Research design and preparation of thesis proposal. Normally
taken after admission to candidacy in MURP. Pre: (600 or 601 or 603) with a minimum grade of B, or consent.
Use of advanced and specialized spatial methods and models in urban and regional planning. Uses GIS software and builds upon 601. Skills are useful applied to planning, economic development, and environmental planning and resource management. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Advanced methods and deterministic and stochastic models used in urban and regional planning.
Examine theories and practices of multisector collaboration (public, private, nonprofit). The use of collaboration as an alternative way of solving public problems. (Cross-listed as PACE 661)
Advanced conflict resolution course. Covers key issues in the prevention, management and resolution of multiparty conflicts. Combined lecture, discussion, and simulations. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as PACE 668)
Overview to the field of disaster management and humanitarian assistance with a specific focus on risk reduction. Includes background knowledge and skills for preparedness, response, recovery, mitigation, and adaptation to hazards and threats. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)
Combined lecture/ discussion in disaster management focusing on the scientific understanding of the forces and processes underlying natural hazards; and human attempts to respond to these through mitigation and planning activities. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ERTH 604)
Combined lecture/ discussion aimed at understanding the theoretical basis and working structure of humanitarian assistance programs and international responses to natural and human-induced disasters. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year)
Combined lecture/laboratory in disaster management focusing on essential methodological and practical issues that are involved in spatial analyses using GIS and other information technologies to inform decision making related to natural hazards, disasters, and human attempts to respond to these through mitigation and planning activities. Pre: 473 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.
How do communities recover from disaster? Provides students with an overview of recovery theory and an understanding of how planners, policy makers, and ordinary citizens rebuild communities, cities, and nations following catastrophic events. A-F only. Graduate standing only.
History and philosophy of historic preservation movement. Analysis of values and assumptions, methodologies and tactics, implications for society and public policy. (Cross-listed as AMST 675 and ARCH 628)
Techniques in recording and evaluation of historic buildings and other resources, with an emphasis on field recordings and state and federal registration procedures. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 676 and ANTH 676)
Local-level historic preservation, with an emphasis on historic districts, design guidelines, regulatory controls, and community consensus-building. (Cross-listed as AMST 677)
Fundamental principles that guide site planning, including planning and design determinants of the site taking into account its regional context, site-specific characteristics and applicable codes, ordinances, and standards. PLAN and ARCH majors only. (Fall only)
Survey course of public land use management. (Cross-listed as LAW 580)
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
Limited to MURP students under Plan A. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Combined lecture/discussion in disaster management and humanitarian assistance track focusing on developing a multidisciplinary understanding of international terrorism and anti-terrorism planning and response. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year)