Broad-based studio exploration of materials, techniques, concepts in contemporary fiber art. May include surface patterning/manipulation, papermaking, woven, other 2D/3D hand construction techniques. Focus on creative-problem solving, experimentation in a cooperative studio setting.
In-depth studio exploration of non-loom fiber techniques for creating/ manipulating 2D and 3D forms. Emphasis on concept development, skill mastery, innovative application of materials/techniques. May include felting, knotting, netting, piecing, coiling, found object/sewn constructions, papermaking. A-F only. Pre: one of 103, 116; or consent.
Metal casting and development of associated practices and concepts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.
Investigations of traditional and contemporary carving concepts and methods. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.
Studio emphasis on handmade papermaking techniques, conceptual exploration in two and three dimensions. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: one fiber course or one of 104, 113, 116; or consent.
Studio exploration of clothing as art form and the body as living armature and performance. Emphasis on development of concept, skill, collaborative and individual voice through material investigation, research, discussions, lectures, individual and group projects. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: one 200-level fiber course, or 116 and one 200-level studio course; or consent.
Studio exploration in contemporary dimensional fiber using both conventional and non-conventional materials and processes. Emphasis on concept development, sensitivity to the evocative potential of materials, context, surface treatment and its relationship to concept and structure. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: one 200 level fiber course or 116 and one 200 level studio course; or consent.
Studio investigation of threads under tension through the thematic lens of environmental vulnerability and resiliency. Exploration of art practice as embodied knowledge with specific attention to weaving as a means of meaning and place-making. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listing as SUST 338)
In-depth studio exploration of fiber techniques for patterning and manipulating cloth and other related experimental surfaces. Engages conceptual exploration through experimentation with traditional fiber patterning techniques such as dyeing, resisting, direct printing, embellishment drawing with thread and piercing. Group and individual projects. A-F only. Pre: 113 and 116; or consent.
Figure modeling, mold making, and casting. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.
The design and construction of objects incorporating movement as an integral element of their content. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.
Metal fabrication and development of associated practices, concepts, and historical references. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.
Fabrication and casting of forms on a small scale such as jewelry. The development of related practices, concepts, and historical references. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or
The design and construction of objects intended for use/interaction. Emphasis on wood and synthetic materials. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.
Contextualization of late 20th/early 21st century sculptural practice, including stylistic and theoretical frameworks, with references to influences of various historical Western and Asian traditions and applying this knowledge in the creation of sculpture. Pre: 116 and 176, or consent.
Explores the related concepts of use, re-use, and radical re-use through an exploration of new applications of traditional fiber techniques and contexts of making. A-F only. Pre: 113 and 116 and one 200-level or above fiber course, and consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 436)
Studio investigation of the definition/ transformation of space through artist intervention.
Emphasis on the evocative potential of materials in context (ecological, social, political, psychological) as well as experiments in non-object based interventions. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 116. (Cross-listed as SUST 439)