 175 and 176. (Summer only)
Focused study of particular periods, regions and critical themes in Southeast Asian art
and architectural history. (B) Angkor & art of Khmer civilization; (C) art & architecture of Thailand; (D) monuments & nationalism in Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time for up to two different alphas. A-F only. Pre: 175, or consent. (Once a year) (D Cross-listed as ANTH 491)
Art and architecture of South Asia in historical and cultural context. Hindu visual culture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Major developments in art and architecture. Pre: 175 or consent.
Seminar on theoretical, ethical and aesthetic issues relating to the practice of photography, past and present. A-F only. Pre: 396B or 396C, or consent.
Major design movements in Europe and America from late 19th century to present; arts and crafts movement, art nouveau, modernist trends of the 20th century. Pre: 176 or consent.
Specific period or national style of cinema studied in its historical context. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.
An introduction to art historiography, analytical techniques, and research methods and materials. Pre: consent and graduate standing.
Arts from Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia explored in context of issues involving belief systems and cultural change. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 475C or consent.
Research topics in the history of Chinese sculpture, ceramics, bronzes, jade, and textiles. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Research and discussion seminar supporting advanced critical theory in the context
of contemporary art and other creative practice. Pre: consent.
Selected topics in global contemporary art history. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)
Selected topics in European and American art history. Pre: consent.
Selected topics in Japanese art history. Pre: consent.
Selected topics in South and/or Southeast Asian art and architectural history with an emphasis on Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent, repeatable with consent.
Investigates artistic representations, appropriations, and exchanges constructed on the basis of East/Orient vs. West/Occident differences. Includes analysis of: Orientalizing artistic traditions throughout history, history and concept of Orient, post-colonial critique of Orientalism. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. 2-3 years) (Cross-listed as ASAN 792)