Interrelated historical, philosophical, and sociocultural contexts of education with an emphasis on identifying, analyzing, and deliberating on contemporary ethical issues, problems, and applications. Students enrolled in colleges other than the College of Education are asked to confer with the College of Education director of student services before enrolling in 310. A-F only.
History of educational though and practices from pre-contact Hawaii through statehood. Social, intellectual, political, and cultural influences on indigenous, territorial, and state educational institutions; emphasis on white-settler colonialism, multiculturalism, assimilation, resistance, indigenous, and immigrant experiences. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Spring only.
History of educational though and practices from pre-contact Hawaii through statehood. Social, intellectual, political, and cultural influences on indigenous, territorial, and state educational institutions; emphasis on white-settler colonialism, multiculturalism, assimilation, resistance, indigenous, and immigrant experiences. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Spring only
Concepts and methods to develop sensitivity and awareness of cultural influences on behavior as these relate to the schooling process. A-F only.
Individual reading or research. Pre: senior majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in education, and consent of instructor and department chair.
Theoretical and practical approaches to understanding the constitution of community life. A focus on the social construction of normative values, social dynamics of organizations, and school-community relations. A-F only.
Introduction to sociological frameworks of analysis of the institutional, cultural and social dynamics of schooling, classroom management, school reform, social group and individual role behavior. A-F only.
Examination of current and historical issues in education and how they are impacted upon by gender, with particular reference to gender as it intersects with ethnicity and class, locally and globally. Pre: WGSS 151 or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 453 and WGSS 453)
Identity and learning within and among Hawai‘i ethnic groups; study of prejudice and inter-ethnic hostilities as these impact education and teaching. College of Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Education as cultural and cross-cultural learning; universal aspects of the process. Ethnographic study. Applied anthropological theory and practice for educators. A-F only.
An in-depth review of social, philosophical, and historical views underlying various theories of education and their applications in teaching and learning. A-F only.
Examines issues, theories, perspectives and practices in multicultural education and promotes awareness, encourages knowledgeable reflection and develops skills necessary for multicultural practitioners. A-F only. (Cross-listed as EDCS 630)
Field-based participant research projects, including analysis of educational problems and issues. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.
Classical European, Chinese, Indic, and Islamic traditions in the history of education; emphasis on ways in which they shift, interact, and collide from the early modern period to the present.
History of educational thought and practice from European colonialism to revolutionary nationalism to the present. A-F only.
From pre-contact, ancient Hawai‘i to the present. Social and intellectual influences on the development of national, local, and indigenous educational institutions; emphasis on multicultural as well as monocultural directions in Hawai‘i’s schools. A-F only.
Salient historic, social, and organizational aspects of higher education; history, philosophy, purposes, governance, administration, structures, financing, faculty and student selection, curricula, legal and social issues.
Readings of the original texts of major philosophers impacting American education. Considerations about the conditions of knowing and their extension in everyday practices in education. A-F only.
Multi-disciplinary (historical, philosophical, social/cultural and comparative/international focus on topical issues in education. (B) general; (C) leadership and governance in education; (D) educational reform; (E) foundations of teaching; (F) foundations of curriculum; (G) globalization in education; (H) moral political education. Repeatable one time for (H). A-F only for (H). Pre: graduate standing and departmental approval.
Introduction to basic methods of comparative studies, focusing on schooling, but also treating broader educational issues. A-F only.
Educational institutions, structures, processes, policies, and problems viewed within the context of political, social, and cultural milieus. Geographic region or theme focus. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Examines theories and models of educational policy and policy-making and the contribution of policy analysis to the policy-making and change processes. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Crosslisted as EDEA 675)
Examination of the ways in which education can be viewed as political, arising from its connection to the larger political system including local, state, and federal governments. A-F only. Pre: 675, EDEA 675, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 676)
Overview of different research methods in educational inquiry with an opportunity to explore through practice one or more methods (ex: case study, interviewing, narrative construction, practitioner inquiry. Preparation for MEd or PhD proposals.
Introduction to educational law and the way it relates to issues of race and ethnicity. Particular focus on how the U.S. courts have dealt with the question of educational inequality in a multiracial/multiethnic society. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Focuses on the interplay of class, race, gender and ethnicity in school and community settings. Social praxis, educational reform and policy are considered. A-F only.
Focuses on the challenges educators face in identifying appropriate pedagogical frameworks and practices in global education that address the impact of globalization in our society today. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Introduction to international development education in Asian and Pacific nations. Students explore links between education and development. Emphasis is on cross-cultural perception of development.
Focuses on the development of an ecological consciousness through a cultural and environmental approach to teaching and learning in schooling and everyday life.
Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times.
Study of classical and contemporary theories of social change as these relate to school, the profession of teaching, planning of change, and social stability. Pre: consent
Contemporary American education in recent historical perspective; focuses on the educational changes brought about by WW II, the Cold War, civil rights and other social movements. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Genesis and evolution of college and university from
Examination of social, political, and cultural issues affecting educational policy with special emphasis on methods of inquiry and theoretical constructs. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Advanced studies in philosophical inquiry. Examination of philosophically based methods of analysis and interpretation and their influence in educational research and practice. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Aspects of the history of education. Application of historiography to educational problems and policy. Repeatable with different content. A-F only. Pre: 651 or 652, or consent.
Examination of the structure and dynamics of educational system. Particular focus on how educational policy interacts with principles that explain educational system behavior. A-F only. Pre: 675 or EDEA 675, or consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 767)
Advanced reading, research and writing in selected topics dealing with comparative and international education, including such themes as policy studies, minority education and educational reform. A-F only. Pre: consent.