An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.
An overview of the field: psychophysiology, perception, learning, cognition, stress, personality, social psychology.
Survey of topics in psychology relevant to gender and its impact on the lives of women and men: socialization of gender, mental health, racial identity, majority-minority status, sexual orientation, life-span issues and violence. A-F only. Pre: 100 or WGSS 151. (Cross-listed as WGSS 202)
Origin and development of contemporary points of view. Pre: 100. Recommended: 9 credit hours in psychology.
Selected topics in the psychology of knowledge and mind from Western and/or non-Western perspectives. Repeatable in different topics up to 9 credit hours. Pre: 100 and written consent.
Supervised psychological experience in school, clinic, hospital, industry, social welfare, government, etc. Pre: 100 and consent.
Supervised experience. Pre: 100, at least 12 additional credit hours in psychology, and written consent. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research. Repeatable to 6 credit hours. Pre: 100.
Methods used in psychological research; observational, correlational, and experimental types of design.
Research for master’s thesis. Maximum of 6 credit hours. Not repeatable for credit toward master’s degree.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times.