Characteristics of science, historical development of scientific concepts, and interaction of society with science illustrated by topics from biological science. Not a BIOL major elective.
(1 3-hr Lab) Explores connections between biological principles and everyday life with a focus on the environment. Topics include environmental health and sustainability with examples from Hawai‘i. Not a BIOL major elective. Pre: BIOL 101 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as SUST 111L) DY
Overview of ocean issues and organizations involved with marine activities, management, education, research, and business. Exploration of internships, research, and career opportunities. Preparation of resumes, proposals, and professional presentations. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as IS 100)
Characteristics of science and interaction with society illustrated by topics in geology, astronomy, oceanography, and biology of Hawaiian Islands. Not a BIOL major elective.
Introductory biology for all life science majors. Cell structure and chemistry; growth, reproduction, genetics, evolution, viruses, bacteria, and simple eukaryotes. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 171L (or concurrent), or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 171. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction, and requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 171 (or concurrent) or consent.
Anatomy, physiology, and systematics of plants and animals; behavior; ecosystems, populations, and communities. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 172L (or concurrent), or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 172. Pre: CHEM (131, 151, 161, 171, or 181A) or concurrent, and BIOL 172 (or concurrent) or consent.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to statistical approaches in biology. Students will learn how to formulate hypotheses, test them quantitatively, and present results. Students will analyze biological datasets using the computer language R. A-F only. Pre: 171 or 172 or BOT 101; MATH 134 or higher, or MATH assessment exam. (Cross-listed as BOT 220)
Principles of ecology and evolution for life science majors stressing integrated approach and recent advance. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L, 172, 172L (or concurrent).
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 265. A significant portion of class time is dedicated to writing instruction, and requires a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265 (or concurrent).
Integrated cell and molecular biology for life science majors. Modern advances in recombinant DNA technology. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L and CHEM 272. (Cross-listed as MCB 275)
(1 4-hr Lab) Laboratory for Cell and Molecular Biology. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275 (or concurrent) and CHEM 272.
Directed participation on tutorials and related activities in public schools and approved community and UH Mānoa organizations. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: 265/265L, 275/275L, and consent.
Ecological and evolutionary factors creating and maintaining patterns of biological diversity in major marine ecosystems. Emphasis on the biphasic life histories of many marine organisms. The development of quantitative skills and critical thinking. MBIO majors only. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265, 301L (or concurrent), and OCN 201; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 301. MBIO majors only. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 301 (or concurrent).
Introduction to the concepts, goals, ethical issues and consequences of biotechnology using real-life case studies of GMOs, cloning, DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy and genetical engineering. Pre: 171 (with a minimum grade of C) or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 304)
General survey of the principles of ecology. Focus on processes influencing the distribution and abundance of organisms, interactions among organisms, and interactions between organisms and the environment. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171; BIOL 172 or BOT 201. (Cross-listed as BOT 305)
Introduction to animal and human ethology and sociobiology; emphasis on social and interspecific behavior, its causes and adaptive significance. Lab optional. Pre: 171 and 171L and 172 and 172L or ANSC 201; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Application of methods in the study of animal behavior by demonstrations, labs and projects. Pre: 306 (or concurrent).
Global environmental problems in historical perspective; physical, biological, sociocultural views. Pre: one of 101, 123, or GEO 101; or consent.
Introduction to the evolution and systematics of vertebrates, with emphasis on comparative morphology, physiology, and ecology. Pre: BIOL 265. Co-requisite: 325L.
(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 325. Pre: 172 and 172L. Co-requisite: 325.
Overview of marine mammal science, significance and roles of marine mammals in their ecosystems, and marine conservation issues. Current research topics in marine mammal science will also be covered. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L, 172/172L, and 265, 265L; or consent.
The role of genetics in evolution, medicine, behavior, plant and animal breeding and technology; its impact on today’s society. Not a BIOL major elective. Pre: one semester of biological science at college level or consent. (Cross-listed as CMB 351)
Animal parasites of man, and domestic and wild animals; systematics, comparative morphology, life history, pathology, treatment, control. Pre: 275.
Human sex differences, their biological basis and significance; genetic, hormonal, and behavioral determinants of sexual differentiation; biology of gender, sexuality, parenting, menopause, and aging. Pre: one semester of biological science. (Cross-listed as WGSS 350)
Characteristics of island biota; examples from Hawai‘i and the Pacific. Impact of island and continental cultures; policy and ecosystem endangerment; contemporary legislation, policy, and management practices. Pre: one semester of biological science or consent. Not a BIOL major elective.
Biological survey, collection, and analysis techniques will be reviewed and applied through field studies. Students will be introduced to the uniqueness of the Hawaiian environment and its diversity of life. Emphasis on diversity, evolution and ecology. Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265/265L (or equivalent), or consent.
Genetic concepts at advanced undergraduate level; genetic transmission, recombination, gene action, mutation, population and evolutionary genetics. A-F only. Pre: 275 or consent.
(1 4-hr Lab) Experiments with a variety of organisms to illustrate principles discussed in BIOL 375. Pre: 275/275L, 375 (or concurrent) or consent.
Combined lecture/lab impart essential knowledge and skills in technical writing, poster design, and oral presentations for effective communication for life science majors. Research papers, lab reports, project proposals, conference presentations are covered. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L, 172/172L, and ENG 100.
Teaching internship in the Life Sciences that includes the preparation and demonstration of laboratory experiments or classroom activities. (B) general; (C) oral emphasis, includes emphasis on instruction in oral communication. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent
Students carry out marine-related internships, practica, research projects or field experience on-or off-campus with faculty guidance. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: minimum cum GPA of 2.5, junior or senior standing in any field of study and IS 100/BIOL 104 or consent, project proposal. (Crosslisted as IS 400)
General principles, applications, and recent advances of the rapidly growing science of biotechnology. Topics include impact of biotechnology on medicine, animal sciences, environment, agriculture, forensics, and economic and socio-ethical issues. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275 or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 401)
(1-hr Lec, 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 401. Students learn advanced gene editing techniques, including CRISPR/Cas9 to engineer prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Repeatable one time. Pre: 275L, or 375L, or MBBE 304, or MBBE 375; or consent. Co-requisite: 401. (Cross-listed as MBBE 401L)
Molecular basis of living processes in bacteria, plants, and animals; emphasis on metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275/275L, and CHEM 273; or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 402)
Integrated program of intensive lectures, laboratory experiments, and field research that focus on the biological processes that shape the lives of marine organisms. A-F only. Limited space; enrollment by consent; GPA considered. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 301/301L and consent.
Current themes in marine biology and experience in scientific assessment. Emphasis on teaching writing and oral communication. Repeatable two times. MBIO majors only. A-F only. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 301/301L or consent.
Biology, physiology, and ecology of marine organisms and marine ecosystems, and the physical and chemical factors, which influence them. Cannot be used to satisfy BS-MB major requirements. Credit granted for only one of ZOOL 200, BIOL 301, or BIOL 406. Junior standing or consent. A-F only. Pre: 171 and 172. (Spring only)
Relationship between structure and function at macromolecular level. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275/275L and CHEM 273, or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 407)
Cell structure and function. Structure, chemistry, and functions of organelles and macromolecules. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 407; or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 408 and MCB 408)
(2 3-hr Lab) A laboratory to accompany 407 and 408. Pre: 407 (or concurrent) or 408 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MCB 408L)
Human impacts through time on vegetation, animals, landforms, soils, climate, and atmosphere. Special reference to Asian/Pacific region. Implications of long-term environmental change for human habitability. Pre: with a minimum grade of B, one of 101, 123 or GEO 101 and either 310 or GEO 322; or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 410)
The biogeography, evolution, ecology, and physiology of corals and coral reefs, and the application of this information to the management of coral reefs. Emphasis will be placed on processes such as dispersal, the evolution and operation of mutualisms, calcification,
reproduction, and the maintenance of diversity. Pre: 265 (or concurrent) or 301 (or concurrent). (Spring only)
Principles of conservation biology and wildlife management techniques, illustrated with animal, plant, and ecosystem examples. Examination of ethical, cultural, legal, political, and socio-economic issues impinging on conservation policy and practice. Group project and field trips. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 265/265L or consent.
Will introduce the diversity, ecology, evolution, and biology of the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on our current understanding of fungal evolution and diversity and how fungi interact with environments and hosts. Pre: (172, BOT 201) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Spring only) (Crosslisted as BOT 430 and TPSS 432)
Will introduce the diversity, ecology, evolution, and biology of the
Kingdom Fungi. Focus on our current understanding of fungal evolution and diversity and how fungi interact with environments and hosts. Pre: (430 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of C, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BOT 430L and TPSS 432L)
Taxonomy, ecology, biochemistry, distribution, cultural history, and contemporary use of mind-altering drug plants; examples from primitive, traditional, and modern societies. Pre: junior standing, one semester of biological science, and either ANTH 200 or GEO 151; or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota. Pre: one semester of biological sciences at college level. (Cross-listed as BOT 450 and SUST 450)
Survey of fish biodiversity focusing on major lineages, their phylogenetic relationships, and their geographic distribution in light of evolutionary history. Taught spring semester in alternate years. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 171 and 172. (Alt. years: spring)
(2 2-hr Lab) Overview of the major orders and families of fishes of the world; introduction to local Hawaiian fishes; coverage of basic fish anatomy; introduction to field and laboratory techniques in fish research. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 171, 172, and 465 (or concurrent). (Alt. years: spring)
The origins and early evolution of fishes, with a focus on morphological innovations that have led to lineage divergence and adaptive radiation, and the nature of underlying processes associated with novel character trait evolution. A-F only. Pre: 265. (Alt. years: spring)
Process of evolution: genetic basis, natural selection, population genetics, speciation, the fossil record. Pre: 171 and 172. Recommended: a BIOL or ZOOL course at 300 or 400 level.
Integrative, in-depth focus on the genetics, cell biology, and molecular basis of cancer. Combination of classroom lectures and problem-based discussions in small groups. Addresses ethical implications of cancer research and treatment. A-F only. MCB or BIOL majors only. Senior standing or higher. Pre: 407 (or concurrent) and 408 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as MCB 472)
An interdisciplinary study of the diverse life in the soil beneath our feet that includes bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, arthropods, invertebrate, viruses, and the essential functional roles these organisms contribute to sustainability of the planet. Repeatable one time. Pre: 375 or TPSS/PEPS/SUST 371, or MICR 351, or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 480)
Laboratory to accompany 480. Technical examination of bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, arthropods, and other invertebrate, and the essential functional roles these organisms contribute to sustainability of the planet. Repeatable one time. Pre: 171L and 172L, or MICR 351L, or consent. Co-requisite: 480. (Crosslisted as TPSS 480L)
Focuses on the use of computational tools and approaches to analyze the enormous amount of biological data (DNA, RNA, protein) available today. A-F only. Pre: (171 (or equivalent)) with a minimum grade of C, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as MBBE 483)
Body plans, development, cellular construction, physiological integration, natural history, and ecology of invertebrate animals. Emphasis on marine species, especially local ones. Pre: 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Corequisite: 485L.
(2 3-hr Lab) Pre: 172 and CHEM 161, or consent. Corequisite: 485.
Study of the fundamental role that geography plays in evolution
and maintenance of species diversity. Pre: 171 and one of BIOL 172 or BOT 101. (Fall only)
Reports on research in mathematical biology, reviews of literature, and research presentation. Required for Certificate in Mathematical Biology. Repeatable one time. Pre: junior standing or higher and consent. (Cross-listed as MATH 490)
Development and completion of a research project under the direction of a faculty advisor. Repeatable two times, up to 12 credits, up to 6 credits apply towards BA and BS BIOL major requirements. A-F only. Pre: 2.5 GPA minimum, written proposal and consent.
Principles taught in a conceptual and/ or hands-on manner either in a laboratory setting or in the field. (B) biotechnology; (C) ecology, evolution and conservation; (D) marine biology; (F) general biology. A-F only. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 171/171L, 172/172L, in-service teachers; or consent.
Seminars presented with the School of Life Sciences; topics will vary across the biological sciences. Repeatable up to four credits. BOT, MBIO, MICR, ZOOL graduate students only.
) Practical introduction to molecular methods used to address ecological and evolutionary questions. Advanced undergraduate/graduate level. Focus on methods and application to independent research project. A-F only. Pre: 265/265L (or equivalent) or 275/275L (or equivalent), and 375/375L, and consent. (Alt. years)
Mathematical, observational, experimental results on effects of mutation, selection, and systems of mating on distribution of genes. Analysis of non-experimental populations. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as CMB 650) Professional Development Courses for Science Teachers.