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ART 123 Introduction to Painting (3)

Theory and practice of painting; material and technical procedures. A standalone course aimed at non-majors. ART majors should start with ART 223 after taking ART 113.

ART 213 Intermediate Drawing (3)

Extension of the observational foundation established in 113 to address contemporary conceptual and expressive approaches to drawing. Pre: 113 or consent.

ART 214 Introduction to Life Drawing (3)

Investigations of the figure concerning anatomical construction, light, space, diagramatic analysis, and thematic content. Pre: 113 or consent.

ART 225 Painting/Water-Based Media (3)

An introduction to water-based media. Traditional transparent color, gouache and acrylics. Pre: 113 or consent.

ART 313 Advanced Drawing (3)

Studio practice in drawing emphasizing contemporary developments in art. Repeatable one time. Pre: 213 or consent.

ART 314 Intermediate Life Drawing (3)

Further investigations of the figure concerning anatomical and diagramatic construction, light, space, and thematic content. Repeatable one time. Pre: 214 or consent.

ART 315 Experimental Art and Animation (3)

Provides students an opportunity to experiment with new mediums while collaborating with artists from different backgrounds, such as art, theatre, dance, film, and animation. ACM, ART, THEA, DNCE majors only. Pre: 113 or ACM 216 (or concurrent) or THEA 353 (or concurrent) or THEA 356 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as ACM 314 and THEA 314)

ART 322 Advanced Color (3)

Theory and application of color as related to studio practice. Pre: 113.

ART 323 Advanced Painting I (3)

Studio practice in painting emphasizing contemporary developments in art. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 223 or consent.

ART 324 Painting from Life (3)

Painting from the model; a survey of the figurative tradition. Repeatable one time. Pre: 123 or 223, and 214.