Current debates in the U.S. over individual rights and nationalism; civil rights, citizenship, and sovereignty; sexuality, law, and religion; economic, racial, and gender equality; public health and environmental justice. Writing emphasis, interdisciplinary perspectives.
Interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives on global issues including international law and diplomacy; war, diaspora, and refugees; economic underdevelopment and environmental racism; globalization, race, and the feminization of poverty. Writing emphasis
Survey of social, political, and cultural relations in diverse, contemporary American environments, including: island societies, urban centers, suburbs, Indian reservations, farming communities, and national parks. Special emphasis on contemporary environmental issues in Hawai‘i.
An introduction to the study of Filipino Americans in the U.S. and the diaspora. The course pays special attention to labor migration, cultural production and community politics. Pre: sophomore standing. (Cross-listed as ES 373)
A multidisciplinary examination of the dynamics of the Hawaiian Islands’ racial and cultural diversity from the perspectives of historical trends, social processes, and contemporary political, social, and economic issues as they impact interracial relations.
Discussion of modern politics against the background of recent history and major contemporary issues.
History of American crime and punishment from 18th century to the present. Topics: changing crime patterns, evolving punishment methods, penal reform movements, convict resistance, growth of prison industrial complex, racism, class, and gender. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Exploration of landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases related to sex and gender. Topics may include sex discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, privacy, and reproductive freedom. A-F only. Pre: one of WGSS 151, WGSS 175, WGSS 176, WGSS 202, WGSS 360, WGSS 381, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 368 and WGSS 436)
History, culture, and contemporary reality of Asian women in Asia and the U.S. Includes critical analysis of American feminist methodology and theory. Pre: one of 310, 316, 318, 373, 455, POLS 339, WGSS 360, WGSS 361, WGSS 439; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 372 and WGSS 462)
Examines linkages between American identity, representation, labor and capital through fashion theory, clothing discourses and other practices of textile production over history. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Sports as reflected in literature, films, and TV.
Examination of America’s role in modern world affairs, against the background of history, perceptions, and values.
Examines environmental and cultural factors in the development of Polynesian surf culture, surfing’s decline due to Western influence, and its revitalization as a modern recreational activity. Business practices of the surfing industry are critically analyzed. A-F only. Co-requisite: 175L. (Fall only)
Introduction to prehistoric archaeology; methods and techniques of excavation and laboratory analysis; brief survey of theory in relation to change and diversity in prehistoric human groups.
Explores sports from anthropological viewpoint: biological, cultural, linguistic, and archaeological. Open to nonmajors. Sophomore standing only.
Explores love from multiple anthropological viewpoints: biological, cultural, archaeological. (Spring only)
Contemporary issues in the field of anthropology and in society, including race, ethnicity, gender, inequality, colonialism and decolonization, health disparities and environmental change, from the perspective of cultural anthropology, biological anthropology and archaeology.
Social and cultural aspects of medicine; the relationship of medicine to the beliefs, social systems, ecological adaptations, and cultural changes of human groups.
Cross-cultural theories and perceptions of sexual differences; linkage between biology and cultural constructions of gender; relationship of gender ideology to women’s status. Pre: 152 (or concurrent) or 301 (or concurrent). (Crosslisted as WGSS 315)
Anthropological perspectives on the subject of the global phenomenon of tourism. Includes issues of cultural performance, identity, and commoditization. Open to nonmajors.
Combined lecture/ discussion on the emergence and development of ancient cities in comparative perspective and the dynamics of (pre)modern urban life. Examples are drawn from the Near East, Mediterranean, Africa, India, China, and the Americas. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Review of ethnohistory, i.e., the interdisciplinary, holistic and inclusive investigation of the histories of native peoples drawing not only on documented sources, but also on ethnography, linguistics, archaeology, ecology and other disciplines as an alternative to conventional Eurocolonial history. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as IS 322)
Lectures and discussion offer an anthropological introduction to how humans created and transformed food through time. Sophomore standing or higher. (Spring only)
Survey of Indigenous peoples of North America. Integrates documentary records, ethnography, and archaeology to explore variability among native communities. Contemporary topics include political recognition and self-determination, health and education, and natural resources and economic development.
Applies cultural anthropology to assess surfing as an indigenous Hawaiian and modern globalized activity. Discusses the history of surfing, surfing culture, and the impacts of surfing tourism on coastal development, reef ecology, and ocean safety. A-F only. (Fall only)
Climate change is a reality, yet there is much uncertainty about how it will affect our lives. Investigates cultural response to climate change, using studies of the past to plan for the future. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as SUST 333)
Relationship of humans with natural environment; role of culture in ecological systems. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as SUST 335)
Examines the recursive relationship between humans and the environment across deep time. (Fall only)
Biocultural, evolutionary, and cross-cultural perspectives on the conditions, patterns, and processes of violence, war, nonviolence, and peace. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as PACE 345)
Study of cross-cultural patterns in household and community level organizations in Latin America and elsewhere. Topics may include gender relations, kinship structures, political economy, impacts of colonialism, modernization, and globalization on households. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as LAIS 368)
Focuses on the differences in the composition, activities, roles, and relationships to be observed archaeologically between households that comprised ancient communities and how these differences inform us about the dynamics of social change. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 210.
Problems and techniques of social-cultural anthropological fieldwork; ethnographic literature; work with informants. Repeatable one time. Pre: 152 OR 301.
Human genetic and physical variation; latitudinal, longitudinal, and altitudinal variation across human populations; history of racism; contemporary issues in race and racism. Pre: sophomore standing, recommend 152 and 215; or consent. (Once a year)
Laboratory analysis and evaluation of field data; preservation and restoration of artifacts. Preparation for publication. Repeatable two times. Pre: 210 or consent. (Once a year)
Uses archaeological examples to illustrate social science research techniques. Students learn how to create, analyze, and evaluate data through lab-based exercises, and examine ethical issues inherent in anthropological practice. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 210 or instructor consent.
Anthropological study of museums and related sites of cultural production (historic sites, memorials, theme parks). Junior standing or higher. (Alt. years)
The role of language in the construction of gender and in the maintenance of the gender order. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No previous knowledge of linguistics required. A-F only. (Cross-listed as LING 415)
Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: 152. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as LING 414 and IS 414)
Analysis of economic activities in non-Western, non-industrial societies; production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a variety of cultures. Pre: 152.
Character of political institutions and their development in nonWestern and non industrial societies. Pre: 152.
Exploration of how anthropology studies indigenous groups throughout the world. An examination of the changing contexts of anthropological practice as calls for reflexivity lead anthropology of all backgrounds to bring insights from their “homes.” Issues include
the question of objectivity, the emicetic distinction, and the ethics of different kinds of anthropological research and the role of anthropologists in indigenous self-determination. Repeatable one time. Pre: 152.
Anthropological introduction to communication; intercultural and interspecies comparisons; verbal and nonverbal. Ethnography of communication, discourse and structural analyses, ethnomethodology. Pre: 152.
Applying the concept of islands as “model systems;” explores the impacts of human populations on the natural ecosystems of oceanic islands, and the reciprocal effects of anthropogenic change on human cultures. A-F only. Pre: 323 or consent.
Explores the intersection of sexuality research and queer theory with other anthropological concerns such as identity, race, gender, religion, economy, politics, and globalization. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 426)
How human groups identify, collect, create, and transform foods; how they shape those into dietary behaviors, and the influence of those behaviors on health. Pre: junior standing or higher or consent.
Exploration of the history and development of theories of the body via topics such as phenomenology, perception, bodily rituals, gender, sex, race, colonialism, power, pain, medicalization, immunology, reproductive health and cyborgs. Pre: 152 (or concurrent) or 301 (or concurrent).
Examines the practices and meanings of consumption in the contemporary world. Topics include social class, branding, fandom, global-local nexus. A-F only. Pre: 152 or consent. (Alt. years)
Exploration of agriculture from the perspective of anthropology, with a focus on alternatives to industrial agriculture, especially in the context of Hawai‘i. Readings include academic writing and also literary non-fiction and journalism. A-F only. Pre: 152. (Alt. years)
Examines the influence of local culture and global flows on identity formation in the
Himalayan region. Topics include: Hindu caste and gender, constructions of ethnicity, Tibetans and tourists, Sherpas and mountaineers, development ideologies, and consumerism. Pre: 152 or 301 or ASAN 202 or consent. (Alt. years)
Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of the relationships between religions, environment and environmentalism. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as REL 444)
Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of sites which societies recognize as sacred and their cultural, ecological and conservation aspects. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as REL 445)
Cultures of Southeast Asia from hunting and gathering groups to high civilizations; kinship, economic, political, and religious systems; recent developments. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Analysis of Polynesian cultures from their origins to contemporary states. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Close study of cultures of Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, and Fiji through anthropological ethnography. Pre: 152 or consent. (Once a year)
Decolonizing approaches to anthropology explored through the archaeology and ethnography of South Africa. Topics include race, inequality, nationalism, migration, heritage, and violence. Junior standing or higher. (Alt years)
Seminar explores the definitions and histories of development and global health initiatives
in developing countries from an anthropological perspective. Reading materials include scholarly and popular texts that propose and critique solutions to global poverty. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: 152 or 301. (Alt. years)
Explores anthropology’s critical analysis of approaches to reproductive health and procreation, primarily in developing countries. Examines sex and reproduction as sites of intervention from public health, development, and biomedical specialists, while also considering local strategies. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 152 or 301 or WGSS 151. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as WGSS 465)
Examination of the social and cultural foundations of, and responses to, the values, technologies and practices of modern medicine. Pre: junior standing or higher, 152, or consent. (Alt. years)
Techniques for field measurement and recording of cultural and physical data. Field sketching, Brunton surveying, plane table mapping, oblique photo compilation, topographic mapping, and representation of field data. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 472)
Combined lecture/lab on the manufacture and analysis of stone tools. Students work with experimental collections and engage in stone tool production. The ways in which lithics enlighten us about past human behavior are discussed. Pre: 210 and 380, or consent.
The application of anthropological methods and concepts to solving practical human problems such as homelessness, domestic violence, maternal morbidity, conflict over resources, and the loss of indigenous languages. Includes a significant service-learning component. Pre: 152.
Investigates environmental problems from an anthropological perspective, and examines the cultural politics of contestations over resources, rights, and the meanings of nature. Pre: 152 or 415 or consent. (Alt. years) (Crosslisted as SUST 482)
Sociocultural factors in Japanese behavior. Social structure; traditional institutions
Explores contemporary Japanese popular culture through themes such as gender, consumerism, globalization and nostalgia. Rather than a survey of popular culture genres, the course is organized thematically around issues and problematics.
Critically examines the historical and contemporary experiences of various people of Hawai‘i using anthropological and ethnic studies approaches. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ES 486)
Critical interpretations of ethnographic and biographic texts depicting individual and family lives in different socioeconomic circumstances, geographical regions, and historical periods of modern China.
Development of anthropological ideas, focusing on theoretical issues concerning culture, society, and human nature. Required of majors. Pre: 152.
Introduction to the breadth of design in today’s global culture. Exploration of human responses to place, climate, culture, communication, and technology, with emphasis on the impact of scientific knowledge on environmental design. Open to
nonmajors. A-F only.
Interdisciplinary review and analysis of the social and political issues in contemporary China, the interchange between state and society in national policies, the relationship between cultural tradition and technological modernization in the social
transformation process. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 308)
Multidisciplinary examination of problems and issues affecting peoples and institutions of
contemporary Asia: ethnic, language, religious, and cultural differences; population growth; public health; economic development; political and social change; environmental problems; etc. Pre: 201 and 202 are recommended, but not required.
Multidisciplinary examination of major Asian countries; cultural, social, economic, and political lives of their peoples. (C) China; (I) South Asia; (J) Japan; (K) Korea; (O) Okinawa; (P) Philippines; (S) Southeast Asia; (Z) Other. Repeatable three times in different alphas.
An investigation of the development context of Southeast Asia including socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental resources. Problems and prospects for change. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 356)
Challenges associated with the management of land, water resources, fisheries, forests and agriculture in modern Southeast Asia. Case studies are used to illustrate current problems and evaluate potential management
solutions. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 413)
Investigates the impact of globalization on sustainable development in Asia.
Globalization and sustainability often contradict, raising serious planning issues. Examines how these issues affect Asian development policies and urban planning. Pre: 310 or 312 or PLAN 310, or consent. (Cross-listed as PLAN 438)
Familiarizes students with public discourse in Japan by analyzing key current issues widely debated in the Japanese media and in public forums in light of their political, historical, cultural, social and economic contexts. A-F only. Previous course work related to Japan or Asia will be helpful.
Construction of gender identities in contemporary Asia. How these interface with other aspects of social difference and inequality (e.g., with class, religion, ethnicity). (Cross-listed as WGSS 463)
Development and planning in contemporary China: economic policy and institutional structure in the development and urbanization process; urban and rural transformation in a socialist economy. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Selected topics in Asian studies. (C) China; (G) Asia; (I) South Asia; (J) Japan; (K) Korea; (P) Philippines; (S) Southeast Asia; (Z) Other. Each alpha is repeatable two times.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Methods and techniques of handling and identifying plant materials used by early Hawaiians and modern Hawaiians for house and canoe construction, clothing, household and fishing items, medicine, and food preparation. Reading, laboratory, and fieldwork. Pre: 440 or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 446)
International trade, financial flows, and direct investment. Public and private institutions including government policies and capital markets. Emphasis on Asia Pacific issues, with attention to the cultural differences among countries. Pre: ECON 130 and ECON 131 or consent.
COA 206 Introduction to Applied Gerontology: Helping Yourself and Others to Thrive in Later Life (3)
Introduction to essential information on aging and the field of gerontology. Counters ageist stereotypes, develops skills for translating research into practice, and provides an introductory survey course for the undergraduate certificate in aging. A-F only. (Crosslisted as IS 206)
Change and continuity in midlife and late life from theoretical and applied perspectives. Written assignments communicate information about physical and psychological age-related events, as well as social attitudes, values, to scholarly and community audiences. Pre: 230. (Cross-listed as HDFS 334)
Overview from a multidisciplinary, life-span perspective. Includes research techniques, personality development, family relationships, occupational attainment, death. Pre: PSY 100. Recommended: 240. (Cross-listed as PSY 342)
Aging as a social phenomenon, including social impacts of growing elderly population and emerging social patterns among the elderly. Important theoretical perspectives and cross-national research. Pre: SOC 100 or a 200-level sociology course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 353)
An overview of communication emphasizing intercultural, organizational and international communication and media arts with introduction to multimedia, ICTs, and public relations perspectives.
Combined lecture-discussion on communication within organizational communities and between organizations and their communities with attention to intercultural issues in local, global, and online interactions. Pre: 201 (or concurrent) or consent.
Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of intercultural contexts. Focus on theory, research, and managing intercultural effectiveness. Pre: COM major or consent.
Theory and practice of interpersonal communication from a social science perspective. Pre: COM major or consent.
Mass communication and conflict; deals with understanding the role of news media in influencing conflict, and introduces students to conflict-sensitive communications working to assist in resolving conflicts. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course. (Cross-listed as PACE 380)
Exploration of quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly used in communication studies and related professional work. Pre: COM major or consent.
Cultural diversity in multicultural and multinational organizations is examined regarding communication-related aspects of working life. Pre: 320 and 340, or consent.
Introduction to visual documentary theory and methods. Basic instruction in using digital video technology and hands-on production to tell visual stories and examine social issues related to diverse peoples, cultures, and communities through video projects. A-F only. Pre: one DH or DS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 425)
Development of international telecommunication, with special emphasis on the evolution of wireless communication and the internet. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.
Theories, myths, and the missing links in gendered communication. Application of established and emerging theories of gender and communication to interpersonal, organizational, intercultural, and mass communication. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.
Role of communication in the legal process; impact of law on communication processes. Pre: COM/JOUR major and junior standing, or consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 365)
Major theories of communication in terms of requirements for a theory, theory development, associated research, and application. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.
Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of international contexts. Focus on commerce, diplomacy, and mass communication. COM majors only. Pre: COM/JOUR major or consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 475)
Beginning course on the fundamental components of nonverbal communication. Aspects of body movements, facial expressions, eye behavior, physical appearance, voice, touch, space, smell, time, and environmental features will be examined in a lecture/discussion format. Extensive practice in skills.
Introduction to basic principles of interaction between two people. Emphasis is on enhancement of skills in a variety of interpersonal contexts.
Expose students to practical skills needed for effective intercultural communication. Offer guidelines for improvement in diverse cultural settings such as business, education, counseling, and healthcare.
Introduction to the theoretical perspectives that are the foundations of the communication discipline. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Introduction to methods of inquiry in the field of communication. Topics include research design and problem formulation, sampling, analytic and observational techniques, and data interpretation. Ethical issues in communication research will be discussed. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Principles and practices of organizational communication and its relationship to networks, leadership, power, conflict, cultures, and other contemporary views of organizational work, change, and development. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Theories, concepts, strategies, and processes of persuasion and social influence in contemporary society. Focus on analyzing, developing, and resisting persuasive messages. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Introduction to theory and research on human communication, comprehension, creation of understanding. Discussion of codes and media, information and message processing theories. Topics include inference-making, implicature, natural language processing, and deception. Junior standing or higher.
Focuses on the role of interaction patterns (both constructive and destructive) in the evolution of family communications. The impact of family dynamics upon these interaction patterns is given equal attention. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Theory and research on the development, maintenance, and termination of interpersonal relationships. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Survey of major factors affecting interpersonal communication between members of different cultures. Emphasis upon interaction between U.S. and Asian-Pacific peoples. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Contemporary research and theory on intercultural communication. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Survey of theory and research on the communicative demands of obtaining reliable information from others. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.
Survey of research on communication behavior. Verbal and nonverbal data collection; analysis of research data. Students design and implement a research project. Repeatable three times. Pre: 301 and 302.
Surveys theory and research on communication between members of different social groups, highlighting how communication influences and is influenced by social identity. Applies concepts to intergenerational, health, family, educational, multilingual, and computer-mediated contexts. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Survey of interpersonal and mass communication theories in the political context. Topics may include communication in public opinion processes, elections, debates, political campaigning and advertising. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Examination of the theories, assumptions, practices, models, and techniques of managing interpersonal conflicts. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Analysis of evolving communicative exchanges in the Internet age including how people communicate with computer technology: focus on personal, interpersonal, and cultural effects associated with technology use. Pre: 60 or more credits.
An in-depth overview of theories related to strategic communication and scientific approaches to attitude formation and changes. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 364 or consent.
Understanding communication beyond the words themselves. Review of theory and research on gestures, facial expressions, touch, personal space, and physical appearance. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Roles of language: perception and assumption in human relationships; relation of language symbols to emotion and attitudes. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Survey of major social scientific theories, concepts, and research findings on deceptive communication, in a lecture/discussion format. Emphasis is on how people create deceptive messages, induce deception, and strategies used to detect deception. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
Survey and critical discussion of current theory and research in relational management literature. Focus on conversation management, deception, jealousy, privacy, communication of emotions. Pre: 381 or consent.
Theory and application of personal and interpersonal elements affecting communication of human-service professionals. Supervised practice. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits. (Cross-listed as PSY 477)
Develop understanding of the process through which communication influences health outcomes, and learn how to design effective health communication programs using theory and research. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.
One semester survey of the principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics to enable students in all disciplines to understand current economic events.
Examination of the decision-making process of both households and firms. Analysis of the functioning of a competitive market system, using supply and demand models and the role of government in cases where the market system fails. Additional topics include the effects of international rate on the welfare of a nation and the effects of different competitive market structures on society.
Examination of the decision-making process of both households and firms. Analysis of the functioning of a competitive market system, using supply and demand models and the role of government in cases where the market system fails. Additional topics include the effects of international rate on the welfare of a nation and the effects of different competitive market structures on society.
An introduction to macroeconomics–the study of the overall economy. Topics include the determination of national income, causes and effects of inflation, unemployment, and income inequality; causes and consequences of international differences in economic growth; sources of business cycle expansions and contractions; role of government policy in stabilizing the economy and promoting long-term growth; financial markets and monetary policy; taxes, spending, consequences of budget deficits, determination of trade imbalances, exchange rate fluctuations, and balance of payment crises.
An introduction to macroeconomics–the study of the overall economy. Topics include the determination of national income, causes and effects of inflation, unemployment, and income inequality; causes and consequences of international differences in economic growth; sources of business cycle expansions and contractions; role of government policy in stabilizing the economy and promoting long-term growth; financial markets and monetary policy; taxes, spending, consequences of budget deficits, determination of trade imbalances, exchange rate fluctuations, and balance of payment crises.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts used to study the overall macroeconomy and policies that affect it. Study the determinants of national income and long-run growth; causes and consequences of unemployment, inflation, and business cycle fluctuations; determination of foreign exchange rates and current account imbalances, and the role of government policy in various settings. Pre: 131 or consent.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts used to study the overall macroeconomy and policies that affect it. Study the determinants of national income and long-run growth; causes and consequences of unemployment, inflation, and business cycle fluctuations; determination of foreign exchange rates and current account imbalances, and the role of government policy in various settings. Pre: 131 or consent.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts of microeconomic theory. Learn to use economic reasoning to understand the social consequences of decisions made by individual consumers, producers, and governments. Analyze the nature of market outcomes under alternative market structures, and further discuss possible welfare-improving government policies when markets fail to be efficient. Special attention is paid to the analysis of strategic behavior and markets with public goods and externalities. Pre: 130 or consent.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts of microeconomic theory. Learn to use economic reasoning to understand the social consequences of decisions made by individual consumers, producers, and governments. Analyze the nature of market outcomes under alternative market structures, and further discuss possible welfare-improving government policies when markets fail to be efficient. Special attention is paid to the analysis of strategic behavior and markets with public goods and externalities. Pre: 130 or consent.
History of development of Hawaiian economy; current economic problems. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Analysis of Japan’s growth past and present. Does Japan’s economy look different in terms of its international trade structure, industrial structure, labor market, savings patterns, government policies, etc.? Does it matter? Pre: 120 or 130, or consent.
Analysis of Japan’s growth past and present. Does Japan’s economy look different in terms of its international trade structure, industrial structure, labor market, savings patterns, government policies, etc.? Does it matter? Pre: 120 or 130, or consent.
Basic elements; descriptive statistics, probability, inference, distributions, hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation analysis.
Nature and causes of global climate change and economic solutions. Topics include valuing climate change impacts, energy solutions, environmental implications, societal adaptation, and international cooperation. A-F only. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 332)
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of energy use, and interactions of markets for various nonrenewable and renewable energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop alternative energy sources. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131. (Cross-listed as SUST 336)
The determination of asset prices; the risk and term structure of interest rates; efficient markets hypothesis; risk management and financial derivatives, asymmetric information models of financial market structure, innovation, regulation and deregulation; and financial crises. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Transdisciplinary introduction to sustainable development. Interactions between environment, economy, and public policy, especially in Hawai‘i. Topics include: curse of paradise, global warming, energy use, health, poverty, population, water resources, traffic congestion, biodiversity, pollution controls. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 350)
Fundamental questions about the connections in the social, economic, and technological worlds. Topics include: matching markets, traffic, financial and social networks; and the political and economic consequences of the internet and other large networks. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131.
Introduces students to the study of strategic behavior with applications to economics, business, and public policy. Simple economic models of strategic decision making are used to analyze provision of public goods; competition, cooperation, and coordination among firms; bargaining between employers and labor unions; international trade negotiations; reputation as a competitive advantage, and others. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Nature and causes of environmental degradation/economic solutions, with emphasis on relevant ethical issues and decision-making. Topics include air and water pollution, toxic waste, deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity, global warming, and sustainable development. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Women’s role, status, work and treatment in the Third World; economic development, changing work/family roles, and improvement/ deterioration in gender equity across the Third World; global feminization of poverty; efforts to promote gender equity. Open to non-majors. Pre: a 100 level economics course or any women’s studies course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 361)
Political economy of the world trading system. Case studies of trade cooperation and conflict under the World Trade Organization and other institutions. Future challenges, including investment policies, environmental and labor standards. Pre: 120, 130 or 131; or consent.
Political economy of the world trading system. Case studies of trade cooperation and conflict under the World Trade Organization and other institutions. Future challenges, including investment policies, environmental and labor standards. Pre: 120, 130 or 131; or consent.
Economic analysis of current events. Topics announced each semester. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131.
Examination of society’s interaction with the ocean. Topics include: ocean recreation, shipping, boat building, ports, offshore energy production, aquaculture, fishing, coastal construction, and coral reef protection. Pre: 120 or 130, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 412)
U.S. economy from colonial times: government policies, institutions, industries, financial markets, economic growth, economic crises. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Causes and consequences of financial and economic crises: crisis origins and global transmission; macroeconomic and regulatory policy responses; recovery challenges. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
History and economic development. Resources, population, and income, saving, investment, and consumption patterns. Role of government and private enterprise. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
The Chinese economy during the imperial and republican periods, under Mao, and into the present reform era, with a brief comparison to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Historical and current economic development of the Pacific islands (excluding Hawai‘i). Analysis of selected economic issues such as tourism, population growth, etc. Pre: 120, 130, or 131; or consent.
Mathematical techniques applied to theories of the consumer, the firm, markets. Linear programming, input-output analysis. Pre: 300, 301; MATH 203, MATH 215, MATH 241, or MATH 251A.
Types of data, exploratory data analysis, generalizing from random samples, simple and multivariate regression, non-linear relationships, measurement error, extreme values, weights, correlated and heteroskedastic errors,
instrumental variables, models for binary or discrete dependent variables. A-F only. Pre: 321 or MATH 241 or BUS 310 or NREM 310 or (MATH 251A and NREM 203) or (MATH 371 and MATH 373) or (MATH 471 and MATH 472); or consent.
Prediction types, error measures, training and test data, cross validation,
machine learning, regression trees, random forests, boosting, classification, forecasting time series, modelbased versus design-based causality, potential outcomes framework, matching, difference-in-differences, panel data, synthetic controls. A-F only. Pre: 425 (with a minimum grade of B- or better).
Introduction to quantitative decision-making methods for effective agribusiness management in resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, risk analysis, inventory, and forecasting. Emphasis on problem identification, model formulation and solution, and interpretation and presentation of results. Pre: 130 or NREM/SUST 220, and 321 or NREM 310; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as NREM 429)
Economic analysis of labor market. Investment in human capital, education, health, migration, etc. Pre: 301 or consent.
Determinants and consequences of growth and structure of human populations. Relationships between economic factors and fertility, population growth and economic growth. Pre: 301 (or concurrent).
Private and public demand for health, health insurance, and medical care; efficient production and utilization of services; models of hospital and physician behavior; optimal public policy. Pre: 301 or consent.
Micro-foundations and critical analysis of monetary and macroeconomic theory and policy. Topics include the causes and consequences of inflation, optimal monetary policy and international monetary systems, bank risk and insurance, and national debt and taxation. Pre: 300 or 301 or consent.
Theoretical foundation and empirical evidence for analyzing key issues facing today’s developing world. Topics include characteristics of underdeveloped economies, economic growth, structural change, poverty, inequality, education, population growth, foreign aid and financial sector. Pre: 300 or 301, or consent.
Topics covered include: measuring happiness, what individual and country characteristics contribute to individual well-being, what are the consequences of happiness on behavior, and whether happiness is a cause or an effect. Pre: 301, 321, or consent.
Welfare economics, public expenditure and policy evaluation, public finance by debt and taxes. Pre: 301.
Fiscal institutions, operations, and policy questions within state and local governments in U.S. grant programs and other links with central government. Pre: 301.
Principles of project evaluation and policy analysis. Shadow pricing, economic cost of taxes and tariffs; public policy for exhaustible, renewable, and environmental resources. Pre: 301. (Cross-listed as SUST 458)
The determination of output, price levels, exchange rates and the balance of payments for economies that are integrated with the global economy; theory and application to historical and/or contemporary policy issues. Pre: 300.
Theoretical and empirical analysis of contemporary topics in industrial organization. Uses economic theory to analyze important issues facing firms, and examines the practical challenges of empirical applications of theory. Pre: 301.
Legal issues of property rights, contracts, torts, and crime. Efficiency of U.S. legal process. Economics of law enforcement, juries, prosecutors; evolution of legal rules. Pre: 301.
Microeconomics explains urban land and housing phenomena, and analyzes selected land and housing issues relevant to Honolulu. Pre: 301 or consent.
Economic analysis of current events. Topics announced each semester, e.g., environmental pollution, crime control, racial discrimination, traffic congestion. Pre: 300 or 301 or consent
Examination of current and historical issues in education and how they are impacted upon by gender, with particular reference to gender as it intersects with ethnicity and class, locally and globally. Pre: WGSS 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 453 and WGSS 453)
Interrelated historical, philosophical, and sociocultural contexts of education with an emphasis on identifying, analyzing, and deliberating on contemporary ethical issues, problems, and applications. Students enrolled in colleges other than the College of Education are asked to confer with the College of Education director of student services before enrolling in 310. A-F only.
Concepts and methods to develop sensitivity and awareness of cultural influences on behavior as these relate to the schooling process. A-F only.
Introduction to sociological frameworks of analysis of the institutional, cultural and social dynamics of schooling, classroom management, school reform, social group and individual role behavior. A-F only.
Examination of current and historical issues in education and how they are impacted upon by gender, with particular reference to gender as it intersects with ethnicity and class, locally and globally. Pre: WGSS 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 453 and WGSS 453)
Identity and learning within and among Hawai‘i ethnic groups; study of prejudice and inter-ethnic hostilities as these impact education and teaching. College of Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Education as cultural and cross-cultural learning; universal aspects of the process. Ethnographic study. Applied anthropological theory and practice for educators. A-F only.
Psychology applied to education, including cognitive, sociocultural, and multicultural approaches to teaching, learning, development, and research. Develops knowledge and written communication skills through an introduction to classroom, assessment, instruction, motivation, classroom management, and standardized testing. (Cross-listed as PSY 301)
Introduction to the methodology of systematic study of problems in education: principles of research design, data processing, technical writing, and evaluation of research proposals and reports.
In-depth analysis of contemporary issues in education from the theoretical and methodological perspectives of the faculty in educational psychology. Repeatable one time.
Introduction to concepts and logics of statistical reasoning and statistical literacy. Topics include descriptive statistics, sampling distribution, and inferential statistics such as z-test, t-tests, correlation, and one-way ANOVA.
Coverage in-depth of some areas of theory and research. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: PSY 100. (Crosslisted as PSY 489)
Concepts and theories analyzing ethnic group experiences in relation to colonization, immigration, racism, and social class. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values
rooted in the experiences of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia.
Concepts and theories analyzing ethnic group experiences in relation to colonization, immigration, racism, and social class. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values
rooted in the experiences of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia.
Contemporary issues of race, class, and gender in popular culture (film, television, music, social media, sports, etc.). Introduction to critical media analysis and social science theories and methods.
Race and ethnic relations in world perspective; social, economic, and political problems associated with perception, existence, and accommodation of these groups within the wider society. (Cross-listed as SOC 214)
The sustainable social system, culture, spirituality, language, land stewardship, and governance of Native Hawaiians. Transformation of the sustainable Hawaiian social system by a capitalist economy. Resiliency, land issues, and Native Hawaiian quest for sovereign governance. (Cross-listed as SUST 222)
Introduction to Filipinos in diaspora. Topics include: race, empire, migration, representation, cultural production, identity formation, and decolonization.
Individual and group problems of identity, identity conflict, culture conflict, inter-ethnic relations. Critical review of available material on Hawai‘i. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Afrocentric perspective. Analysis of the black political/cultural diaspora, including ancient African kingdoms, the slavery experience, organized resistance, emancipation struggles, the Civil War and Reconstruction. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Black sociopolitical perspectives of the Reconstruction period, Jim Crow, intellectual and cultural awakenings, civil rights movements, and contemporary issues as examined through students’ written analysis and creative projects. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Introduction to environmental justice, explores the premise that all people have a right to a life-affirming environment. Will examine environmental racism, and the geographical dimensions of race and indigeneity. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 318)
Site visits to museums, social welfare units, etc., as well as guest lecturers from the community including police, health, education. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Summer only)
Historical and contemporary experiences of South Asian migrants in North America, Pacific, Caribbean, and/or African diasporas; causes and patterns of migration, inter-ethnic relations policies; role of race, gender, culture in community, identity formation. A-F only. Pre one ES or WGSS course in the 100, 200 or 300 level; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as WGSS 339)
Hawai‘i’s economic transformation from sustainable communal subsistence through mercantile capitalism, plantation capitalism, and global finance capital and impact on its people. Alternative sustainable enterprises for a self-sufficient island economy. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as SUST 351)
Adaptive strategies of Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Samoan, and Southeast Asian women in Hawai‘i; feminist anthropological and historical analysis. Pre: one ANTH, SOC, or WGSS course. (Cross-listed as WGSS 360)
An introduction to the study of Filipino Americans in the U.S. and the diaspora. The course pays special attention to labor migration, cultural production and community politics. Pre: sophomore standing. (Cross-listed as AMST 373)
Examines issues of diversity within higher education. Examines different dimensions of diversity including ethnicity, gender, national origin, age, and sexual orientation. Will utilize national and local case studies. Junior class standing or higher. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Role of various contemporary movements for social change in Hawai‘i: community, ethnic, labor, student, etc. Theories of social movements and social change. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Historical and sociological studies of race and gender in U.S. society; grassroots feminist and racial/justice activism on the continent and in Hawai‘i. A-F only. Pre: 101 or WGSS 151 or junior standing. (Cross-listed as WGSS 390)
Impact of cultural and physical change and their interrelationship. Pre: one DS or DH course.
The digitally networked world mediates race and ethnicity–and vice-versa. We will challenge racism and discrimination manifested in social media, changing notions of identity and group belonging, ewaste, gaming, big data, and more.
Historical context and implications of landmark court decisions and legal issues affecting social change in ethnic communities in Hawai‘i and the continental U.S. Pre: one DS or DH course or consent.
Gender and racial division of labor nationally and internationally; racial and gender differentials in wages, training, working conditions and unemployment; historical trends and future directions. Pre: one 300-level ES or WGSS course, or SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 418 and WGSS 418)
Surveys ethnic and race relations in the U.S. Focus on historical conflicts and critical issues such as racism, immigration, affirmative action, changing economic structures, and the role of government. Pre: one DS or DH course.
Introduction to visual documentary theory and methods. Basic instruction in using digital video technology and hands-on production to tell visual stories and examine social issues related to diverse peoples, cultures, and communities through video projects. A-F only. Pre: one DH or DS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 425)
Compares the circumstances under which contemporary Asian, Pacific Islander, or African migrants form diasporas across the globe; focus on a particular ethnic group to examine its site-specific experiences. A-F only.
Examines the cultural, historical, and political processes that have informed our understandings and practices involving food. We will analyze food and foodways in the U.S. and Hawai‘i. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: at least one course in WGSS or ES; or consent by instructor. (Crosslisted as WGSS 450)
Causes and dynamics of ethnic conflicts with attention to problem resolution; (B) Middle East; (C) Hawaiian sovereignty in Pacific context. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent for (C). ((C) Cross-listed as SUST 455)
The historical and contemporary social processes involved in inter-ethnic relations in Hawai‘i. Pre: SOC 300 or one ES 300 level course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 456)
Examines American understandings of man, manhood, and masculinity, at the intersection of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the context of American nation and empire building in the 19th and 20th centuries. A-F only. Pre: one of WGSS 151, WGSS 175, WGSS 176, or WGSS 202; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 456)
Examines historical, socio-cultural, and contemporary Latinx presence; relations among Latinx, other immigrant, and Indigenous communities; causes and patterns of immigration; racism and discrimination; ethnicity and identity issues; struggles for justice. Pre: one DH or DS course, or consent.
Engagement with theoretical elements and qualitative and quantitative research methods of Oceanic Ethnic Studies: theories of class, race, indignity, migrancy, diaspora and political economy; community-based and participatory research methods. A-F only. Pre: one upper division ES or SOCS course or consent.
Critically examines the historical and contemporary experiences of various people of Hawai‘i using anthropological and ethnic studies approaches. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ANTH 486)
The development of ethnic relations and political approaches to multiculturalism in two multiethnic nations: Canada and the U.S. A-F only. Pre: SOC 300 or one 300 level ES course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 492)
Social construction of gender within culture and its visual expression through appearance. Analysis of role, identity, conformity, and deviance in human appearance. Repeatable one time. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as WGSS 200)
Interaction of people with water at household, community, regional, national, and international scales, from cultural, political, economic, and biophysical perspectives. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 315)
Perspectives on planning; planning tools and methods; specific Hawai‘i planning–research problems from a multidisciplinary approach. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Analysis of environmental potential and constraints and of spatial organization of economy and society of tropical agrarian systems. Emphasis on change through colonial and post-colonial periods.
Examines how factors of production like land, labor and capital; economic activities like consumption, trade, production, and investments; and institutions like state, markets, and corporations alter economic space. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 151. (Fall only)
Debates on globalization and development, population and resources; root causes of environmental degradation; impacts of globalization on environmentalism and environmental change; social approaches to managing environmental change. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as SUST 322)
Tourist landscape in relation to resources, spatial patterns of supply and demand, impacts of tourism development, and models of tourist space. Flows between major world regions. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as TIM 324)
Examines the geography of resources and environmental change with a holistic and multi-scale perspective. Social approaches to resolving environmental problems. (Cross-listed as SUST 326)
Critically examines changing views of nature, nature-culture relationships, and perceptions of the environment across different cultures. (Cross-listed as SUST 330)
Applies an island studies perspective to critically evaluate the commonalities and differences across islands and archipelagos in several world regions. Examines how island geographies influence social identities and movements and are impacted by environmental conditions. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PACS 333)
Examines the political organization of space in the sovereign state system. Contemporary and historical analyses of boundaries, geopolitics, homelands, nations, nationalism, and territory. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Overview of the physical and cultural geography. Regions and characters. Patterns of population, natural resources, industry, agriculture, and transportation/ communication networks. Pre: 101 or 102 or 151, or consent.
Regional synthesis of physical and cultural features; economic, social, political geography; origins and development of cities.
Topics: environmental parameters and resource base, ecological control and resource management, institutional and technological transformation of agriculture, industrial potential and industrial location, settlement patterns and rural urban symbiosis.
Introduction to physical and human geography of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Himalayan kingdoms. Environmental, economic, social, cultural, and political factors in development.
An investigation of the development context of Southeast Asia including socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental resources. Problems and prospects for change. (Cross-listed as ASAN 356)
Physical character of the Pacific; cultural, political, economic geography of Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia (except Hawai‘i).
Development of Honolulu and O‘ahu from 1778. Evolution of function, land use, and social patterns. Contemporary planning and environmental issues arising from urban growth.
Regional, physical, cultural geography. Detailed study of people and resources.
Examination of air quality problems from scientific and policy perspectives. Includes case studies that explore economic, political, technical, and legal aspects of pollution control. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Coevolution of human societies and plants over the last 10,000 years. Foraging, farming and urban societies economies; spread and modification of selected plants; issues of preservation of genetic resources and traditional plant knowledge. The form and function of gardens. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Challenges associated with the management of land, water resources, fisheries, forests and agriculture in modern Southeast Asia. Case studies are used to illustrate current problems and evaluate potential management solutions. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as ASAN 413)
Principles of nature-based tourism, including a survey of impacts, objectives, planning, and management systems. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 324/TIM 324 or TIM 101. (Cross-listed as TIM 415 and SUST 415)
Origins, functions, and internal structure of cities. Problems of urban settlement, growth, decay, adaptation, and planning in different cultural and historical settings. Dynamics of urban land use and role of policies and perceptions in shaping towns and cities. Pre: 102 or 151 or 330, or consent. (Cross-listed as PLAN 421)
Examines historical and contemporary development of the global agro-food systems. The impacts of technological, political and economic changes to food security, environment and development. Open to non-majors. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 423)
Introduction to the law and policies concerning the marine environment, commerce and security. Role of science, law and politics in historical and current policies for maritime trades, navigation safety, marine resources, and marine exploration. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Spatial dynamics and environmental implications of urban and rural development. Concepts of regions, process of regional development, patterns of spatial interaction, and theoretical bases for development strategies; emphasis on Hawai‘i. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Human interaction with the environment. How market, property institution, and technological change affect the environment. Epistemological basis of environmental policies. Debates on controversial environmental issues. Pre: 102, 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 426)
Examines cultural practices of tea in different parts of the world, focusing on history and culture of tea in China, Japan, and England. Also includes changing technologies and economies of tea worldwide. Junior standing or higher.
Explores ethics of the present and historic expansions of the fashion industry and its environmental impact globally. Examines how gender/race/class shape garment production and consumption and fashion activism in world regions. Emphasis on oral/written communication. A-F only. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as WGSS 433)
The geopolitics of the oceans and the law of the sea as applied to regions of conflict and cooperation in marine resource development and preservation. Focus on Indo-West Pacific, South China Sea, Arctic Ocean. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Geographical factors underlying conflict in the world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACE 436)
Explores the relationship between environment and society in the Chinese society, including both traditional nature-culture connections and modern human-environmental issues. Examines China’s long-range cultural change, environmental transformations, and modern development challenges. Pre: 102 or 151, or consent.
Techniques for field measurement and recording of cultural and physical data. Field sketching, Brunton surveying, plane table mapping, oblique photo compilation, topographic mapping, and representation of field data. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ANTH 471)
Introduction to spacial analysis and GIS for social science studies, using open-source GIS tools to collect, visualize, and analyze social data; public health, socio-economic and social media data. Requires basic knowledge about GIS.
Concepts, issues, theories of human growth and development from conception to death; systems approaches to inquiry into factors affecting growth and development.
Growth and development from prenatal period to age 5. Historical and current issues and research based on ecological, cross-cultural perspective. Focus on optimal development. Pre: 230 or consent.
Intensive investigation into developmental aspects of 6–12 year old children. Historical and current issues, research, and examination of the role of schools and other community resources. Focus on optimal development. Pre: 230 or consent.
Problems, concepts, and research related to development from puberty through early adulthood. Examination of biological, cognitive, social, and cultural factors affecting the individual. Pre: 230 or consent.
Change and continuity in midlife and late life from theoretical and applied perspectives. Written assignments communicate information about physical and psychological age-related events, as well as social attitudes, values, to scholarly and community audiences. Pre: 230. (Cross-listed as COA 334)
Study of intimate relationships, marriages and families, their dynamics, strengths, growth and development, challenges, choices and opportunities, in the context of social change and cultural diversity. Pre: 230 or PSY 100 or SOC 100; or consent
Theory and practice in determining community needs and resources; community resources development based on needs identification. Pre: any FG course.
Fundamental scientific methodology, design and data collection; introduction to statistics and program evaluations, analysis of ethical issues. FDM, HDFS, or TPSS majors only. Pre: 230 or FDM 200 or TPSS 200/SUST 211, or consent. Co-requisite: 380L.
Investigation of current issues with impact upon family quality of life, with emphasis on the interdependent nature of families and their environments. A-F only. Pre: 340 or consent.
Cross-national survey of family public policy; analysis, revision, and development of family public policy; impacts of policy on consumers and families. Pre: 352.
Special inquiry-based study of multi-disciplinary topics in particular historical, cultural, geographical, environmental, or other contexts. Emphasis on primary sources and/or fieldwork and extensive instruction in writing. (B) biological science; (H) humanities; (P) physical science; (R) arts; (S) social science; (T) literature. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or departmental approval. DB for (B); DH for (H); DP for (P); DA for (R); DS for (S); DL for (T)
Problems and economics of labor; history, structure, government, activities of trade unions.
Study and analysis of the art and culture of Southeast Asian food, music, and rituals-history, forms, social development, influences, and impact. (P) Philippine; (V) Vietnamese. Sophomore standing or consent for P. A-F only. DS
Introduction to essential information on aging and the field of gerontology. Counters ageist stereotypes, develops skills for translating research into practice, and provides an introductory survey course for the undergraduate certificate in aging. A-F only. (Crosslisted as COA 206)
Comparative-contrastive examination of similarities and differences between Native Americans and Native Hawaiians as the only indigenous peoples of the U.S. with special attention to sociohistorical parallels and mutual contacts since contact with Europeans. Perspective is explicitly interdisciplinary by drawing not only on sociology and history, but also on archaeology, ethnology, linguistics and still other disciplines. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152 and an introductory course in cultural anthropology, political science or sociology; or consent. (Alt. years)
Review of ethnohistory, i.e. the interdisciplinary, holistic and inclusive investigation of the histories of native peoples drawing not only on documented sources, but also on ethnography, linguistics, archaeology, ecology and other disciplines as an alternative to conventional Eurocolonial history. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 327)
Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: ANTH 152. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ANTH 414 and LING 414)
News literacy, and the role of journalism in society–its influence, rights and responsibilities; issues and trends.
Role of communication in the legal process; impact of law on communication processes. Pre: COM/JOUR major and junior standing, or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 451)
Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of international contexts. Focus on commerce, diplomacy, and mass communication. JOUR majors only. Pre: COM/JOUR major or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 475)
Examination and application of sociological and psychological theories to sport including the influence of race, ethnicity, gender, identity and human development, social class, disabilities, and sexual orientation on the sport experience. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Contemporary and historical perspective on sociocultural issues that influence health and physical activity settings. Understanding ethics and culturally responsive practice around race, gender, sexuality, class, class, etc. Emphasis on ethics and teaching writing for the profession.
Study of cross-cultural patterns in household and community level organizations in Latin America and elsewhere. Topics may include gender relations, kinship structures, political economy, impacts of colonialism, modernization, and globalization on households. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as ANTH 368)
Non-formal introduction to language, emphasizing the everyday use of language, its relevance to contemporary issues in society, and local language issues. Content studied through lecture, readings, and writing; emphasis on writing as a grading criterion
Introduction to the study of language and language-related issues, with a focus on Hawai‘i and the Pacific; (B) unit mastery; (C) lecture discussion. A-F only.
Survey of findings about the child’s acquisition of language.
An examination of the link between language and society through the use and perception of taboo words.
Introduction to the formal analysis of language, focusing on phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, language acquisition, and related topics.
Survey of major language families; typological classification and language universals; writing systems, “contact” languages. Variety of grammatical structures illustrated by selected languages. Pre: 320 or consent.
The mental processes involved in producing, understanding, and acquiring language. Students will conduct a small psycholinguistic experiment. Open to non-majors. Pre: one of 102, 320, or PSY 100; or consent.
Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: ANTH 152. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ANTH 414 and IS 414)
The role of language in the construction of gender and in the maintenance of the gender order. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No previous knowledge of linguistics required. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ANTH 413)
How does language serve as a proxy for larger social questions? Focuses on four main themes: language revitalization, discrimination on the basis of accent, gender miscommunication and the English Only Movement. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 320 or consent.
An overview of language endangerment, especially in the Pacific and Asia, and a critical examination of the strategies that are being developed to combat it. Pre: one of LING 102, 150B, 150C, 105, 320, SLS 150, SLS 301, or consent.
Investigates animal communication from the perspective of modern linguistics. Dispels common misconceptions about “talking animals” and shows how the cognitive, biological, and environmental needs and opportunities of animals determine what and how they communicate. Pre: 102 or consent.
Introduction to the language family of Hawaiian, Samoan, Tahitian, Tongan, etc.; models of migration and settlement and linguistic evidence; subgrouping and reconstruction of Proto-Polynesian; linguistic characteristics of present-day languages; language endangerment and conservation in Polynesia. Pre: 320 with a grade of B or better, or consent.
Individual strategies, baby talk, language socialization, language variation including multilingualism. Relation of cognitive to language development. Pre: 320.
Introduction to the ethical issues faced by individuals and institutions involved in scientific research. Based on case studies, students will discuss and write about ethical issues in research. Issues include humans and animals in research, mentoring, authorship, ownership of data, genetic technologies and record keeping. This course is designed for students with majors in the natural sciences. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 (or concurrent), or MATH 307 (or concurrent), or MATH 311 (or concurrent), or PHYS 170 (or concurrent), or CHEM 272 (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as MICR 314)
Contributions made by sociology, psychology, and related behavioral sciences to the understanding and prediction of human behavior in organizations. Pre: BUS 315.
Introduction to the ethical issues faced by individuals and institutions involved in scientific research. Based on case studies, students will discuss and write about ethical issues in research. Issues include humans and animals in research, mentoring, authorship, ownership of data, genetic technologies and record keeping. This course is designed for students with majors in the natural sciences. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 (or concurrent), or MATH 307 (or concurrent), or MATH 311 (or concurrent), or PHYS 170 (or concurrent), or CHEM 272 (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 314)
Analysis of consumer behavior and motivation; principles of learning, personality, perception, and group influence, with emphasis upon mass communication effects. Pre: BUS 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as PSY 385)
Use of marketing research and marketing management and data analytics to support marketing management. Topics include: the research process; survey design; sampling; measurement; primary data analysis; customer data analytics; and digital media analytics. Pre: BUS 310 and BUS 312, or consent.
Introduction to basic economics concepts, including demand, supply, exchange, market price and market failure. Economic evaluation and policy for the uses of various natural resource endowments, especially in production agriculture, is included. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 220)
Introduction to natural resource and environmental public policy at U.S. federal, Hawai‘i
state, local, and international levels. Policy principles, legal structure, governmental agencies, statutes and programs, analytical techniques, program assessments, and contemporary ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: NREM/ PEPS/SUST 210 or NREM/SOCS/TPSS 251 or (BIOL 101 or higher) or GEO 101 or (ERTH 101 or higher);
and 220/SUST 220 or one ECON course or two DS courses. (Cross-listed as SUST 312)
Principles and methods of agricultural accounting. Preparing and interpreting financial statements. Sources and costs of credit, capital budgeting, tax management, estate planning. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 220/SUST 220 or ECON 130 or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 341)
Fundamentals of benefit-cost analysis with extensions to environmental impacts and projects; case studies. Pre: 220/SUST 220 or ECON 130 or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 358)
Theory and tools for working with groups and communities in the management of natural resources is presented using a participatory format. Topics include sustainable development, extension programming, participatory learning and communication, evaluation, and conflict management. Pre: two social science courses (with a minimum grade of C-) or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SUST 420)
Introduction to quantitative decision-making methods for effective agribusiness management in resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, risk analysis, inventory, and forecasting. Emphasis on problem identification, model formulation and solution, and interpretation and presentation of results. Pre: NREM/SUST 220 or ECON 130, and 310 or ECON 321; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 429)
Introduction to the methods and techniques of environmental and energy policy in relation to energy systems. Analysis of enacted policies from case studies to understanding the effectiveness, challenges, contradictions, and limitations of each. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as PPC 340 and SUST 323)
Survey of basic concepts, relationships, methods, and debates in modern peace research and conflict resolution studies. Pre: any social science 100- or 200-level course or consent.
Biocultural, evolutionary, and cross-cultural perspectives on the conditions, patterns, and processes of violence, war, nonviolence, and peace. Pre: ANTH 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 345)
Exploration of scientific and cultural resources for nonviolent alternatives in politics. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 396)
Mass communication and conflict; deals with understanding the role of news media in influencing conflict, and introduces students to conflict-sensitive communications working to assist in resolving conflicts. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course. (Cross-listed as COM 380)
Multidisciplinary approach to the origins, dynamics, and consequences of international terrorism, including the psychological, legal, ethical and operational concerns of counterterrorism. Pre: any 200-level DS course, or consent.
In-depth study of current models and emerging theories of ethical leadership in community service; development of tangible leadership skills, including communication, conflict resolution, team-building, and management skills. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Geographical factors underlying conflict in the world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 436)
Provides an exploration of peacebuilding, its contributions to community and its intersectionality with the arts to influence non-violent conflict resulting in cultural performance for all to engage and enjoy. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 100- or 200-level DS course
Explore nonviolent protests when one Independent State controls the territory of another Independent State (or international organization, such as the United Nations), without the transfer of sovereign title. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Study of nonviolent methods (i.e., United Nations structures, international law, boycotts, and peaceful protest) used to gain political goals and examines their successes, failures, and the prospects for those that remain ongoing. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Explores the characteristics of organizations from different perspectives including structural, political, ethical, and cultural frames from organizational theory and practice. Focuses on how to design organizational change strategies and facilitate their implementation. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 200-level DS course (with a minimum grade of C+).
Multi-disciplinary advocacy for children’s rights and welfare in various social and political systems; the role of families, justice, economics, media, race, culture, environment on policy-making for children. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Conflict resolution techniques for major world culture. Emphasis on cultures of the Pacific Basin, Pacific Islands, and Asia. Pre: any DS course, or consent.
Management, prevention, resolution of international disputes and the role of international law. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent.
Introduction into the field of conflict analysis and resolution through the examination of theory and role-play. Major theories of conflict studies are considered and the forms of conflict resolution, such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course.
Recent issues, practices in peace and conflict resolution. Repeatable one time. Pre: any DS course, or consent.
Introduces students to the geography, societies, histories, cultures, contemporary issues, and arts of Oceania, including Hawai‘i. Combines lectures and discussion that emphasize Pacific Islander perspectives and experiences. A-F only.
Combined lectures, service-learning. Examines the nature and impact of globalization on Pacific Island societies, viewed from the perspective of islanders who engage with global forces and processes, and create strategies to survive. Limit 20 students. A-F only.
Combined lecture and service-learning activities. Examines the diaspora of Pacific Islanders. Includes a service-learning activity examining cultural, political, and economic status of groups of Pacific Islanders living in other Pacific places. Limit of 20 students. A-F only.
Examines Pacific Islander communities’ experiences in Hawai‘i through service learning, reading, writing, lecture, and discussion. Concerns about housing, employment, education, health, language, and culture are central. A-F only.
Combined lecture/discussion. Examination of critical political, social, and economic issues in the Pacific Islands region today.
Applies an island studies perspective to critically evaluate the commonalities and differences across islands and archipelagos in several world regions. Examines how island geographies influence social identities and movements and are impacted by environmental conditions. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as GEO 333)
Repeatable two times.
Introduces public health concepts with an emphasis on principles and tools for population health, disease prevention, health professions and healthcare systems, and public health professions and systems. A-F only.
Assessing the facilitators and barriers of smoking initiation, cessation, and exposure to second-hand smoke within communities. Use of photovoice and its application to policy and addressing disparities. A-F only. Pre: 201.
Urban processes and social problems, such as poverty, crime, racial segregation, homelessness, housing policy, urbanization, and neighborhood ethnic diversity. How places shape identity and opportunity. Research methods applied to communities, places, and neighborhoods of Hawai‘i. Pre: SOC 100 or a 200-level SOC course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 301)
Perspectives on planning; planning tools and methods; specific Hawai‘i planning–research problems from a multidisciplinary approach. Pre: junior standing or consent.
Origins, functions, and internal structure of cities. Problems of urban settlement, growth, decay, adaptation, and planning in different cultural and historical settings. Dynamics of urban land use and role of policies and perceptions in shaping towns and cities. Pre: GEO 102 or GEO 151 or GEO 330, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 421)
Investigates the impact of globalization on sustainable development in Asia. Globalization and sustainability often contradict, raising serious planning issues. Examines how these issues affect Asian development policies and urban planning. Pre: 310 or ASAN 310 or ASAN 312, or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 438)
Analyzes availability for housing, particularly affordable housing, and its relationship to use of land and building of community. Examines public policies impacting housing, land use, and community development and ways they can be improved.
Discussion of politics as an activity and of political problems, systems, ideologies, processes.
Discussion of politics as an activity and of political problems, systems, ideologies, processes.
Power and contemporary world politics since 1945 with emphasis on the U.S. role.
American political processes and institutions, as seen through alternative interpretations. Emphasis on opportunities and limitations for practical political participation.
Perspectives on the role of government in guiding economies and civil societies with particular emphasis on the recent U.S.
Introduction to political future studies. Using science fact and fiction, shows how past and present images of the future influence people’s actions.
Introduction to political history, institutions, processes, and issues in Hawai‘i grounded in Native Hawaiian perspectives.
Influences and effects of media on politics. Setting public agendas, interpreting events, manipulating the political process, political learning through popular culture.
Introduction to the problems individuals and political communities currently face with respect to war, peace, and international conflict. Includes questions of human nature, economy, morality, nuclear deterrence, arms control and disarmament, and alternatives to war.
Possible social and political alternatives for the future. Conditions likely if present trends continue, formulation of visions of better futures, means for their achievement.
Racial inequality in the U.S.; mechanisms of institutional racism in employment, education, criminal justice, electoral politics.
Introduction to and critical study of institutions, governments, and political processes in Hawai‘i. Attends to race, class, gender, sexuality, indigeneity and nationality. Grounded in Native Hawaiian perspectives, with an emphasis on comparative study and dialogue. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
Critical study of issues in contemporary Native Hawaiian politics, with an emphasis on application and active engagement. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course or consent.
Intensive examination of particular institutions, processes, and issues. (B) the military in Hawai‘i; (C) political thought in Hawaiian; Taught in Hawaiian; (D) politics of food. A-F only for (D). Sophomore standing or higher or consent. Pre: HAW 302 (or concurrent) for (C) only. ((C) Cross-listed as HAW 428) DS for (B) and (D), DH for (C)
Conceptualizing politics from the perspective of indigenous epistemologies, philosophies, language, and social and political movement. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Introduction to global politics with emphasis on concepts and theories developed from a comparative politics perspective. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Political, economic, and social development in the Third World. Repeatable one time. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Political, social, and economic processes in specific countries/regions. (B) Southeast Asia; (C) Pacific Islands; (F) Middle East; (G) Philippines; (H) Japan; (I) Europe; (J) India; (K) East Asia. Repeatable one time. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Interdisciplinary review and analysis of the social and political issues in contemporary China, the interchange between state and society in national policies, the relationship between cultural tradition and technological modernization in the social transformation process. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 308).
Study of the importance and processes of language revitalization for indigenous peoples in Hawai‘i, the Pacific, Asia, and North America. Pre: any 100 level POLS course. (Alt. years)
Introduction to global politics with emphasis on concepts and theories developed from an international relations perspective. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Decision-making behavior of international actors; strategies of peacemaking. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Nature and function of international law in international politics. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Principles, norms, cases, and their interaction with culture and organization in international politics. Pre: any 100 level POLS course or consent.
International relations of governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Purposes, methods, strengths, obstacles, prospects; factors affecting American foreign policy; impact abroad and at home. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Simulation of United Nations organizations, especially General Assembly. Repeatable 4 times. Pre: 315 (or concurrent) or 319 (or concurrent), or instructor consent.
Evolution of international politics, law and decision-making on a variety of environmental concerns; from endangered species to pollution to climate change. Interaction of population, development, and environment in global governance. (Cross-listed as SUST 324)
Studies of political development in the context of increasingly integrated and globalized political economies. Repeatable one time. Pre: any 100 level POLS course or consent.
Theories, approaches, concepts, and issues developed or raised in history of political philosophy and thought. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
Theories, approaches, concepts, and issues developed or raised in history of political philosophy and thought. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
Origins and development of American political thought. Pre: any 100 level POLS course or consent.
Significant works, historical continuities, themes, and issues in political theory. (B) classical political philosophy; (F) revolution and utopia; (G) contemporary political theory; (I) Marxist philosophy. Pre: any 100- or 200- level POLS course; or consent.
Contemporary debates in feminist theory concerning gender, race, and class; subjectivity and representation; gender and colonialism; bodies, sexualities and “nature.” Pre: any 300 level POLS or WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 439)
Examines modern Korean politics and society through films. Through movies and documentaries, students will learn major sociopolitical issues including military dictatorship, democratization, and globalization that Korea underwent for the last several decades. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
Study of the political manipulation of aural and verbal images. Exercises to increase media literacy. Pre: any 100 level POLS course, or consent.
Alternative future social and political possibilities; design of means of realization of desirable futures. Pre: any 100 level POLS course, or consent.
Political, philosophical, and artistic dimensions of film; cross-cultural film genres; representational practices in films. Pre: any 100 level POLS course, or consent.
Studies in political theory, media, and methods that analyze their interrelations in a globalized world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Introduction to the history and politics of U.S. disability law and activism. An analysis of disability politics as the result of the interaction between disability movement activism and the development of policy and law. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Fall only)
Exploration of landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases related to sex and gender. Topics may include sex discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, privacy, and reproductive freedom. A-F only. Pre: one of WGSS 151, WGSS 175, WGSS 176, WGSS 202, WGSS 360, WGSS 381, or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 436 and WGSS 436)
History, culture, and contemporary reality of Asian women in Asia and the U.S. Includes critical analysis of American feminist methodology and theory. Pre: one of 339, AMST 310, AMST 316, AMST 318, AMST 373, AMST 455, WGSS 360, WGSS 361, WGSS 439; or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 438 and WGSS 462)
Examination of voters and voting processes (participation, apathy, socialization, symbolic process, media, etc.); ideologies and belief systems. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Relationships between law, politics, and society will be explored. Emphasis is placed on several dimensions of legality: legal “indeterminacy” and some of the many things that law does for us and to us; law’s response to violence; the connections between law and social change; access to the law and its sociological dimensions; how/why law fails and what happens when it does. A-F only. Pre: a 100 level or 200 level POLS course or SOC 100 or any 200 level SOC course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 374)
Provides students with methods for interpreting U.S. Supreme Court decisions and analyzes the U.S. Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on institutional authority, including the Judiciary, Executive, and Legislative branches and their relationships to power. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Analyzes the U.S. Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on civil rights and liberties. Sophomore standing or higher.
Current issues; recent research findings; practical research undertaken by student. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Specific institutions and processes of the American governmental system. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Analysis of sources of political, economic, and social power in the U.S. and the institutions through which it is exercised. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Focuses on theories, laws, policies, ethics, and sustainable futures of Hawai‘i and the U.S. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 100 or 200 level POLS course, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as SUST 380)
Historical emergence of modern bureaucracy; mutual impact of administrative forms on social life; relation of bureaucracy to capitalism and patriarchy; constitution of the administered individual. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Exploration of concepts and theories of political leadership, partly through biography, as preparation for public service or advanced scholarly inquiry. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Overview of the policy-making process in various political arenas (families, cities, nations, etc.); emphasis on conceptual and empirical analysis. Pre: any 100 level POLS course or consent.
Women’s role in political institutions and processes in the U.S. and other countries. Female and male approaches to power; feminist political goals and actions. Pre: any 100 level POLS course (or concurrent), WGSS 151 (or concurrent), or WGSS 362 (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 384)
Institutions (parties, interest groups, legislatures, executives, local government); policies (national defense, poverty, energy, etc.), politics (symbolism, inequality, race, and gender).
Study of the ocean as a political place. Engagement with theories, policies, and lived-experiences of the ocean through a political lens, including literature and experiential learning. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200-level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 387)
Examines the politics of health care. Focus on institutional models to health care, the politics of health care reform, and contemporary health care issues and controversies. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100-level POLS course or consent.
Introductory survey and analysis of methods used in empirical research, policy analysis, and social criticism.
Studies integrating concerns of public law, public policy, public administration, and social movements. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
Theory and practice of democratic organizations: women’s and feminist organizations; co-ops, communes, and collectives; indigenous people’s organizations; workplace democracy and social change. A-F only. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course or 390 (or concurrent) or WGSS 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 394)
Exploration of scientific and cultural resources for nonviolent alternatives in politics. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACE 373)
Field placement at the Hawai‘i Legislature integrated with academic study of political institutions and practices. A-F only. Pre: consent. Recommended: 390. (Spring only)
Field placement integrated with academic study of political institutions and community organizations. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. Recommended: 390.
Exploration of themes in political science with emphasis on discussion, research, and substantial writing. Pre: 390 (or concurrent) or senior standing or consent.
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of energy use, and interactions of markets for various nonrenewable and renewable energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop alternative energy sources. Pre: ECON 120 or ECON 130 or ECON 131.
Introduction to the methods and techniques of environmental and energy policy in relation to energy systems. Analysis of enacted policies from case studies to understanding the effectiveness, challenges, contradictions, and limitations of each. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 321 and SUST 323)
An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.
An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.
The application of psychology to the understanding, management, and enhancement of one’s life.
Survey of topics in psychology relevant to gender and its impact on the lives of women and men: socialization of gender, mental health, racial identity, majority-minority status, sexual orientation, life-span issues and violence. A-F only. Pre: 100 or WGSS 151. (Cross-listed as WGSS 202)
(3 Lec, 1 2-hr Lab) Survey of standard methods and related conceptual issues employed in psychological research. Both experimental and non-experimental methods will be reviewed. Pre: 100.
Outline of basic learning principles. A general, unified approach to study of human personality and behavior. Based upon a learning conception; various areas of psychology and the other social sciences are treated. Pre: 100.
Frequency distributions; graphic methods; central tendency; variability; correlation; reliability; tests of significance. Pre: 100.
Emotional, mental, physical, social development from infancy to adulthood; interests and abilities at different age levels. Pre: 100.
Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional effects of people: interpersonal relations, attribution, attitudes, group behavior, stereotypes, social roles, aggression, helping, self-concept; applications. Pre: 100.
Scientific study of personality, its meaning, assessment, development, relation to cultural-social determinants. Pre: 100.
History, theories, nature of psychological problems, methods of assessment, forms of intervention, current developments. Pre: 100.
Examination of human functioning in social and ecological context. Topics include stress, health, intergroup relations, culture, ethnicity, social competence, and community empowerment. Pre: 100.
Psychology applied to education, including cognitive, sociocultural, and multicultural approaches to teaching, learning, development, and research. Develops knowledge and written communication skills through and introduction to classroom, assessment, instruction, motivation, classroom management, and standardized testing. (Cross-listed as EDEP 311)
Theoretical interpretations; survey of major theorists and contemporary controversial issues; major influences in classical and instrumental conditioning. Pre: 100. Recommended: 220.
Survey of traditional views and leading theories, and research in related topics. Pre: 100. Recommended: 220 or 322.
Survey of cognitive processes involved in perception, attention, memory, language, problem-solving, reasoning, judgment, intelligence and consciousness, among others. Pre: 100 or consent.
Survey of the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. Pre: 240 or HDFS 230.
Overview from a multidisciplinary, life-span perspective. Includes research techniques, personality development, family relationships, occupational attainment, death. Pre: 100. Recommended: 240. (Cross-listed as COA 342)
Psychological theories and cultural systems; understanding of own and other cultures; psychological and cultural perception of social motivation; cultural similarities and differences in interpersonal relations. Pre: 100.
Psychosocial aspects of human sexual relationships. Social psychology of emotional and physiological arousal, interpersonal attraction, and societal regulation of intimate relationships. Pre: 100.
Nature and causes of psychological disorders. Pre: 100.
Nature and causes of psychoses; abnormalities of intelligence; psychotherapy. Pre: 100. Recommended: 270.
Analysis of consumer behavior and motivation; principles of learning, personality, perception, and group influence, with emphasis upon mass communication effects. Pre: BUS 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as MKT 311)
Origin and development of contemporary points of view. Pre: 100. Recommended: 9 credit hours in psychology.
Selected topics in the psychology of knowledge and mind from Western and/or non-Western perspectives. Repeatable in different topics up to 9 credit hours. Pre: 100 and written consent.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research. Repeatable to 6 credit hours. Pre: 100.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory, research, or methodology relevant to individual differences, measurement, or aspects of psychometrics. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research, in cognitive psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100.
Social and emotional maladjustment in children and adolescents, developmental disabilities, pediatric psychology, psychological interventions with children and adolescents. Pre: 100. Recommended: 240.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in developmental psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 240, 341, or consent
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in social psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours.
Psychological principles for understanding and dealing with wellness and illness. Theories and research on stress-related disorders; prevention of stress through lifestyle and healthy behaviors. Pre: 100 or consent. Recommended: 220 or 322.
Theory and application of personal and interpersonal elements affecting communication of human-service professionals. Supervised practice. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits. (Cross-listed as COMG 490)
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in clinical psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 270, 371 or consent.
Coverage in-depth of some areas of theory and research. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100. (Cross-listed as EDEP 489)
Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of the relationships between religions, environment and environmentalism. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 444)
Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of sites which societies recognize as sacred and their cultural, ecological and conservation aspects. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 445)
Seminar on research in sociological aspects of religious sectarianism, historical and current; special reference to Hawai‘i. Pre: SOC 300 or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 455)
Introduction to contemporary Pidgin in Hawai‘i, in relation to the role of Hawaiian and Languages of the Asia-Pacific region; language rights; sociolinguistics of Pidgin and Hawaiian in institutional, educational, and interpersonal contexts. DS
Introduction to the use of technology in second language learning; pros and cons of specific new applications and established technologies; project-based and oriented; developing multilingual/ multicultural understanding through technology. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing.
Reviews practices of second language learning, use, and maintenance. Introductory exploration and analysis of selected topics with a specific theme indicated by course title listed in the class schedule. Repeatable one time for different topics, up to six credits with consent.
Introduction to bi-/multilingualism as a phenomenon at the level of society and as a characteristic of individual speakers; discussion of recent media reports and popular myths about bilingualism in relation to research-based evidence.
Explores themes in sociolinguistics relevant to L2/ multilingual contexts, including language ideology, language variation, language and culture, and language and identity; how L2 users and multilingual people grapple with these issues. Includes emphasis on writing instruction. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
Survey and analysis of current thinking and practices in multilingual and multicultural education, including bilingual education; special emphasis on ESL/EFL. Includes an emphasis on instruction in writing. Pre: 302 or consent.
Major historical descriptive, pedagogical aspects; pidgin and creole languages, linguistic change, language variation. Work with actual language data. Laboratory work required. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), or LING 102, or 600 (or concurrent); or consent.
Basic social relationships, social structures, and processes.
Basic social relationships, social structures, and processes.
Race and ethnic relations in world perspective; social, economic, and political problems associated with perception, existence, and accommodation of these groups within the wider society. (Cross-listed as ES 214)
Theoretical and substantive survey of the nature and causes of social problems; selected types: poverty, inequality, deviance, etc
Introduction to key concepts and theories in social sciences in relation to sustainability issues. (Cross-listed as SUST 250 and TAHR 250)
Forms of juvenile deviance; conditions and processes that result in alienation and deviance of youth. Juvenile corrections as institutionalized societal responses.
Multiple social theories about different forms of formal and informal punishments and social control across different societies and times.
Family patterns, mate selection, parent-child interaction, socialization of roles, legal sanctions, trends in organization, functions.
(3 Lec, 2 50-min Lab) Basic methods of sociology for production and analysis of data. Foundations for understanding research and for advanced courses in methods and statistics.
(3 Lec, 2 50-min Lab) Basic methods of sociology for production and analysis of data. Foundations for understanding research and for advanced courses in methods and statistics. Restricted to students in the honors program and required for students taking the honors track in sociology. A-F only.
Urban processes and social problems, such as poverty, crime, racial segregation, homelessness, housing policy, urbanization, and neighborhood ethnic diversity. How places shape identity and opportunity. Research methods applied to communities, places, and neighborhoods of Hawai‘i. (Cross-listed as PLAN 301)
Explores current issues in the conceptualization and delivery of health care for women. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or WGSS 151 or WGSS 202, or POLS 110; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 305)
Introduction to social stratification theory and research; definition and measurement of socioeconomic status; racial, ethnic and gender inequality; differences in lifestyles and life chances; social mobility.
Work from viewpoint of individuals; meaningfulness versus productivity; how work, economics, and the industrial system affect individual goals.
Social and economic policies affecting women in families, education, social services, government, health care, the economy; public policy implementation and development; policy impact on women. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or WS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WS 318)
Major theorists and their influences, from Comte to today.
Law as a political enforcement of the social order; how it is organized and operates; determinants of effectiveness; ways it adapts to and facilitates changing social conditions.
Concepts used in crime, law enforcement, criminal justice, and corrections. Types of criminal behavior; costs and effects of control.
Use of mood- and mind-altering drugs in America among adults, youth, and cross-culturally. Illicit drug culture, psychedelics, and perception; social norms and deviant behavior.
Interrelations of deviance, criminology, juvenile delinquency, corrections, social control, sociology of law. Key concepts, theories. DS
Examines major criminal justice organizations–police, courts, and prisons. Using organizational theory, identifies the role of organizational goals, structure, resources, legitimacy, culture, and front-line workers in shaping criminal justice policy and practice. Pre: 100 or a 200-level SOC course, or consent.
Major principles; social attitudes, theories of conformity and change, person perception and attribution theory, social role, role conflict and role behavior, group structure, and behavior.
Combines theoretical, scientific and ‘hands-on’ learning to explore how happiness and well-being can be cultivated, even in this challenging era of extreme global climate events. Pre: 100 or a 200-level SOC course.
Formal education as one aspect of socialization. Emphasis on American system; business, military, and religious institutions.
Aging as a social phenomenon, including social impacts of growing elderly population and emerging social patterns among the elderly. Important theoretical perspectives and cross-national research. (cross-listed as COA 353)
Social factors in disease and treatment; illness behavior, roles of patients and healers; nature of healing professions; use of medical services; alternative systems of medical organization.
Social institutions, family, community, education, stratification, government, economy; impact of modernization and revolution on their contemporary transformation. A-F only.
Persistence and change in economy, policy, religion, education, family, and other institutions of modern Japan.
Social institutions, family, education, religion, cultural values, social classes, economic development, social movements, gender relations, North-South relations, and unification issues. A-F only. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or consent.
Effect of sex and gender roles (both traditional and nontraditional) on attitudes and behavior within the family and educational, economic, and governmental systems. Recommended: at least one WGSS course. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 362)
Examines politics of sustainability and technoscience with an explicit attention to social justice and power relations in society. A-F only. Pre: 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course, or consent. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as SUST 367 and WGSS 367)
Relationships between law, politics, and society will be explored. Emphasis is placed on several dimensions of legality: legal “indeterminacy” and some of the many things that law does for us and to us; law’s response to violence; the connections between law and social change; access to the law and its sociological dimensions; how/why law fails and what happens when it does. A-F only. Pre: 100 or any 200 level SOC course, or a 100 level or 200 level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 374)
Explores how food, body, and other “matter of life” are imbedded in biopolitics from the feminist perspectives. A-F only. Pre: WGSS 300, or one 300-level WGSS or ES course, or consent. (Spring only). (Cross-listed as WGSS 400)
Urbanization in developed and developing countries, the rural-urban continuum, structure and process of metropolitan regions, theories of urban location and growth, housing and urban renewal.
Approaches to research in social inequality: community studies; historical and cross-cultural analyses of poverty, working class, middle class, power structure, social mobility, etc.
Global and U.S. patterns of population growth; composition and distribution, elementary demographic techniques; development issues and population policy. Pre: 300 or consent.
Study of the dominant trend of economic change and its impact on society; globalization of economic activities and transformation of industrial society to postindustrial one; corporate restructuring and downsizing and their impact on employment and income distribution; gender relations in workplaces; the impact of globalization on the newly industrializing countries. Pre: 300 or consent.
Nature of technology, social forces that affect its adoption; impact on society; innovation.
Gender and racial division of labor nationally and internationally; racial and gender differentials in wages, training, working conditions and unemployment; historical trends and future directions. Pre: 300, or one 300-level WGSS or ES course; or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 418 and WGSS 418)
Schools, hospitals, industries, prisons, and government agencies analyzed in terms of self-actualization, alienation, human relations, communication, leadership, organizational conflicts.
Research in systematic social deviation. Scaling and measurement of delinquents/ criminals, official data, gangs, identification and measurement of delinquent/criminal value orientations, etc. DS
Institutions, organizations, and individuals charged with carrying out punishment in the criminal justice system and beyond. DS
Interrelationships between legal orders and other social institutions; use of “law” to change major status relationships, e.g., boss-worker, woman-man, child-adult.
Women’s relations with the criminal justice system; types of women’s offenses; responses to women’s crime; women as victims; women as workers in the criminal justice system. Recommended: at least one WGSS course. Pre: 300, or WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 435)
Effects of social institutions on individuals. Role of socioeconomic status, cultural background, family structure, peer group, schools, and occupational roles in socialization.
Historical and structural theories of gender-based violence, including domestic and sexual abuse, prostitution, trafficking, cross-cultural perspectives, social policy and practices. Junior standing or graduate standing only. Pre: 300 or consent. (Once a year)
Examines the problem of violence, particularly sexual violence, over the life cycle. Offers gendered perspective in activities aimed at prevention and treatment of violence, and cross cultural perspectives. Pre: 300, WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 446)
Theory and methods of studying social interaction in marriage and the family; examination of marriage, mating, love, and choice. Empirical research emphasizing Hawai‘i.
Sex-role socialization, motherhood, work-family conflicts. Alternative family structures in U.S. and other countries. Recommended: at least one WGSS course. Pre: 300, or WGSS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WGSS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as WGSS 452)
Social and research issues significant to delivery of long-term care services to the elderly; cost, quality, availability of services, evaluation of programs, role of family, formal and informal care services.
Application of sociological theories and concepts to medical social situations and behavior; problems of obtaining data for research.
Seminar in research on sociological aspects of religious sectarianism; attention to Hawai‘i. Pre: 300 or consent. (Cross-listed as REL 452)
The historical and contemporary social processes involved in inter-ethnic relations in Hawai‘i. Pre: 300 or one ES 300 level course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 456)
Relation of art to society; role of artist, audience, critic, patron, museum; Western and other societies; attitudes toward new styles.
Critical perspectives on sports and society. Topics include power and inequality; mobility, status, and economics; youth development; globalization; gender; and violence in sports and the wider society. Pre: 300 and 321. (Spring only)
Popular culture as manifested in film, sports, TV, comics, magazines, etc.; relation to sociological theories and studies.
Survey research design and analysis, including theory selection instrument construction, sampling techniques, data collection, computerized data analysis, and writing up research reports of the findings.
Common statistical procedures emphasizing univariate and bivariate description; some attention to multivariate techniques and statistical inference, within context of research procedures. Pre: 300 or consent. Co-requisite: 476L.
Techniques for collecting and analyzing qualitative data. Participant observation; small groups in natural settings; community studies. Grounded theory; theories of everyday life; reality construction.
A unique opportunity for students to gain leadership, teaching, and public speaking skills as a SOC 100 leader for a section of 10 freshmen students while being mentored weekly by a faculty course coordinator.
The development of ethnic relations and political approaches to multiculturalism in two multiethnic nations: Canada and the U.S. A-F only. Pre: 300 or one 300 level ES course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 492)
Students create their own study group and solicit an advisor from faculty. Consult department for assistance.
Statistical reasoning in the analysis of social science data, including descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, inference measures of association, decomposition of variance, and regression analysis. Lab required. Pre: any 100 level social science course or consent.
Explores pilina (relationship, connection) of selected topics and issues of interest in the social sciences through Indigenous voices, perspectives, and scholarship. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Explores the changing disability experience as described in contemporary film, literature, advertising, news, sports and dialogue with persons with disabilities in the Pacific region and around the world. A-F only.
Foundations of “special education” exploring philosophies, diverse and historical viewpoints, laws, and service delivery. Students reflect upon texts, films and interviews with persons with disabilities, their families and professionals to understand the culture of disability. A-F only.
Concepts and methods to develop sensitivity and awareness of cultural influences on behaviors related to schooling. Examines intersections of Native Hawaiian culture with Asian and/or Pacific Islanders fostering multicultural respect and understanding through cross-cultural analysis. A-F only. DS
Introduction to basic economics concepts, including demand, supply, exchange, market price and market failure. Economic evaluation and policy for the uses of various natural resource endowments, especially in production agriculture, is included. A-F only. (Cross-listed as NREM 220)
The sustainable social system, culture, spirituality, language, land stewardship, and governance of Native Hawaiians. Transformation of the sustainable Hawaiian social system by a capitalist economy. Resiliency, land issues, and Native Hawaiian quest for sovereign governance. (Cross-listed as ES 221)
Introduction to key concepts and theories in social sciences in relation to sustainability issues. (Cross-listed as SOC 230 and TAHR 250)
Introduction to natural resource and environmental public policy at U.S. federal, Hawai‘i
state, local, and international levels. Policy principles, legal structure, governmental agencies, statutes and programs, analytical techniques, program assessments, and contemporary ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: SUST/ NREM/PEPS 210 or or NREM/SOCS/TPSS 251 or (BIOL 101 or higher) or GEO 101 or (ERTH 101 or higher); and NREM/SUST 220 or one ECON course or two DS courses. (Cross-listed as NREM 302)
Interaction of people with water at household, community, regional, national, and international scales, from cultural, political, economic, and biophysical perspectives. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 305)
Introduction to environmental justice, explores the premise that all people have a right to a life-affirming environment. Will examine environmental racism, and the geographical dimensions of race and indigeneity. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 308)
Debates on globalization and development, population and resources; root causes of environmental degradation; impacts of globalization on environmentalism and environmental change; social approaches to managing environmental change. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 322)
Introduction to the methods and techniques of environmental and energy policy in relation to energy systems. Analysis of enacted policies from case studies to understanding the effectiveness, challenges, contradictions, and limitations of each. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 321 and PPC 340)
Evolution of international politics, law and decision-making on a variety of environmental concerns; from endangered species to pollution to climate change. Interaction of population, development, and environment in global governance. (Cross-listed as POLS 324)
Critically examines changing views of nature, nature-culture relationships, and perceptions of the environment across different cultures. (Cross-listed as GEO 330)
Nature and causes of global climate change and economic solutions. Topics include valuing climate change impacts, energy solutions, environmental implications, societal adaptation, and international cooperation. A-F only. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 332)
Climate change is a reality, yet there is much uncertainty about how it will affect our lives. Investigates cultural response to climate change, using studies of the past to plan for the future. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as ANTH 333)
Relationship of humans with natural environment; role of culture in ecological systems. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 335)
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of energy use, and interactions of markets for various nonrenewable and renewable energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop alternative energy sources. Pre: ECON 120 or ECON 130 or ECON 131. (Cross-listed as ECON 336)
Transdisciplinary introduction to sustainable development. Interactions between environment, economy, and public policy, especially in Hawai‘i. Topics include: curse of paradise, global warming, energy use, health, poverty, population, water resources, traffic congestion, biodiversity, pollution controls. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 350)
Hawai‘i’s economic transformation from sustainable communal subsistence through mercantile capitalism, plantation capitalism, and global finance capital and impact on its people. Alternative sustainable enterprises for a self-sufficient island economy. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as ES 350)
Fundamentals of benefit-cost analysis with extensions to environmental impacts and projects; case studies. Pre: 220/NREM 220 or ECON 130 or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 358)
Examines politics of sustainability and technoscience with an explicit attention to social justice and power relations in society. A-F only. Pre: WS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or consent. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as SOC 367 and WS 367)
Focuses on theories, laws, policies, ethics, and sustainable futures of Hawai‘i and the U.S. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 100 or 200 level POLS course, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as POLS 380)
Study of the ocean as a political place. Engagement with theories, policies, and lived-experiences of the ocean through a political lens, including literature and experiential learning. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200-level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 387)
Examination of society’s interaction with the ocean. Topics include: ocean recreation, shipping, boat building, ports, offshore energy production, aquaculture, fishing, coastal construction, and coral reef protection. Pre: 120 or 130, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 409)
Principles of nature-based tourism, including a survey of impacts, objectives, planning, and management systems. Junior standing or higher. Pre: TIM 101 or GEOG/TIM 324. (Cross-listed as GEO 415 and TIM 415)
Theory and tools for working with groups and communities in the management of natural resources is presented using a participatory format. Topics include sustainable development, extension programming, participatory learning and communication, evaluation, and conflict management. Pre: two social science courses (with a minimum grade of C-) or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 420)
Examines historical and contemporary development of the global agro-food systems. The impacts of technological, political and economic changes to food security, environment and development. Open to nonmajors. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 422)
Human interaction with the environment. How market, property institution, and technological change affect the environment. Epistemological basis of environmental policies. Debates on controversial environmental issues. Pre: 102, 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 426)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Methods and techniques of handling and identifying plant materials used by early Hawaiians and modern Hawaiians for house and canoe construction, clothing, household and fishing items, medicine, and food preparation. Reading, laboratory, and fieldwork. Pre: BOT 440 or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 446)
Causes and dynamics of ethnic conflicts with attention to problem resolution; (B) Middle East; (C) Hawaiian sovereignty in Pacific context. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent for (C). (Cross-listed as ES 455C)
Principles of project evaluation and policy analysis. Shadow pricing, economic cost of taxes and tariffs; public policy for exhaustible, renewable, and environmental resources. Pre: 301. (Cross-listed as ECON 458)
Investigates environmental problems from an anthropological perspective, and examines the cultural politics of contestations over resources, rights, and the meanings of nature. Pre: ANTH 152 or ANTH 415 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 482)
Orientation to the profession of social work; historical development, values and philosophy, scope and aims.
Study of U.S. social welfare institutional structures, programs, and policies addressing human need; focus on Hawai‘i’s legislative processes and social service programs; emphasis on oral communication inherent to advocacy, legislative, and policymaking processes. SW majors only. Pre: 325.
Examination of complex sociocultural factors that privilege some and oppress/marginalize others. Challenges commonly held tropes and complicates the discourse regarding individual, family, group, organizational and community development within the social environment. SW majors only. Recommended: 200. DS
Focus on human development across the lifespan with attention given to unique
challenges and opportunities faced in each phase. Emphasis on “populations at risk” and the strengths and assets unique to diverse populations. SW majors only.
Pre: 360 with a grade of C or better. Recommended: 200. DS
An examination of current trends in the field of social welfare. SW majors only.
Introduction to and application of language of research, theoretical concepts underlying advancement of knowledge, practical steps in research. SW majors only. Pre: completion of required junior-level SW courses (i.e., 302, 303, 325, 326, 360, 361, and 391) with C or better. Co-requisite: 402 and 490.
Aging and its effect on the individual, family groups, associations, and communities. Impact of aging on social service delivery systems, public policy and role of social work. Pre: senior standing or consent.
Introduction to key concepts and theories in social sciences in relation to sustainability issues. (Cross-listed as SOC 230 and SUST 250)
Survey of key texts on medicine and performance, and on how these two areas intersect, including representations of medicine and illness in contemporary drama and performance-based practices within medicine. Repeatable one time.
Examines tourism from an economic perspective. Topics include: the determinants of consumer demand for leisure travel, structure of competition among suppliers of tourism services, benefits and costs of tourism development to the host community, government’s role in the taxation, subsidy, regulation and protection of the tourism industry, tourism’s impact on the environment, and sustainable tourism development. TIM majors only. Pre: ECON 120 or 130 or 131; or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 320)
Issues arising from the impacts of tourism on societies and cultures. Class discussions of the ethical dimensions of such impacts. Includes an emphasis on writing instruction. TIM majors only. Pre: 101.
Tourist landscape in relation to resources, spatial patterns of supply and demand, impacts of tourism development, and models of tourist space. Flows between major world regions. TIM majors only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 324)
Principles of nature-based tourism, including a survey of impacts, objectives, planning, and management systems. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 101 or 324/ GEO 324. (Cross-listed as GEO 415 and SUST 415)
Problems, agencies, functions, costs, prices, regulations affecting marketing: proposed improvements. Pre: ECON 130, NREM/SUST 220; or consent. (Alt. years)
Principles and methods of agricultural accounting. Preparing and interpreting financial statements. Sources and costs of credit, capital budgeting, tax management, estate planning. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ECON 130 or NREM/SUST 220, or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 341)
Co-evolution of human societies and plants over the last 10,000 years. Foraging, farming and urban societies economies; spread and modification of selected plants; issues of preservation of genetic resources and traditional plant knowledge. The form and function of gardens. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
Introduction to quantitative decision-making methods for effective agribusiness management in resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, risk analysis, inventory, and forecasting. Emphasis on problem identification, model formulation and solution, and interpretation and presentation of results. Pre: ECON 130 or NREM/ SUST 220, and ECON 321 or NREM 310; or consent. (Once a year)
Introduction to feminist interdisciplinary analysis from global and critical perspectives; relationships between women and men from Asia-Pacific, Hawaiian, and other cultures, with a focus on gender, race, class, and sexual dynamics; exploration of women’s negotiations with institutional dynamics.
Introduction to feminist interdisciplinary analysis from global and critical perspectives; relationships between women and men from Asia-Pacific, Hawaiian, and other cultures. Focus on gender, race, class, sexual dynamics, and women’s negotiations with institutional dynamics. Honors students only. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval.
Social construction of gender within culture and its visual expression through appearance. Analysis of role, identity, conformity, and deviance in human appearance. Repeatable one time. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as FDM 200)
Survey of topics in psychology relevant to women’s lives: socialization of gender, mental health, violence against women, achievement motivation, lifespan issues, domestic violence. A-F only. Pre: 151 or PSY 100. (Cross-listed as PSY 202)
The military as it includes and excludes women as soldiers, nurses, wives, prostitutes, and victims. Women and war economics; feminism, war, and peace. Pre: one of 151, 362, 375 or SOC 362; or consent
Explores current issues in the conceptualization and delivery of health care for women. Pre: 151 or 202, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or POLS 110; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 305)
Examines issues of indigenous women’s health pre and post colonial in Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific regions. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 202, 305; or HWST 107, HWST 270 or HWST 285; or consent.
Cross-cultural theories and perceptions of sexual difference; linkage between biology and cultural constructions of gender; relationship of gender ideology to women’s status. Pre: ANTH 152 (or concurrent) or ANTH 301 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as ANTH 315)
Social and economic policies affecting women in families, education, social services, government, health care, the economy; public policy implementation and development; policy impact on women. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 318)
Explores the influence of gender in sport from cultural, psychosocial, and political perspectives. Examines women’s and men’s role as participants, spectators, and employees of sport and sports organizations. A-F only. Pre: one DS course.
Historical and contemporary experiences of South Asian migrants in North America, Pacific, Caribbean, and/or African diasporas; causes and patterns of migration, inter-ethnic relations policies; role of race, gender, culture in community, identity formation. A-F only. Pre one ES or WS course in the 100, 200 or 300 level; or consent. (Once a year (Cross-listed as ES 339)
Adaptive strategies of Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Samoan, and Southeast Asian women in Hawai‘i; feminist anthropological and historical analysis. Pre: any ANTH, SOC, or WS course. (Cross-listed as ES 365)
Topics: Women’s role, status, work and treatment in the Third World; economic development, changing work/family roles, agriculture and business, improvement/deterioration in gender equity across the Third World global feminization of poverty. Open to nonmajors. Pre: a 100 level economics course or any women’s studies course; or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 361)
Effect of sex and gender roles (both traditional and nontraditional) on attitudes and behavior within the family and educational, economic, and governmental systems. Recommended: at least one WS course. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 362)
Examines politics of sustainability and technoscience with an explicit attention to social justice and power relations in society. A-F only. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or consent. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as SOC 367 and SUST 367)
Media portrayal of women and men; role of the media in reproducing gender inequality. Women as producers and consumers of media. Feminist alternatives to mainstream media. Pre: one of 151, 362, SOC 362.
Women’s role in political institutions and processes in the U.S. and other countries; female and male approaches to power; feminist political goals and actions. Pre: 151 (or concurrent) or 362 (or concurrent) or any 100 level POLS course (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 384)
Historical and sociological studies of race and gender in U.S. society; grassroots feminist and racial/justice activism on the continent and in Hawai‘i. A-F only. Pre: 151 or ES 101 or junior standing. (Cross-listed as ES 390)
Multi-disciplinary course draws from psychology, sociology, biology, history, cultural anthropology, law, Hawaiian, ethnic, feminist, gender, and queer studies to explore human sexualities with emphasis on the U.S., Hawai‘i and the AsiaPacific regions. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 202, 315 or 350; or consent.
Theory and practice of democratic organizations: women’s and feminist organizations; co-ops, communes, and collectives; indigenous people’s organizations; workplace democracy and social change. A-F only. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course or POLS 390 (or concurrent) or WS 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 394)
Explores how food, body, and other “matter of life” are imbedded in biopolitics from the feminist perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 300, or one 300-level WGSS or ES course, or consent. (Spring only). (Cross-listed as SOC 400)
Gender and racial division of labor nationally and internationally; racial and gender differentials in wages, training, working conditions and unemployment; historical trends and future directions. Pre: one 300-level WS or ES course, or SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 418 and SOC 418)
Explores the intersection of sexuality research and queer theory with other anthropological concerns such as identity, race, gender, religion, economy, politics, and globalization. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANTH 426)
Explores ethics of the present and historic expansions of the fashion industry and its environmental impact globally. Examines how gender/race/class shape garment production and consumption and fashion activism in world regions. Emphasis on oral/written communication. A-F only. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 433)
Interdisciplinary critical examination of the relationship between gender and mental health. Psychological research, feminist theory, autobiography, literature, and cinema. Pre: one of 202, 245, PSY 202; or consent.
Women’s relations with the criminal justice system; types of women’s offenses; responses to women’s crime; women as victims; women as workers in the criminal justice system. Recommended: at least one WS course. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 435)
Exploration of landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases related to sex and gender. Topics may include sex discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, privacy, and reproductive freedom. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 175, 176, 202, 360, 381, or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 436 and POLS 368)
Interdisciplinary course will examine western constructs of gender
violence on its correlates with ethnicity, class, sexuality, nation, and empire. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 202, 360, 361, 439, 460, 462, or consent
Contemporary debates in feminist theory concerning gender, race, and class; subjectivity and representation; gender and colonialism; bodies, sexualities and “nature.” Pre: any 300 level WS or POLS course, or consent. (Crosslisted as POLS 339)
Overview of feminist issues with dominant theories of knowledge and major methodologies employed in the social sciences; and exploration of role of gender theory and feminist politics in feminist research. Pre: 151 or consent.
Examines the problem of violence, particularly sexual violence, over the life cycle. Offers gendered perspective in activities aimed at prevention and treatment of violence, and cross cultural perspectives. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 446)
Examines the cultural, historical, and political processes that have informed our understandings and practices involving food. We will analyze food and foodways in the U.S. and Hawai‘i. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: at least one course in WS or ES; or consent by instructor. (Crosslisted as ES 450)
Sex-role socialization, motherhood, work-family conflicts. Alternative family structures in U.S. and other countries. Recommended: at least one WS course. Pre: 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 300; or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 452)
Examination of current and historical issues in education and how they are impacted upon by gender, with particular reference to gender as it intersects with ethnicity and class, locally and globally. Pre: 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 453 and EDEF 453)
Examines American understandings of man, manhood, and masculinity, at the intersection of gender, race, class, and sexuality in the context of American nation and empire building in the 19th and 20th centuries. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 175, 176, or 202; or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 457)
Examines U.S. feminist movements in the 19th and 20th century by exploring how U.S. racism, nationalism and imperialism have provided the context from which feminism emerged. A-F only. Pre: 151, 360; or consent.
History, culture, and contemporary reality of Asian women in Asia and the U.S. Includes critical analysis of American feminist methodology and theory. Pre: one of 360, 361, 439, AMST 310, AMST 316, AMST 318, AMST 373, AMST 455, POLS 339; or consent. (Crosslisted as AMST 438 and POLS 372)
Construction of gender identities in contemporary Asia. How these interface with other aspects of social difference and inequality (e.g. with class, religion, ethnicity). (Cross-listed as ASAN 463)
Explores anthropology’s critical analysis of approaches to reproductive health and procreation, primarily in developing countries. Examines sex and reproduction as sites of intervention from public health, development, and biomedical specialists, while also considering local strategies. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 151 or ANTH 152 or ANTH 301. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 465)
Explores disasters and their consequences for women, with attention to gender, race, sexuality, and class. A-F only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: at least one course in WS, or consent of instructor.
Problems and issues for reading and research: feminist theory, criticism, affirmative action, etc. Repeatable two times. Pre: any WS course in appropriate area.
Explores the influence of gender in sport from cultural, psychosocial, and political perspectives. Examines women’s and men’s role as participants, spectators, and employees of sport and sports organizations. A-F only. Pre: one DS course.