Instruction on social determinants of health, issues of health equity, and how these issues can be addressed through research. Discussions and activities promote a greater understanding of health disparities research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Junior standing or higher. Pre: consent.
Introduction to medical science stressing key historical figures and significant events to exemplify the development of scientific methods. Special emphasis on writing skills, health team concept, and culture and contributions of the Pacific. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to Imi Ho‘ola PostBaccalaureate Program.
Continuation of 501. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: 501.
(2 Lec, 2 Tutorial, 1 3-hr Lab) Foundation in medical sciences, including anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pathology, and pharmacology (focus on respiratory, cardiovascular, and urinary systems); develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Includes lectures, problembased tutorials, and histology and gross anatomy labs. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to Imi Ho‘ola PostBaccalaureate Program.
(2 Lec, 2 Tutorial, 1 3-hr Lab) Continuation of 503. CR/NC only. Pre: 503.
Provide background knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology with emphasis in principles of biochemical processes as well as clinical correlations to medical conditions; develop critical thinking, standardized test taking skills, and problem-solving skills. CR/NC only. Pre: admission to Imi Ho‘ola Post-Baccalaureate Program.
Continuation of 505. CR/NC only. Pre: 505.
Introduction to Native Hawaiian health issues and traditional healing practices. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551 or consent.
Clinical experience in the Native Hawaiian Health Care System and community health care centers, incorporating both western and traditional Hawaiian medicine. Open to fourth year medical students interested in Native Hawaiian Health Care. CR/NC only. Pre: MED 531 or MED 532.
Social justice provides an analytical and prescriptive framework to understand health inequities; understand connections between social forces and health outcomes, and the role of the individual student in improving social justice in the health system. Graduate standing only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551. (Spring only)
Provides a focused experience in clinical medicine with opportunities to practice the history and physical examination in Lau Ola, the clinical setting of the Department of Native Hawaiian Health. Repeatable one time. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 574 or consent. (Fall only)
Instruction of medical students in the social determinants of health, issues of health equity, specifically in Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders and/or disadvantaged people and teach them how these issues can be addressed through research. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Instruction on social determinants of health, issues of health equity, and how these issues can be addressed through research. Discussions and activities promote a greater understanding of health disparities research. Repeatable two times, or up to 27 credits. Pre: consent.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate standing only. Pre: consent.