Holmes Hall 402
2540 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-7572
Fax: (808) 956-3498
Email: adminore@hawaii.edu
Web: www.soest.hawaii.edu/ore/
*Graduate Faculty
*Z. Huang, PhD (Chair)—coastal and ocean engineering, wave-structure interactions, wave energy conversion, natural hazards-tsunamis, coastal sediment transport, coral reef hydrodynamics
*K. F. Cheung, PhD (Graduate Chair)—coastal and offshore engineering, marine hydrodynamics, computational methods, water wave mechanics, coastal flood hazards
*E. Briggs, PhD—autonomous instrumentation, chemical sensors, oceanographic monitoring
*E. D. Gedikli, PhD—marine structures, structural dynamics, hydrodynamics, fluid-structure interaction
*B. M. Howe, PhD—acoustical and physical oceanography, tomography, sensors and network infrastructure
*M. Krieg, PhD—marine robotics, autonomous vehicles, unconventional propulsion, biomimicry analysis
*E. Nosal, PhD—passive acoustic monitoring methods, ocean ambient noise, sediment acoustics, bioacoustics
*J. Stopa, PhD—marine forecasting/hindcasting, data analysis applications in geophysical datasets, oceanic remote sensing, spectral wave models, wind and wave climate
*Y. Yamazaki, PhD—computational methods, coastal flood hazards
Cooperating Graduate Faculty
M. Chyba, PhD—control theory
P. Cross, PhD—wave energy
O. P. Francis, PhD—coastal engineering
R. Ghorbani, PhD—dynamics, controls, design, alternative energy
B. Glazer, PhD—instrumentation
Z. Song, PhD—marine robotics, autonomous vehicles, sensor fusion, multi-agent systems
J. Yu, PhD—marine bioproducts engineering
Affiliate Graduate Faculty
R. C. Ertekin, PhD—offshore engineering, hydrodynamics
B. D. Greeson, PhD—offshore engineering, hydrodynamics, ROV/submersible operations
B. Jones, PhD—oceanography
E. Pawlak, PhD—coastal mixing processes, fluid dynamics, sediment transport
D. Rezachek, PhD—ocean energy and engineering design
D. A. Smith, PhD—near-shore processes and coastal engineering
J. R. Smith, PhD—marine survey
L. J. Van Uffenlen, PhD—acoustical oceanography, oceanographic instrumentation
D. Vithanage, PhD—coastal engineering, nearshore circulation
Degrees Offered: MS in ocean and resources engineering, PhD in ocean and resources engineering
The Academic Program
Ocean and Resources Engineering (ORE) is the application of ocean science and engineering design to the challenging conditions found in the ocean environment and to the synthesis of novel products from marine systems. Waves and currents, turbulence, dynamic loads, mobile sediment, high pressure and temperature variations, ocean acoustics, marine instrumentation, as well as chemical and biological processes, are among the considerations that set ocean and resources engineering apart from conventional land-based engineering.
Educational and research emphasis in ORE is placed on coastal, offshore, ocean resources, and oceanographic engineering. Coastal engineering deals with coastal and harbor problems, sediment transport, near-shore environmental engineering, and coastal flood hazards. Offshore engineering is concerned with structures and systems used in the deeper parts of the ocean and includes hydrodynamics of fluid-body interaction, sea-keeping and dynamic responses of ships and platforms, and hydro-elasticity of floating structures. Ocean resources engineering considers the engineering systems needed to develop the ocean’s energy, mineral, and living resources, and the environmental and economic aspects of such activities. Oceanographic engineering involves the design, operation, and maintenance of the mechanical, electrical, and computing technology and instrumentation that supports oceanographic and marine operations.
The Kilo Nalu Observatory (KNO) is located on the south shore of Oahu, east of downtown Honolulu and west of Waikiki and Ala Moana, just off Point Panic and Kakaako Park. KNO provides a window into the physical, biological and chemical environment of nearshore coral reefs, as well as data and power connections to a suite of observational instruments that resolve waves, tides, currents and nearshore water quality. The observatory is managed and maintained by ORE. It supports both ORE teaching (e. g., infrastructure and instrument development and data analysis) and for research projects (e. g., developing autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) docking, navigation and command and control; small scale wave energy converter prototype testing; and new sensor testing). KNO is a testbed for the deep water ALOHA Cabled Observatory.
The ALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO) provides another avenue for ocean observations and ocean technology development. Since June 2011, the ACO has provided power, network communications and timing to instruments at a seafloor node 4728 m below the water surface, 100 km north of Oahu; it is the deepest power and Internet node on the planet. ACO is a prototypical example of a deep observatory system that uses a retired first-generation fiber-optic telecommunications cable. The cabled observatory system provides infrastructure for continuous, interactive ocean sampling enabling new measurements and new modes of ocean observing which integrate ship and cabled observations. Present sensors measure currents, pressure, temperature, and salinity, along with video and acoustics. Students are able to analyze data from the ACO for projects, design and fabricate new sensors for the system, and participate on service cruises with a state-of-the-art ROV. ACO uses KNO as a testbed.
ORE maintains research facilities at the UH Marine Center (at Pier 35 in Honolulu Harbor) for field work and in-ocean experiments. These facilities include a test tank, field research equipment and instrumentation (with machine shop support), as well as access to various ocean vessels. In addition to the larger ship, Kilo Moana, there is a 19-foot “Safe-boat” as well as local boats that can be hired as necessary. Field equipment includes SCUBA diving gear, acoustic current profilers, current meters, pressure sensors, wave gauges, anemometers, hydrophones, buoys, and mooring equipment. The UHMC also operates the remotely operated vehicle ROV Lu‘ukai, rated for 6,000 m. It is used to service the ACO, as well as for other research such as deep sea biology surveys for deep sea mining studies.
Statistics from the 2012-2022 graduates provide a clear picture of where ORE students are coming from and where they are heading after graduation. Approximately 37% of students were from outside of the U.S., while 63% of students were from the U.S. Statistics from the 2019-2022 graduates showed that approximately 11% of students have Hawai‘i ties (those who studied or worked in Hawai‘i prior to enrollment), 63% were recruited from other parts of the U.S., and 25% from foreign countries. Statistics from the 2015-2021 graduates showed that after graduation, 39% found work in Hawai‘i, 33% found work outside of Hawai‘i, 23% continued studies in Hawai‘i, and 5% continued studies outside of Hawai‘i. Nearly all graduates obtained employment or continued their studies in ocean and resources engineering (or related fields).
Career opportunities for graduates in ocean and resources engineering exist in several areas. Approximately 50% of the 2015-2021 graduates found work in private industry including consulting, environmental service, and construction firms in the U.S. About 35% of them joined, or continued their employment with federal agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Navy; 5% found work with U.S. universities. Another 5% entered PhD programs at U.S. universities. The 5% of graduates who went abroad found work in private industries.
Graduate Study
Educational Objectives
ORE offers a graduate program leading to the Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees. The goal of the program is to prepare students for the engineering profession and to conduct research in support of the educational program. The Educational Objectives of the MS program are to produce graduates who, within a few years of graduation,
- Are able to handle multidisciplinary problems by assimilating relevant information and applying mathematics, science, and engineering principles;
- Are proficient engineers translating client’s requirements and technical needs into solvable tasks and synthesizing solutions into actionable recommendations or engineering designs;
- Have broad understanding of the ocean and resources engineering disciplines as well as the changing needs and technologies in the industry;
- Are highly proficient and ready to assume responsibility on tasks related to one or more of the ocean and resources engineering disciplines;
- Are able to make proper judgment related to professional, ethical, managerial, economic, and other non-technical issues commonly encountered in engineering practice; and
- Can communicate in written and verbal form and work effectively with peers, clients, and the public in conveying new ideas, products, or designs.
The program at the PhD level shares the objective of the MS program, with the added emphasis on producing graduates who: - Can conduct original research and developing new technology in ocean and resources engineering; and
- Have the experience to publish in refereed journals
Since the Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering only offers graduate programs, a concomitant objective is to conduct research in support of education. The strong PhD program and the culturally diverse PhD student body expose the MS students to the latest research and development in an international setting.
Admission Requirements
Students are admitted for graduate study on the basis of their scholastic records. Candidates for the MS program usually have a bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline that provides an adequate background in mathematics, and mechanics. Students seeking admission to the PhD program should have an MS in engineering or equivalent qualification. Exceptionally well qualified students with a BS in engineering, who do not have a master’s degree, may petition to be admitted to the PhD program directly. Students with mathematics, physics, or other science backgrounds may be admitted to the program, but are required to take specific undergraduate engineering courses to satisfy the pre-program requirements.
Deadlines to submit applications for admission to the graduate programs are January 15 for fall semester admission and August 15 for spring semester admission. The ORE application checklist (available on the ORE website) lists all the forms and supporting documents that need to be submitted.
Detailed Graduate Division requirements and forms are available at www.manoa.hawaii.edu/graduate/prospective-students/. Official TOEFL or IELTS scores are required from all non-native English speaking students.
Forms required by the department can be downloaded from the ORE admissions webpage at www.soest.hawaii.edu/ore/program/admission/:
- supplemental information form
- statement of objectives
- letter of recommendation form
- graduate assistantship application
Once an application is complete, Graduate Division performs an initial screening to assure that admission requirements are satisfied. The Admission Committee and graduate chair then evaluate the application and determine the admissibility of the applicant to the ORE department.
Master’s Degree
The Master’s of Science program in Ocean and Resources Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (www.abet.org). The MS degree has the following requirements: Pre-program; MS General Exam; Core, option-area, and elective courses, and; MS thesis (Plan A) or independent project (Plan B).
The pre-program (which includes a general education component, one year of college-level mathematics and science, and one and one-half years of engineering topics) provides students with a broad educational background that covers the technical and non-technical issues commonly encountered by engineers in professional practice. Students with an undergraduate engineering degree from an ABET accredited program satisfy the pre-program requirements a priori. Not all students in the program have an undergraduate degree in engineering. The department requires these students to make up any deficiencies by completing required pre-program courses.
Students who satisfy the pre-program requirements must take the general examination during the first semester of their full-time enrollment. This test is used to gauge incoming student’s knowledge of mathematics, science, and basic engineering principles, as well as their preparation for graduate-level course work. Students requiring pre-program work must take the general examination in the first semester following the completion of their pre-program, and prior to their semester of graduation. The general examination may be repeated once. Passing this exam advances the student to master’s candidacy. Students who have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination within the three years prior to their admission to ORE are exempted from taking the general examination.
The core courses (ORE 411, 601, 603, and 607) provide students with a broad understanding of the topics of interest to ocean and resources engineering discipline. This includes hydrostatics, oceanography, water wave mechanics, underwater acoustics, and a laboratory course that connects material covered in the classroom with observations made and data collected in the ocean. Option-area courses prepare students for specialization in coastal, offshore, ocean resources, and oceanographic engineering. A required capstone design project is typically team-taught by faculty members and practicing professional engineers. Its objective is to familiarize students with the planning and design of an engineering project in a consulting firm setting. All MS students are required to attend 15 seminars which cover the latest in developments and research–as well as contemporary issues–related to ocean and resources engineering. Elective courses are chosen meet the 30 credit degree requirement and to form a coherent plan of study.
Students complete their study with a thesis (Plan A) or independent project (Plan B). The thesis is research oriented and carries six academic credits. The independent project focuses on engineering application and design and carries three academic credits. Both require a proposal outlining the subject area, objectives, proposed methodology, sources of data, and anticipated results, and must be approved by a committee of at least three graduate faculty members. The thesis/project provides students with an opportunity to explore and contribute to the development of the latest technology in an ocean and resources engineering discipline. This work results in a thesis (Plan A) or a report (Plan B) that should demonstrate both mastery of the subject matter and an aptitude for clear and effective communication. The student must present and defend their work at a final examination which may be repeated once.
PhD Degree
Students pursuing a PhD are required to achieve a broad understanding of the principal areas of ocean and resources engineering, as well as a thorough understanding of their research area. Students are expected to have knowledge related to fundamental engineering courses (i.e., MS basic engineering pre-program requirements) as well as the core courses of the ORE MS degree. Doctoral students are also encouraged to take courses relevant to their research interests.
The ORE program at the PhD level has the following requirements: PhD qualifying exam; An advanced mathematics course at the graduate level and ORE 792 Seminar; PhD comprehensive exam, and; PhD dissertation and defense.
All intended PhD candidates are expected to take a qualifying examination, preferably before or during the third semester of full-time enrollment. In addition to covering basic undergraduate mathematics and engineering fundamentals, the examination tests the students’ understanding of the core courses of the ORE MS degree. The examination is conducted by ORE’s PhD qualifying exam committee and the outcome is determined by a vote of the departmental faculty. The qualifying examination may be repeated only once.
After passing the qualifying examination and advancing to candidacy, the student forms a dissertation committee and begins preparing their dissertation proposal. Upon completion of their dissertation proposal, the student must take a comprehensive examination which is conducted by the dissertation committee. This is meant to measure the student’s preparation and ability to conduct original research in the area of their proposed dissertation topic. The examination consists of a presentation of the student’s proposed research followed by an oral component in which the student must defend the novelty of their proposed research, address any issues raised by the committee, and demonstrate his/her ability to successfully conduct the proposed research. The comprehensive examination may be repeated only once.
PhD students are expected to publish their research in refereed journals. This provides feedback from the research community while developing a publication track record prior to graduation. The student must present and defend their dissertation at a final examination, which is conducted by the dissertation committee. A student failing the final defense for the first time may repeat it only with approval from both the graduate program and the Graduate Division. A student failing for the second time is dismissed from both the graduate program and the Graduate Division.
Upon admission, the ORE department chair meets with each incoming student at a preliminary conference to discuss the program requirements. The ORE graduate chair will reconfirm any pre-program deficiencies for students from non-ABET accredited undergraduate programs through evaluation of transcripts and course descriptions.
The ORE graduate chair serves as the advisor to students who do not meet the pre-program requirements. Once pre-program requirements are met, the ORE department chair appoints an academic advisor from the pool of ORE departmental faculty. The academic advisor helps student navigate the program requirements and ensures that all university and department guidelines are met. At the onset of their research, students are paired with a research advisor to guide their research and serve as their committee chair.