Examination of human functioning in social and ecological context. Topics include stress, health, intergroup relations, culture, ethnicity, social competence, and community empowerment. Pre: 100.
Analysis of consumer behavior and motivation; principles of learning, personality, perception, and group influence, with emphasis upon mass communication effects. Pre: BUS 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as MKT 311)
Coverage in-depth of some areas of theory and research. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 100. (Cross-listed as EDEP 489)
Graduate seminar on cultural considerations and issues in the history, methods, theories, interventions, and professional roles in community psychology. Small class size (up to 10). Open to graduate students.
Supervised experience in educational, mental health, correctional, consulting, or community action agencies. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable unlimited times.