Examines America’s role in world history and the influence of world affairs on U.S. culture and society. Focuses on U.S. interdependence with African, European, Native American, Asian, and Polynesian civilizations, from 1492 to present.
Literature and modern media; visual and performing arts; material culture and architecture; foodways and ritual as meaning-making processes that have shaped the diverse identities, spaces, and communities of the Americas. Writing emphasis, interdisciplinary perspectives.
Interdisciplinary survey that examines the histories, politics, popular representations, self-representations, and contemporary issues of the indigenous peoples of the U.S. and its territories, including Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Kanaka Maoli, Chamorro, and Samoans.
Introduction to human biological evolution and the archaeology of culture in the world prior to AD 1500. Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
Introduction to cultural anthropology. How humans create, understand, order and modify their natural, social, supernatural and physical environments, and make meaning and order. Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
Nature of the world’s visual arts and their influences on personal expression. Lectures, demonstrations, and studio practice. (Not for art majors or minors)
Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from prehistory to the 15th century. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Fall only)
Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from the 15th century to the present. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Spring only)
Introduction to the astronomical universe: sky and celestial objects, planetary motion, planets and the Solar System, Sun and stars, the Milky Way and galaxies, cosmology and the universe.
Growth, functions, and evolution of plants; their relations to the environment and particularly to humans and human activities.
Rigorous, in-depth introduction to chemical principles with emphasis on experimental and applied aspects of modern chemistry. Students who successfully completed 161 or 171 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 181A without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 181A with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 161 or 171 without instructor override. Pre: satisfactory placement exam score and MATH 215 (or concurrent) or MATH 241 (or concurrent) or MATH 251A (or concurrent) with a minimum grade of C. (Fall only)
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar. Meets one hour, four times a week. Pre: placement test.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Continuation of 101 and 102. Meets one hour a day, four times a week. Pre: 102 or 103 or 105; or consent.
Develops communication skills necessary to function effectively in today’s society. Students will enhance their communication skills in one-on-one situations, public speaking, and small group situations. Ideal for new majors and non-majors.
Combined lecture/laboratory providing extensive practice in preparing and presenting effective public speeches with special emphasis on organization, outlining, audience analysis, analytical reasoning, and delivery skills.
Introduction to contemporary mathematical methods for empirical inference, data modeling, and machine learning. A-F only. Pre: MATH 241, MATH 203, MATH 215, or MATH 251A. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ICS 235)
Introduction to critical statistical and probabilistic concepts that underlie data science as well as tools that play a central role in the daily work of a data scientist. A-F only. Pre: 211 or consent. (Cross-listed as ICS 434)
Introduction to machine learning concepts with a focus on relevant ideas from computational neuroscience. Information processing and learning in the nervous system. Neural networks. Supervised and unsupervised learning. Basics of statistical learning theory. Pre: 235, or consent. Recommended: MATH 307. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ICS 435)
Introduction to data visualization through practical techniques for turning data into images to produce insight. Topics include: information visualization, geospatial visualization, scientific visualization, social network visualization, and medical visualization. Junior standing or higher. Pre: CINE/ACM 215 or ICS 110(Alpha) or ICS 111. (Cross-listed as CINE/ACM 484 and ICS 484)
Examination of the decision-making process of both households and firms. Analysis of the functioning of a competitive market system, using supply and demand models and the role of government in cases where the market system fails. Additional topics include the effects of international rate on the welfare of a nation and the effects of different competitive market structures on society.
An introduction to macroeconomics–the study of the overall economy. Topics include the determination of national income, causes and effects of inflation, unemployment, and income inequality; causes and consequences of international differences in economic growth; sources of business cycle expansions and contractions; role of government policy in stabilizing the economy and promoting long-term growth; financial markets and monetary policy; taxes, spending, consequences of budget deficits, determination of trade imbalances, exchange rate fluctuations, and balance of payment crises.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts used to study the overall macroeconomy and policies that affect it. Study the determinants of national income and long-run growth; causes and consequences of unemployment, inflation, and business cycle fluctuations; determination of foreign exchange rates and current account imbalances, and the role of government policy in various settings. Pre: 131 or consent.
Develops basic techniques and fundamental concepts of microeconomic theory. Learn to use economic reasoning to understand the social consequences of decisions made by individual consumers, producers, and governments. Analyze the nature of market outcomes under alternative market structures, and further discuss possible welfare-improving government policies when markets fail to be efficient. Special attention is paid to the analysis of strategic behavior and markets with public goods and externalities. Pre: 130 or consent.
Analysis of Japan’s growth past and present. Does Japan’s economy look different in terms of its international trade structure, industrial structure, labor market, savings patterns, government policies, etc.? Does it matter? Pre: 120 or 130, or consent.
Political economy of the world trading system. Case studies of trade cooperation and conflict under the World Trade Organization and other institutions. Future challenges, including investment policies, environmental and labor standards. Pre: 120, 130 or 131; or consent.
History of educational though and practices from pre-contact Hawaii through statehood. Social, intellectual, political, and cultural influences on indigenous, territorial, and state educational institutions; emphasis on white-settler colonialism, multiculturalism, assimilation, resistance, indigenous, and immigrant experiences. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Spring only
Introduction to the rhetorical, conceptual and stylistic demands of writing at the university level; instruction in composing processes, search strategies, and writing from sources. Students may not earn credit for both ENG 100 and 190. Pre: placement. Freshmen only.
The natural physical environment; the landscape; rocks and minerals, rivers and oceans; volcanism, earthquakes, and other processes inside the Earth; effects of human use of the Earth and its resources. Field trip.
Concepts and theories analyzing ethnic group experiences in relation to colonization, immigration, racism, and social class. Emphasis on cultural perspectives and values
rooted in the experiences of peoples indigenous to Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia.
Development of civilizations from prehistoric origins to 1500. Offered as discussion and/or problems course. Alternative for 151 and 152; students in Honors program only.
Continuation of 161A. Development of civilization from 1500 to the present. Offered as discussion and/ or problems course. Alternative for 151 and 152; students in Honors program only.
Combines lectures by instructors and faculty guests with workshops and hands-on experience in small group projects, including bibliographic searches, laboratory science, social surveys and interviews. A significant portion is dedicated to writing instruction. Honors Program students only. A-F only.
Special inquiry-based study of multi-disciplinary topics in particular historical, cultural, geographical, environmental, or other contexts. Emphasis on primary sources and/or fieldwork and extensive instruction in writing. (B) biological science; (H) humanities; (P) physical science; (R) arts; (S) social science; (T) literature. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or departmental approval. DB for (B); DH for (H); DP for (P); DA for (R); DS for (S); DL for (T)
Introduction to exploring discover-based investigation, with hands-on experiences in a wide range of science fields. Divided into 4-week learning modules led by researchers at several UH Mānoa research facilities on and off campus. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. (Cross-listed as UROP 299)
Students develop understanding of theory, practice, and ethical issues of public policy-making. Combines lecture/discussion and fieldtrips. Students develop policy analysis and strategic plans that identify issues, interests, and methods of influence. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or 291(Alpha), or departmental approval. (Cross-listed as POLS 386)
Seminar on history, theory, and practice of civic engagement in the U.S. and abroad. Involves comparative study of social justice movements, historically and today. Focus on role of university
students in social justice movements. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or 291, or departmental approval. DS
Honors students participating in off campus study (via Study Abroad Center, MIX, or NSE) enhance their experience through a project at the host site, designed with and
approved with consultation with Honors advisor. Repeatable one time, up to three credits. Honors students only. Pre: consent of Honors director and Study Abroad director.
Students develop an understanding of theory and practice of experiential learning through direct engagement and focused scholarly reflection while assimilating and synthesizing new knowledge and developing critical thinking skills. Repeatable two times. Honors Program approval only. A-F only.
Publication process focuses on experiential learning and ethics. Learn how to solicit contributions, review and edit articles, and learn about publishing from multiple perspectives. Repeatable one time. Honors students only. Pre: consent of Honors director and instructor. (Spring only)
Students develop understanding of dynamics of leadership skills within the contexts of paired to large groups. Significant portion is dedicated to writing and oral communication instruction. Honors Program students only. Pre-semester training sessions, on-going training and supervision. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or departmental approval.
Project-based experiential learning involving community-based research or creative work. Focus on project design, practical skills, and teamwork. Significant portion is dedicated to writing instruction. Multi-disciplinary topics vary each semester. Honors Program students only. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Weekly meetings for discussion of enduring issues and problems of an interdisciplinary nature. Limited to candidates for Honors degree. CR/NC only.
Supplemental workshop for students beginning independent work on their senior honors thesis. HON students only. Junior or senior standing only. CR/NC only.
Library research skills; scholarship of research and creative work; methodological and ethical issues; development of individual proposal or prospectus for Senior Honors Project. Limited to candidates for the Honors degree. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only.
Original research, creative work, performance or other form of scholarly project appropriate to a major and supervised by a faculty member. Limited to candidates for Honors degree. Repeatable one time for each major. A-F only.
An introduction to the unique aspects of the native point of view in Hawai‘i and in the larger Pacific with regards to origins, language, religion, land, art, history, and modern issues.
Fundamental information technology concepts and computing terminology, productivity software for problem solving, computer technology trends and impact on individuals and society. Emphasizes the utilization of operating systems and the production of professional documents, spreadsheets, etc.
Overview of the fundamentals of computer science emphasizing problem solving, algorithm development, implementation, and debugging/testing using an object-oriented programming language. Pre: Recommended: computer experience.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr. Lab) Reinforce and strengthen problem-solving skills using abstract data types and introduce software development practices. Emphasize the use of searching and sorting algorithms and their complexity, recursion, object-oriented programming, and data structures. Pre: grade of “B” or higher in 111 or consent.
Designed for students accepted for participation in an international exchange program while enrolled at UH Mānoa. Repeatable unlimited times, credit for 12 credits only. CR/NC only. Pre: admittance to an international exchange program.
Overview of ocean issues and organizations involved with marine activities, management, education, research, and business. Exploration of internships, research, and career opportunities. Preparation of resumes, proposals, and professional presentations. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as BIOL 104)
Introduction to essential information on aging and the field of gerontology. Counters ageist stereotypes, develops skills for translating research into practice, and provides an introductory survey course for the undergraduate certificate in aging. A-F only. (Crosslisted as COA 206)
Exploration and application of basic leadership theories and processes which foster personal and interpersonal development via cognitive experiential classroom methods and mentoring relationships with experienced peer leaders. (Cross-listed as ENGR 250)
Introduction to the environmental humanities, which rests at the intersection of the arts, humanities, and environmental studies. (Cross-listed as SUST 260)
Supervised fieldwork in community agency, arranged by student. Repeatable one time. Pre: written proposal approved by Honors director and appropriate faculty advisor.
Pre-arranged systematic field investigation of selected topics. Pre: written proposal approved by Honors director and appropriate faculty member. Repeatable up to 16 credits.
Addresses ethical issues in gerontology and long-term care for older adults as raised by public policy, health care problems, and social attitudes toward elders. Explores established practices and new directions for ethics in aging. A-F only. (Cross-listed as COA 305)
Independent study tutorial. A-F only.
Comparative-contrastive examination of similarities and differences between Native Americans and Native Hawaiians as the only indigenous peoples of the U.S. with special attention to sociohistorical parallels and mutual contacts since contact with Europeans. Perspective is explicitly interdisciplinary by drawing not only on sociology and history, but also on archaeology, ethnology, linguistics and still other disciplines. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152 and an introductory course in cultural anthropology, political science or sociology; or consent. (Alt. years)
Review of ethnohistory, i.e. the interdisciplinary, holistic and inclusive investigation of the histories of native peoples drawing not only on documented sources, but also on ethnography, linguistics, archaeology, ecology and other disciplines as an alternative to conventional Eurocolonial history. A-F only. Pre: HIST 152, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 327)
Investigation of the impact of information technologies on contemporary culture from a variety of perspectives. A-F only. Pre: upper division or consent.
Cultural studies of science from historical, philosophical, sociological and literary perspectives. Examination of intersections of science, race, gender and environment. A-F only. Pre: upper division or consent.
Examination of nature-culture dynamic over a range of contexts–literary ecology, systems ecology, political ecology, eco-feminism, environmental ethics–in order to articulate new possibilities for interdisciplinary understanding of the human place in nature. A-F only. Pre: any ENG DL or PHIL or GEO course, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 340)
Nature, history, structure, and geographic distribution of pidgins and creoles. Pre: LING 102 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as LING 347)
Focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study of a global health problem that is optimally approached from a One Health perspective. A-F only. Pre: ANSC 200, BIOL 101, MICR 130, PH 201, or consent of instructor. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as TRMD 350)
People’s impact on quality of coastal and ocean environments, especially Hawaiian; scientific, legal, socioeconomic aspects. Ocean pollution, ocean technology. Pre: OCN 201, ORE 202, or ZOOL 200; or consent.
For Study Abroad Program students participating in the UH Mānoa Semester in London. Emphasis is placed on understanding within historical contexts important issues for contemporary British society—particularly those of class, power, gender, and race. A-F only. Pre: participation in London Semester Program.
Students gain critical reading skills in the presentation and discussion of published literature on One Health-related topics. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: PH 441. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TRMD 395)
Directed reading and research. Repeatable two times.
Students carry out marine-related internships, practica, research projects or field experience on-or off-campus with faculty guidance. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: minimum cum GPA of 2.5, junior or senior standing in any field of study and IS 100/BIOL 104 or consent, project proposal. (Cross-listed as BIOL 400)
Life and thought of the two Humboldt brothers. Alexander (1769-1859) helped to lay the foundations of modern science, including geology, geography, botany, zoology, physiology and anthropology. Older, less well-known Wilhelm (1767–1835) was an influential statesman, classical scholar, man of letters, humanist, political philosopher, anthropologist and linguist, and founded the University of Berlin. Review of the two polymaths’ impact on modern science in the Americas, the Pacific and Asia. A-F only. Pre: upper-division or consent.
Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: ANTH 152. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ANTH 414 and LING 414)
Provide certificate students with real-world experience and opportunity to integrate and apply classroom learning in a professional environment. Intended for students who prefer to pursue a supervised, practical experience rather than a research-based project. A-F only. Pre: PH 441. (Cross-listed as TRMD 485)
Field experience in study and abatement of environmental problems under faculty direction. Project proposal, narrative activity log, and documentary report are required. Pre: upper division standing, courses in appropriate discipline, and consent.
Weekly presentations and discussions on current events and research in the field of One Health. Presentation topics may include research progress, literature reviews, or research proposals. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: PH 441. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as TRMD 490)
Directed reading and research. Repeatable one time.
Individually designed field experience for advanced certificate in gerontology students. Placements arranged at community programs, research sites, and special projects at the Center on Aging. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Integrative seminar. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Combined lecture-discussion on the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of the coupled process of biological invasion, disease emergence and biodiversity loss. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Combined lecture-laboratory on the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of the coupled process of biological invasion, disease emergence and biodiversity loss. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Practical laboratory/ field rotation on the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of the coupled process of biological invasion, disease emergence and biodiversity loss. Continuation of 650 and 651L. A-F only. Pre: 650 and 651L, or consent. (Once a year)
Biological, cultural, and linguistic conservation are intimately linked, but rarely studied simultaneously. Adopts a trans-disciplinary view of diversity and conservation of nature, cultures, and languages, along with issues in anthropology, law, and ethics. (Fall only)
Basic concepts; differentiation with applications; integration. Compared to 241, topics are discussed in greater depth. Credit allowed for at most one of 203, 215, 241, 251A. Pre: assessment and consent, or a grade of A in 140 and consent.
Integration techniques and applications, series and approximations, differential equations, introduction to vectors. Pre: 251A (with a minimum grade of B) or 241 (with a minimum grade of A and consent).
Vector calculus; maxima and minima in several variables; multiple integrals; line integrals, surface integrals and their applications. Pre: 252A.
(2 2-hr Lab) Primarily for students in nursing and dental hygiene. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).
Folk, popular, and art music from major regions of the world, with emphasis upon Asia and the Pacific; representative styles and regional characteristics.
Study at another campus through National Student Exchange (NSE). Transfer credits earned upon successful completion of courses on exchange. Repeatable one time at the same host campus. Unlimited times at different host campuses. CR/NC only. Credits to be granted in transfer upon successful completion of course work at exchange institution. Pre: consent of NSE program.
Introduction to the kinds of problems that concern philosophers and to some of the solutions that have been attempted. DH
Introduction to the kinds of problems that concern philosophers and to some of the solutions that have been attempted.
Philosophical attempts to evaluate conduct, character, and social practices.
Universal themes and problems from Asian perspective.
Principles of modern deductive logic.
Special format for topics: mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, wave motion, thermodynamics and kinetic theory. Pre: MATH 242 (or concurrent) or MATH 252A (or concurrent). MATH 216 may be substituted with consent. Co-requisite: 170L
Special format for topics: electricity and magnetism and geometric optics. A-F only. Pre: 151 or 170 and MATH 242 or MATH 252A, MATH 216 may be substituted with consent. Co-requisite: 272L.
Discussion of politics as an activity and of political problems, systems, ideologies, processes.
Theories, approaches, concepts, and issues developed or raised in history of political philosophy and thought. Pre: any 100- or 200-level POLS course, or consent.
An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.
Nature and causes of psychoses; abnormalities of intelligence; psychotherapy. Pre: 100. Recommended: 270.
Basic ideas and issues in contemporary religious thought about the meaning of existence.
Basic social relationships, social structures, and processes.
(3 Lec, 2 50-min Lab) Basic methods of sociology for production and analysis of data. Foundations for understanding research and for advanced courses in methods and statistics. Restricted to students in the honors program and required for students taking the honors track in sociology. A-F only.
Develops necessary tools for effective reasoning and problem-solving through use and application of analytic techniques, including question formation, understanding/interpreting data presented in the public sphere, and evaluating the validity of sources. A-F only.
Continuation of 201. Oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 201 or 258.
Continuation of 201. Oral practice and grammar study; increasing emphasis on reading and written composition. Pre: 201 or 258. HSL
The natural physical environment; the landscape; rocks and minerals, rivers and oceans; volcanism, earthquakes, and other processes inside the Earth; effects of human use of the Earth and its resources. Field trip. (Cross-listed as ERTH 101) DP
Lecture/discussion introduces students to the field of biology through the integration of microbiology and macrobiology into a single, comprehensive systems biology with a focus on Hawaiian biomes and ecosystem sustainability. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OEST 103)
(1 3-hr Lab) Explores connections between biological principles and everyday life with a focus on the environment. Topics include environmental health and sustainability with examples from Hawai‘i. Not a BIOL major elective. (Cross-listed as BIOL 101L)
Introduction to the environment, climate change, and sustainability as they apply to ecosystems. Sustainability will be introduced through active learning exercises that address sustainable development and the three pillars of sustainability. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as GES 102 and OCN 102)
Introduction to a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and methodologies to describe and assess key components to the environment. A-F only. Pre: 112 (or concurrent) or GES 102 (or concurrent) or OCN 102 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as GES 102L and OCN 102L)
Introductory mathematical approaches to quantifying key aspects of global and environmental change. Includes data analysis, graphical representation and modeling of population growth, greenhouse gas emissions and fate, sustainable resource utilization, and sea level change. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ERTH 102)
How do we plan cities to meet long-term social, economic, and
environmental needs? Students will learn about sustainability as it relates to issues like energy, transportation, housing, land, water, and food. Emphasis on writing instruction. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PLAN 101)
Environmentally sustainable and non-sustainable practices, and the impacts of climate change, on the development and spread of human societies from pre-history to the 1500s in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Hawai‘i/Oceania. Active learning environment. (Cross-listed as OCN 105)
Prepares students to make decisions such as where to build/buy a house, sustainable use of natural resources, and what environmental actions relevant to society and Earth’s ecosystem are appropriate on a local and global scale. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ERTH 106)
Introduction to chemistry for non-science majors. Discussion of the role of natural and man-made chemicals in everyday life, with an emphasis on sustainable and environmentally-sensitive use of chemicals to improve our world. A-F only. Students who successfully completed CHEM 100 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 120/CHEM 110 without instructor override. Students who successfully complete 120/CHEM 110 with a grade of C or better will not be allowed to enroll in 100 without instructor override. (Cross-listed as CHEM 110)
Examines the nexus of food, energy, and water in Hawai‘i for sustainable development. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits. (Cross-listed as TPSS 156)
Explores the influence of nature–climate, topography, plants, animals, and microorganisms–on human history and the way people, in turn, have influenced the natural world around them. (Cross-listed as HIST 157)
The Hawaiian socio-ecosystem is the product of centuries of human land use and resource exploitation. Explores the events and processes that have shaped the islands’ ecology and future sustainability. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ANTH 204)
Analysis of our environment with emphasis on understanding relationships and interactions of physical, biological, technological, and political components using scientific methods of inquiry. Food supply and safety, water quality, pollution control, biodiversity, environmental policy. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as NREM 210 and PEPS 210)
Relationship of plants, soils, and the environment, and how they relate to cultural practices and society in agroecosystems with an emphasis on Hawai‘i as a model system. (Cross-listed as TPSS 200)
Examination of the ahupua‘a system as it was conceptualized by the ancient Hawaiians, and exploration of its relevance in modern society; an introductory class to the malama ‘aina track designed to build critical writing skills. A-F only. Pre: 107. (Cross-listed as HWST 207)
Introduction to basic economics concepts, including demand, supply, exchange, market price and market failure. Economic evaluation and policy for the uses of various natural resource endowments, especially in production agriculture, is included. A-F only. (Cross-listed as NREM 220)
Combined lecture/lab on the theory and practice of certified organic food production. Field visits to organic farms/markets included. Open to nonmajors. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 220)
The sustainable social system, culture, spirituality, language, land stewardship, and governance of Native Hawaiians. Transformation of the sustainable Hawaiian social system by a capitalist economy. Resiliency, land issues, and Native Hawaiian quest for sovereign governance. (Cross-listed as ES 221)
Introduction to key concepts and theories in social sciences in relation to sustainability issues. (Cross-listed as SOC 230 and TAHR 250)
Introduction to the scientific principles of sustainability, including the ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, global change biology, ecological principles of natural resource management, renewable energy technologies, and the environmental impacts of humans. (Cross-listed as NREM 251 and TPSS 251)
Introduction to the environmental humanities, which rests at the intersection of the arts, humanities, and environmental studies. (Cross-listed as IS 260)
Introduction to and discussion of ethical issues associated with biodiversity, ecology, and conservation biology. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: any DB course or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BOT 300)
Biological and physical science aspects of natural resource management at local, national, and global scales. Topics covered include resource management of soil, water, forests, wetlands, coasts and wildlife. A-F only. Pre: (NREM/TPSS 251 or 210; CHEM 151 or higher; and BIOL 172) with a minimum grade of C-; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as NREM 301)
Introduction to natural resource and environmental public policy at U.S. federal, Hawai‘i
state, local, and international levels. Policy principles, legal structure, governmental agencies, statutes and programs, analytical techniques, program assessments, and contemporary ethical issues. A-F only. Pre: SUST/ NREM/PEPS 210 or or NREM/SOCS/TPSS 251 or (BIOL 101 or higher) or GEO 101 or (ERTH 101 or higher); and NREM/SUST 220 or one ECON course or two DS courses. (Cross-listed as NREM 302)
Introduction to the concepts and principles of plant conservation biology and to plant conservation-inpractice in Hawai‘i and elsewhere. A-F only. Pre: BOT/ BIOL 305 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BOT 301)
Introduction to approaches, methods, and analyses used in the study and practice of plant conservation, with an emphasis on experimental design and problem-solving. Includes both laboratory and field components. A-F only. Pre: BOT/BIOL 305 or consent. Co-requisite: BOT 301. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BOT 301L)
Use and abuse of natural resources and humanity’s progress toward developing a sustainable relationship with its supporting environment. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as GEO 302)
Interaction of people with water at household, community, regional, national, and international scales, from cultural, political, economic, and biophysical perspectives. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 305)
Application of traditional moral theories to environmental issues. Development and evaluation of specific environmental ethical theories. Application of ethical theories to environmental decision-making. A-F only. Pre: 210 or GEO 101 or PHIL 101 or PHIL 103. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as NREM 306)
Requires a broad set of knowledge systems. Will introduce students to a variety of visual technologies for use in resource management and the ethical application of these technologies. Pre: 107. (Cross-listed as HWST 307)
Introduction to environmental justice, explores the premise that all people have a right to a life-affirming environment. Will examine environmental racism, and the geographical dimensions of race and indigeneity. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 308)
Overview of environmental issues and impacts associated with agriculture, specifically pest management issues, and options for environmentally responsible management and amelioration of these impacts. (Cross-listed as PEPS 310)
Hawai‘i as part of the Pacific community: selected historical and contemporary problems of Pacific areas; cultural and economic imperialism, land alienation, and the impact of development on Pacific peoples. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as ES 320)
Debates on globalization and development, population and resources; root causes of environmental degradation; impacts of globalization on environmentalism and environmental change; social approaches to managing environmental change. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 322)
Introduction to the methods and techniques of environmental and energy policy in relation to energy systems. Analysis of enacted policies from case studies to understanding the effectiveness, challenges, contradictions, and limitations of each. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 321 and PPC 340)
Evolution of international politics, law and decision-making on a variety of environmental concerns; from endangered species to pollution to climate change. Interaction of population, development, and environment in global governance. (Cross-listed as POLS 324)
Application of scientific communication theory, strategic communication, and multimedia techniques to select issues of environmental sustainability. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: COM 201 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 325)
Examines the geography of resources and environmental change with a holistic and multi-scale perspective. Social approaches to resolving environmental problems. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as GEO 325)
Critically examines changing views of nature, nature-culture relationships, and perceptions of the environment across different cultures. (Cross-listed as GEO 330)
Nature and causes of global climate change and economic solutions. Topics include valuing climate change impacts, energy solutions, environmental implications, societal adaptation, and international cooperation. A-F only. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 332)
Climate change is a reality, yet there is much uncertainty about how it will affect our lives. Investigates cultural response to climate change, using studies of the past to plan for the future. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as ANTH 333)
Relationship of humans with natural environment; role of culture in ecological systems. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 335)
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of energy use, and interactions of markets for various nonrenewable and renewable energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop alternative energy sources. Pre: ECON 120 or ECON 130 or ECON 131. (Cross-listed as ECON 336)
Studio investigation of threads under tension through the thematic lens of environmental vulnerability and resiliency. Exploration of art practice as embodied knowledge with specific attention to weaving as a means of meaning and place-making. A-F only. Pre: ART 116 or consent. (Cross-listing as ART 338)
Examination of nature-culture dynamic over a range of contexts–literary ecology, systems ecology, political ecology, eco-feminism, environmental ethics–in order to articulate new possibilities for interdisciplinary understanding of the human place in nature. A-F only. Pre: any ENG DL or PHIL or GEO course, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as IS 340)
Dynamics of change: indigenous Hawaiian land tenure; Great Mahele and Kuleana Act; ethnic succession of land ownership; concentration of ownership today; effects of land development on ethnic communities. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as ES 340)
Transdisciplinary introduction to sustainable development. Interactions between environment, economy, and public policy, especially in Hawai‘i. Topics include: curse of paradise, global warming, energy use, health, poverty, population, water resources, traffic congestion, biodiversity, pollution controls. Pre: 120 or 130 or 131, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 350)
Hawai‘i’s economic transformation from sustainable communal subsistence through mercantile capitalism, plantation capitalism, and global finance capital and impact on its people. Alternative sustainable enterprises for a self-sufficient island economy. Pre: one DS or DH course. (Cross-listed as ES 350)
Undergraduate course exposing students to the resources and processes of the ocean, research, and management approaches, as well as a Hawaiian worldview of oceanic elements. Junior standing or higher. Pre: HWST 107. (Cross-listed as HWST 356)
Fundamentals of benefit-cost analysis with extensions to environmental impacts and projects; case studies. Pre: 220/NREM 220 or ECON 130 or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 358)
Examines politics of sustainability and technoscience with an explicit attention to social justice and power relations in society. A-F only. Pre: WS 151 or any 200- or 300-level WS course, or SOC 100 or any 200-level SOC course, or consent. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as SOC 367 and WS 367)
Fundamentals of genetic theory using traditional breeding and biotechnological procedures in insect and plant pathogen management for sustainable agricultural production. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PEPS 371 and TPSS 371)
Focuses on theories, laws, policies, ethics, and sustainable futures of Hawai‘i and the U.S. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 100 or 200 level POLS course, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as POLS 380)
Study of the ocean as a political place. Engagement with theories, policies, and lived-experiences of the ocean through a political lens, including literature and experiential learning. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200-level POLS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 387)
Explores the transnational history of the Indian Ocean world, especially the region connected by the western monsoon. Topics include travel, trade, religion, colonialism, nationalism, diaspora, and globalization, including actors like slaves, sailors, women, and
merchants. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as HIST 401)
Provides knowledge and understanding of soils, agroecology, and sustainable approaches for plant health management, and prepares students for applied research in various tropical cropping systems. A-F only. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as PEPS 410 and TPSS 410)
Introduces fundamental techniques for wildlife management and conservation. In addition to hands-on training, students will learn underlying biological and ecological principles, as well as quantitative skills, with an emphasis on sustainable management. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as NREM 410)
Examination of society’s interaction with the ocean. Topics include: ocean recreation, shipping, boat building, ports, offshore energy production, aquaculture, fishing, coastal construction, and coral reef protection. Pre: 120 or 130, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 409)
Study of past environments to understand present and future global change. Focus on terrestrial Quaternary environments and global processes. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 411)
Provide a scientific basis to examine the consequences of climate change and the
proposed geoengineering solutions, and examine the fundamental ethical basis that underlies environmental policies. A-F only. Pre: OCN 310. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as OCN 411)
Principles of nature-based tourism, including a survey of impacts, objectives, planning, and management systems. Junior standing or higher. Pre: TIM 101 or GEOG/TIM 324. (Cross-listed as GEO 415 and TIM 415)
Theory and tools for working with groups and communities in the management of natural resources is presented using a participatory format. Topics include sustainable development, extension programming, participatory learning and communication, evaluation, and conflict management. Pre: two social science courses (with a minimum grade of C-) or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 420)
Seminar examining the social, environmental, economic factors of sustainable tourism development. Emphasis on methods and processes and the role of stakeholders (government, industry, host community, tourists). Group projects. A-F only. Pre: 101 and departmental approval. (Cross-listed as TIM 420)
Biological control of invasive insects and weeds using natural enemies; biological control as a cornerstone of sustainable pest management; contributions of biocontrol to economic, environmental, and societal sustainability; reduced dependence on pesticides; increased sustainability of pest management. Pre: PEPS 363 or consent. (Cross-listed as PEPS 422)
Examines historical and contemporary development of the global agro-food systems. The impacts of technological, political and economic changes to food security, environment and development. Open to nonmajors. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 422)
Theory and applications of contaminant/pollutant distribution in the hydrosphere-geosphere-biosphere-atmosphere system, remediation methods, prevention, industrial/agricultural best practices. Topics include aqueous geochemistry, organic, inorganic, gas phase, and ecosystem impacts of environmental contaminants. Pre: CHEM 161 and CHEM 162, or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ERTH 425)
Human interaction with the environment. How market, property institution, and technological change affect the environment. Epistemological basis of environmental policies. Debates on controversial environmental issues. Pre: 102, 151, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEO 426)
Global and local aspects of climate change and paleoclimate; beach and reef processes and response to climate change; management of coastal environments; field study local sites. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ERTH 420)
Conceptual schemes and processes for integrating science curricula within the sciences and with subject areas. Methods and models of curricular integration such as interdisciplinary, culturally relevant, place and community-based learning. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as EDCS 433)
Explores the related concepts of use, re-use, and radical re-use through an exploration of new applications of traditional fiber techniques and contexts of making. A-F only. Pre: ART 113 and 116 and one 200-level or above fiber course, and consent. Pre: ART 116 or consent. (Cross-listed as ART 436)
Studio investigation of the definition/ transformation of space through artist intervention.
Emphasis on the evocative potential of materials in context (ecological, social, political, psychological) as well as experiments in non-object based interventions. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ART 116 or consent. (Cross-listed as ART 439)
Assessing vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change stressors and providing technical engineering solutions for adaptation. Senior standing or higher. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as CEE 440)
Key principles of sustainability and its analysis. Quantification of environmental impact/assessment using target plots, mass/energy balances, and life cycle analyses (cradle to gate/grave) applied to products, processes, or systems. Use of SimaPro. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CEE 441 and OCN 441)
Introduction to the process of developing Environmental Management Systems that address the principles outlined in ISO14001:2015. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as OCN 442 and TIM 462)
Evaluation of infrastructure impacts. Impacts regulation and mitigation. Effects of environmental and other policies on infrastructure. Infrastructure relations to sustainability. Energy consumption, transportation efficiency and infrastructure recycling. Lectures and presentations by experts and enrolled students. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: senior standing, open to engineering, science, urban planning, and economics majors. (Cross-listed as CEE 444)
Ecological implications of cultural uses of plants. Examines the biological basis for, and ecological effects of traditional and local resource management systems. Pre: BOT 305 or BIOL 265/265L or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 444)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Methods and techniques of handling and identifying plant materials used by early Hawaiians and modern Hawaiians for house and canoe construction, clothing, household and fishing items, medicine, and food preparation. Reading, laboratory, and fieldwork. Pre: BOT 440 or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 446)
Introduction to regional and global climate modeling for environmental scientists and engineers. Learn principles of climate modeling, how to access and use climate data for sustainable engineering and environmental management solutions, and effectively communicate results. A-F only. Senior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as ATMO 449 and CEE 449)
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota. Pre: one semester of biological sciences at college level. (Cross-listed as BIOL 454 and BOT 450)
Lecture-based overview of the history, ecology, and management of wildlife species from around the world and Hawai‘i. Pre: BIOL 172 (with a minimum grade of C-) or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 450)
Causes and dynamics of ethnic conflicts with attention to problem resolution; (B) Middle East; (C) Hawaiian sovereignty in Pacific context. Pre: one DS or DH course, or consent for (C). (Cross-listed as ES 455C)
Overview of the history of land, resources and power in Hawai‘i; players and processes influencing land and natural resources policies today explored from Native Hawaiian and other viewpoints. Extensive use of case studies. Pre: HWST 207/SUST 217 or HWST 307/ SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356 (Cross-listed as HWST 458 and NREM 458
Comprehensive analysis of traditional Hawaiian and modern resource management practices. Rigorous overview of the dominant physical and biological processes from the uplands to the oceans in Hawai‘i. Pre: 217/HWST 207 or 317/HWST 307 or SUST/HWST 356. (Cross-listed as HWST 457)
Principles of project evaluation and policy analysis. Shadow pricing, economic cost of taxes and tariffs; public policy for exhaustible, renewable, and environmental resources. Pre: 301. (Cross-listed as ECON 458)
Analyzing diverse land and water use strategies of O‘ahu, from traditional Hawaiian, scientific and economic perspectives, through classroom and on-site lectures. Topics include traditional Hawaiian methods, modern development, threatened ecosystems, ecotourism and scientific research. A-F only. Pre: 217/HWST 207 or 317/HWST 307 or SUST/HWST/356. (Cross-listed as HWST 459).
A “hands-on” internship in an environmental or resource-management organization in Hawai‘i. The experience will be broadened and supplemented by classroom lectures, discussion and analysis from traditional Hawaiian, scientific and economic perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 217/HWST 207 or 317/HWST 307 or SUST/HWST 356. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as HWST 460)
Ethnic conflicts cause most wars on our globe today. Examines causes of ethnic conflict, including climate change. Will evaluate approaches to building peaceful relations between groups and developing sustainable relationships with the environment. Junior standing or higher. Pre: one DS or DH course or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 460)
Application of ecological theory to sustainable management of forest resources in Hawaii and beyond, including silviculture
(production of timber and nontimber forest products), restoration (restoring damaged or degraded forests), and conservation (conserving existing forest resources). A-F only. Pre: (311/NREM 310 and NREM 380) with a minimum grade of C-, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as NREM 480)
Survey history of the complex relations between American societies and diverse U.S. ecosystems, from European contact and colonization to the present. (Cross-listed as AMST 425 and HIST 480)
Investigates environmental problems from an anthropological perspective, and examines the cultural politics of contestations over resources, rights, and the meanings of nature. Pre: ANTH 152 or ANTH 415 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 482)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Senior-level capstone for NREM and related majors. Ecosystem management within problemsolving context. Applications of research and analytical methods, management tools to case studies. Focus on student teamwork and oral communications. NREM majors only. A-F only. Pre: Senior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 494)
Capstone for undergraduate students in interdisciplinary studies focusing on sustainability. The capstone experience provides an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and research experience in an applied setting. Repeatable one time. IS majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only.
Weekly seminar covering research, processes, and initiatives related to sustainability and resilience in practice. The intent is to foster intellectual engagement and to help and encourage students to spawn their own original research ideas. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Explores how various forms of salt, fresh, and brackish water have played transformative roles in the evolution of human communities throughout history. (Cross-listed as HIST 608)
Exploration of institutional and policy dimensions of natural resource development, management, allocation, markets and pricing, focusing on their environmental impacts. Emphasis on policy analysis using case studies and empirical findings. Original paper required. A-F only. Pre: grade of Cor above in ECON 130 or NREM/SUST 220, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 611)
Historic, present, and projected trends in understanding and managing human-dominated ecosystems; predicting, measuring and mitigating degradation especially in terrestrial ecosystems with a focus on small volcanic islands in tropical settings. A-F only. Pre: NREM 301/ SUST 311 and NREM 304 (or equivalent) and NREM 600. Recommended NREM 461, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as NREM 612)
Introduces advanced techniques for wildlife management and conservation. In addition to hands-on training, students will learn underlying biological and ecological principles, as well as quantitative skills, with an emphasis on sustainable management. A-F only. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as NREM 610)
Overview of urbanization and environmental change. An examination of environmental laws, policies, planning and urban design strategies designed to minimize and mitigate urban impacts. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PLAN 620)
Design and solutions to coastal flood mitigation problems. Topics include climate adaptation; engineering solutions and best practices to mitigate coastal risk under different ocean hazard scenarios; and ecological approaches to mitigate coastal risk. Pre: consent; knowledge of AutoCAD and ORE 661 desirable. (Cross-listed as CEE 621 and ORE 621)
Application of recent developments in science, sustainability, curriculum development, and learning theory to pre-kindergarten through secondary school. Science philosophy, content and methodology stressed, including inquiry, nature of science, sustainability, and
science literacy. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as EDCS 623)
Coastal modeling using the SMS Surface-Water Modeling software. Applications to solving coastal problems for different ocean hazard scenarios by applying models for tides, waves, coastal circulation, wave-current interaction, sediment transport, and/or morphology change. Pre: consent; knowledge of ORE 607 desirable. (Cross-listed as CEE 624 and ORE 624)
Analysis of planning responses to human-induced climate change and related environmental problems. Part of the Asia/Pacific Initiative taught in collaboration with universities throughout the region via videoconferencing. (Cross-listed as PLAN 625)
Geological history and geologic framework of the Hawaiian shoreline. Modern climate change, paleoclimate, focus on sea level change. Modern coastal management and problems in the coastal environment. Coastal planning. Repeatable one time, credit earned one time. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as ERTH 620)
Seminar that examines environmental problems associated with urbanization. Reviews strategic approaches and collaboration among key actors to address such problems. (Cross-listed as PLAN 628)
Urban and regional planning in island settings. Experiences in Hawai‘i, Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as PLAN 632)
Analysis of economic and policy aspects of renewable energy use, and interactions of markets for renewable energy and other energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop renewable energy options. Pre: college calculus and principles of microeconomics; or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 636)
Analysis of problems of development and management of natural resources with emphasis on resources in agriculture and role in economic development. Pre: ECON 608 and 629. (Cross-listed as ECON 637 and NREM 637)
Principles of policy design and evaluation for environmental resources management, forestry and watershed conservation, and sustainable economic development. Pre: ECON 604 or 606; or consent. (Cross-listed as ECON 638)
Through discussion of primary land systems science literature and use of environmental modeling software, this interdisciplinary course explores how drivers, states, and trends in human appropriation of land affect socio-ecological system function. Pre: NREM 477 or NREM 677 or GEO 470 or GEO 476 or ERTH 460 or ERTH 461. (Alt. years: Fall) (Cross-listed as NREM 640)
Study in trends, research, and problems of implementation in teaching field. (P) place-based education. Each alpha repeatable two times. COE-related majors only. Pre: graduate and/or undergraduate courses in education and/ or social sciences or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 640P)
Focus on ideology, conceptual models, accounting frameworks, appropriate technologies, and indicators of planning for sustainability. Central and local policies, plans, and best practices in various countries and settings will be covered. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PLAN 647)
Seminar on pre-contact, customary laws on fishing and ocean stewardship, their codification in written laws during the Hawaiian Kingdom period, and changes and impacts through U.S. annexation and statehood, including current models of ocean governance. (Alt. years: Fall) (Cross-listed as HWST 652)
Advanced environmental benefit-cost analysis will require that proficiency be demonstrated on fundamentals and address topics related to sustainability, including income equality, non-market goods, risk, cost of public funds, and the social discount rate. (Cross-listed as NREM 658)
Seminar focused on leadership challenges in Mālama ‘Āina to bridge ancestral and contemporary systems to better steward resources, produce abundance, work with and in community, and pivot large institutions for a better Aloha ‘Āina future. (Cross-listed as HWST 659)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Identification, systematics, evolution, and biogeography of native plants. Field trips. Pre: 461 or consent. (Cross-listed as BOT 661)
Analyses of sustainability, environmental, and technoscience issues from sociological perspectives. Graduate students only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as SOC 670)
Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems: applicability, thermodynamics, design challenges; wave energy converters: floating devices, oscillating water column, optimal hydrodynamic performance; current, tidal, and offshore wind power. Pre: ORE 607; basic knowledge of thermodynamics desirable. (Cross-listed as ORE 677)
Weekly seminar covering research, processes, and initiatives related to sustainability and resilience in practice. The intent is to foster intellectual engagement and to help and encourage students to spawn their own original research ideas. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
(Cross-listed as GEO 763)
An integrated cross-cultural approach to the study of foods and cultures. Examine history, concepts, principles of cultures and cuisines, the background of food tradition including habitat, social status, religious beliefs, gender, and other environmental considerations. A-F only.
Seminar introduces students to goal setting, time management, major exploration, academic planning, service-learning opportunities, student/faculty meetings, financial literacy, and encourages frequent self-reflection. Instructor approval required. A-F only.
Seminar introduces exploratory students to major and career exploration resources, guides students in developing personal, academic, and career goals and plans, and encourages frequent self-reflection. Develops written communication skills. A-F only.
Major exploration providing incoming students with an understanding of the tools to navigate UH Mānoa and explore the programs of study available. Introduction to career development, goal setting, and action planning. Freshmen only. Exploratory majors only. A-F only.
Provides exploratory students with the knowledge/skills to thrive in college and beyond. Utilizes writing as a tool for research, analysis, exploration, and reflection. Topics include major and career exploration, personal interests, and goal-setting. May not be taken concurrently or after UNIV 340. Freshmen and sophomores only. Exploratory designations only. A-F only.
Theories of the memory processes and the application of the Information Processing Systems in developing metacognitive strategies for college classroom success. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only.
Interactive course develops mentoring skills and relationships with peers, mentors, and “elders.” Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Summer only)
Introduction to exploring discover-based investigation, with hands-on experiences in a wide range of science fields. Divided into 4-week learning modules led by researchers at several UH Mānoa research facilities on and off campus. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. (Cross-listed as HON 299)
Directed research for undergraduate students conducting faculty-mentored research or creative work projects. Repeatable three times, up to ten credits. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of UROP director and student faculty mentor. (Summer only)
Introduction to feminist interdisciplinary analysis from global and critical perspectives; relationships between women and men from Asia-Pacific, Hawaiian, and other cultures. Focus on gender, race, class, sexual dynamics, and women’s negotiations with institutional dynamics. Honors students only. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval.