Survival kit for life in Hawai‘i: Introduction to Hawaiian and language related issues enhancing communicative experience in Hawai‘i. Examination of social, cultural, political, and linguistic cross-cultural interaction locally and globally. Taught in English/Hawai‘i Creole English.
Introductory course in Hawaiian language focused on the foundational skills of language acquisition: speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or exam or consent.
Content of 101 and 102 (Elementary Hawaiian I & II) covered in one semester.
Accelerated lecture/lab to bridge fluent speakers mainly from Kula Kaiapuni into Kawaihuelani’s system of Hawaiian that reflects a Hawaiian worldview, including HAW 101-201 content, grammar, writing, and spelling conventions. Students matriculate into HAW 202. Pre: instructor consent required. (Spring only)
Continuation of 102 with continued development in the foundational skills of language acquisition: speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding. Increased emphasis on reading or traditional texts. Pre: 102 or 105 or exam or consent.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or exam, or consent.
Content of 201 and 202 covered in one semester. Meets two hours daily, plus lab work. Pre: 102 or 105, or exam.
Survey of Hawaiian literature, including prose narration and poetry with reference to Polynesian and Western themes and forms.
The incorporation of mele and the performance thereof for the enhancement of second language acquisition in Hawaiian. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 202 with emphasis on increasing proficiency in speaking/conversation, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding. Conducted in Hawaiian. Pre: 202 or 206 or exam, or consent.
Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or exam, or consent.
Systematic practice on various topics for control of spoken Hawaiian. Repeatable up to six credit hours. Pre: 202 or consent.
Intensive work in the grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic dimensions of composition writing in Hawaiian. Pre: 202.
Development of listening comprehension through transcription and discussion of tape recordings. Pre: 202.
Lecture offering focused study and creation of Hawaiian language newspapers with a concentration on the characteristics of writing in this genre. Students will produce a monthly newsletter in Hawaiian. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
A survey course on the study of traditional Hawaiian culture including origins, the socioeconomic system, land tenure, religion, values, and the arts. The course will be taught in Hawaiian. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Combined lecture/lab involving students in the planning and production of a weekly Hawaiian language radio broadcast. Includes research, writing, and voicing of mele and their stories on live radio. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 or 384 (or concurrent with consent), or consent.
Composers and Their Compositions. Provides a venue which will allow students to analyze, dissect and discuss mele (song, poetry and chant), paying close attention to the style of composition by identifying reoccurring nuances found in mele composed by the same as well as various authors. Pre: completion of 202 or consent. (Once a year)
Advanced speaking/conversation, discussion, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural understanding. Conducted in Hawaiian. Transcribing and translating recordings of native speakers in Hawaiian. Pre: 302 or exam, or consent.
Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or exam, or consent.
Survey of the major works by Hawaiian scholars writing about the history and culture of Hawai‘i including David Malo, Kamakau, Kepelino, and John Papa Αi. Pre: 302.
Survey of the core literature written by Hawaiian scholars, including both historical and mythological epics and folk tales. Pre: 302.
The incorporation of mele and hula performance with mo‘olelo and ka‘ao. Pre: 302 or consent.
Intensive study of Hawaiian political thought in writing and speech. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 303C)
Study of Hawaiian land tenure practices through readings and discussions of audiotapes, written primary sources, maps, wind names, rain names, ‘Ōlelo no‘eau (wise sayings), and mele (poetry). Readings are drawn from 19th and 20th century Hawaiian newspapers and other primary sources. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Study of traditional Hawaiian language and cultural practices through hands-on applications and lectures. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Study and composition of written works in various creative genres of Hawaiian storytelling, with a focus on the adaptation and maintenance of a Hawaiian voice and worldview in writing. Pre: 302 and 331.
An experiential approach to the acquisition of vocabulary, which will allow students to broaden and deepen their knowledge of language and the range of domains to perpetuate Hawaiian as a living language. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), or consent.
A study of traditional Hawaiian and contemporary food culture through hands-on applications and lectures. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Problems in translation of: (B) legal documents; (C) newspapers; (D) religious writings. Pre: 302 or consent.
Study of Hawaiian news media with emphasis on political content. Includes field trips to various archives. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 344)
Descriptive linguistic analysis. Intensive exercises in advanced grammar. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent.
Basic study of ‘Olelo Ni‘ihau. Speaking and listening comprehension will be developed through listening to audio recordings, watching video recordings, and participating in faceto-face conversations with Ni‘ihau native speakers. Pre: 402 (or concurrent) or consent.
Development from proto-Polynesian. Phonology, morphology, and grammar; history of research. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) and 452, or consent.
Provide Hawaiian language students with linguistic tools necessary to provide sports education to Hawaiian immersion schools and for basic intergenerational use of Hawaiian in the linguistic domain of sports. (B) basketball; (C) volleyball; (D) football; (E) baseball. Repeatable for other topics.
Examination of language needs in various classroom settings and introduction to new vocabulary in school content areas. Pre: 302, 452, and consent.
Examination of the political struggles of the Kula Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion Program)–past and present. Special attention given to federal and state governments, Department of Education, and internal political struggles. Pre: 401 (or concurrent with consent).
Examination of curricular issues of indigenous language programs; weekly participation in an immersion classroom; development of materials. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 or consent.
Explore the knowledge base needed for teaching in the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program and initiate inquiry into the nature and social context of teaching, learning and schooling. Pre: 302 or consent.
Full-time student teaching in a Hawaiian language classroom. CR/NC only. Pre: 302 and 463; or consent. Co-requisite: 476.
Analysis and resolution of issues in teaching residency; teaching strategies and techniques; curriculum planning, professional growth and development. Pre: 302 and 463; or consent. Co-requisite: 475.
Will provide students with the opportunity to learn mele, mainly poetry and song, composed specifically for a certain area of Hawai‘i. Pre: 302 or consent.
Historical survey and analysis of poetry found in traditional chants, folk songs, modern poetry written in Hawaiian. Interpreting and composing Hawaiian poetry. Pre: 302 and consent, or 401.
The creation and authoring of Hawaiian language play scripts based on traditional motifs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or concurrent) or consent.
From design to performance, students mount an original production based on traditional motifs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or concurrent), or consent.
Survey and analysis of traditional proverbs and their kaona or symbolic meanings. A-F only. Pre: 402 or consent.
Assess the linguistic competence of prospective Hawaiian language immersion teachers to assure that all teachers entering the state DOE Hawaiian Immersion Program meet the requirements of the program with respect to Hawaiian language proficiency. CR/NC only. Pre: 402 (or concurrent), and 463 (or concurrent), or consent.
Analysis and acquisition of features in Hawaiian spoken by Hawaiian speaking children in Hawaiian immersion education. Pre: 302 and 452, or consent.
Learning Hawaiian in the immersion setting: cultural context, behavioral patterns, and learning concerns. Pre: 302, and either 435 or 484; or consent.
Study of Hawaiian language through vernacular readings in various academic fields. Repeatable up to 6 credits. Pre: 302 and consent.
Analyzes various genres of written Hawaiian literature. HAW majors only. Pre: graduate standing and 402, or consent.
A survey of oral performance styles to build increased oral skills. Pre: graduate standing and 601, or consent.
Seminar to select and develop students’ research topic, proposal, and organizational plan for Plan A or B completion. Majors are encouraged not to take this course in their first semester of the program. A-F only. (Once a year)
Research methodology course utilizing active research in the major repositories of Hawaiian language materials and Hawaiian-related knowledge. A-F only. Pre: 604 or consent. (Once a year)
Study of Hawaiian political thought in writing from ca. 1825 to the present, with emphasis on theory and research methods. Pre: 402, 428, and POLS 303; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 612)
The examination of Hawaiian ways of speaking, as contrasted with English focusing on those features that are uniquely Hawaiian and can be said to constitute a Hawaiian worldview. Section 1 taught in Hawaiian; Section 2 taught in English. Pre: 402 or consent for Section 1.
Intensive study, research, and analysis of Hawaiian history. Repeatable two times with consent of advisor. Pre: 402 or consent.
Intensive study of an individual author, his/her works and nuances of his/her works. (E) J. H. Kanepu‘u; (I) S. M. Kamakau. Pre: 601 or consent. (Once a year)
Survey of existing texts and teaching resources; analysis of student clientele and needs; review of pedagogical approaches for heritage and non-heritage learners; syllabus and materials development; practicum. Pre: 401 and 452 or consent.
In-depth examination and research into the grammar of Hawaiian including discussion of theories of language and incorporation of meta-language. Pre: 452 or consent. (Once a year)
Intensive, advanced study and analysis of traditional Hawaiian Ni‘ihau dialect through face-to-face conversations with Ni‘ihau native speakers, listening to audio recordings and watching video recordings of Ni‘ihau native speakers. Pre: (402 and 453) with a minimum grade of B- or consent.
Intensive study focusing on original compositions of Hawaiian poetry and song. Pre: 402 and 484, or consent.
Research for Plan B project/non-thesis. May include but not limited to internship with cultural practitioner. Repeatable up to six credits. HAW majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of graduate advisor.
Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: consent of instructor and graduate chair.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.