Overview of urbanization and environmental change. An examination of environmental laws, policies, planning and urban design strategies designed to minimize and mitigate urban impacts. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 620)
Explore how environmental conflicts emerge and the efforts to find common ground for resolution. Examine the issues, debates, and theoretical aspects that help to explain and frame environmental conflict. Graduate students only. (Cross-listed as PACE 621)
Theory and practice of environmental impact assessment. Policy and planning frameworks supporting environmental assessment in the U.S. and abroad. Cumulative environmental effects and strategic environmental assessment. (Cross-listed as GEO 622)
Theory and practice of coastal planning and management in the U.S. and abroad. Case studies investigate topics such as coastal land conservation, marine protected areas, coastal hazards, fisheries, and aquaculture. Repeatable one time with consent. (Crosslisted as GEO 621)
Build valuation skills to assess best use, conservation, and policies relating to environmental amenities. Provides an overview of policy solutions to environmental degradation used by planners.
Analysis of planning responses to human-induced climate change and related environmental problems. Part of the Asia/Pacific Initiative taught in collaboration with universities throughout the region via videoconferencing. (Cross-listed as SUST 625)
for different resource systems including land, water, energy, coastal resources, forests and fisheries. Course focus varies from year to year. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Applicability and limitations of selected approaches; role of planners; impact on planning.
Seminar that examines environmental problems associated with urbanization. Reviews strategic approaches and collaboration among key actors to address such problems. (Cross-listed as SUST 628)
Negotiation as a foundational skill of conflict resolution; mastery of negotiation skills for strategic dispute resolution; non-routine problem-solving, creating partnerships and alliances; crafting optimal agreements. Students participate in simulations and acquire vital leadership skills. Graduate standing only. Pre: one of the following courses with a minimum grade of B: 627; or PACE 429, PACE 447, PACE 477, PACE 647, PACE 652, or PACE 668; or COMG 455 or SOC 730; or LAW 508; or MGT 660. (Cross-listed as PACE 629)