Basic techniques of working with cold and molten glass. Theory of glass studio operation and introduction to glass theory.
Expressive explorations in glass casting with wet sand, bonded sand, and metal molds. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.
Expressive explorations using architectural sheet glass. Development of 2D and 3D forms using engraving, sandblasting, and cold joinery techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.
Expressive explorations in the use of kiln-formed, fusible-sheet glasses and enameling on glass. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.
Glass kiln casting techniques, lost wax fuse casting, pâte de verre. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.
Glass as an expressive medium. Individual problems; construction of studio equipment. Readings and discussions of contemporary glass issues. Repeatable one time. Pre: Two of the following: 230, 234, 303, 306.