Wist 220
1776 University Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-7843
Fax: (808) 956-4120
Web: coe.hawaii.edu/edea/
*Graduate Faculty
*R. Heck, PhD (Chair)—leadership and governance, organizational theory, policy
*E. Chang, Phd—community-based research, critical race and ethnic studies, digital sociology, learning and leadership development
*C. Lucas, PhD—professional development, leadership theories, partnerships
*N. A. S. Reyes, EdD—indigeneity in higher education, critical race theories, postsecondary success for students of color
*E. K. Wright, PhD—indigeneity in higher education, indigenous research methodologies, student affairs leadership
Cooperating Graduate Faculty
*M. Benham, EdD—leadership and higher education
*L. Ideta, EdD—qualitative research, Asian culture, women’s leadership
*W. Kahumoku III, PhD—leadership development, indigenous research and educational approaches, educational policy
Degrees Offered: MEd in educational administration, PhD in education with track in educational administration
The Academic Program
The department offers graduate programs leading to the MEd in educational administration (EDEA) for both (K-12) and higher education and the PhD with a track in educational administration. The educational administration program includes both introductory courses and advanced seminars in the following areas of study:
- Theories, policies, principles, and practices of educational administration;
- Organizational theory and change;
- Legal/financial issues;
- Educational leadership (problems, strategies, and solutions); and
- Research and data utilization
The educational administration program prepares educational administrators and supervisors for a broad range of education-related administrative positions. These positions include elementary and secondary school administrators, higher education staff positions, and department and grade-level chair at PK-12 and higher education institutions.
Participants in the educational administration program will have the opportunity to study in a multicultural setting that includes students from the Pacific and Asia, as well as from private and PK-12 schools. The department’s focus on both higher and lower education provides students the opportunity to explore a wide range of national and international issues of importance to education and to specialize in an area of interest.
Graduate Study
Master of Education in Educational Administration
Admission Requirements
To be admitted, students must meet Graduate Division admissions requirements. There are two program emphases: K-12 administration and higher education administration.
Students who seek the MEd degree in K-12 educational administration must have appropriate job-related experience to evidence familiarity with teaching or other student support roles (i.e., 2 years of classroom teaching or school counseling experience). The basic program is designed to prepare educational administrators and supervisors for a broad range of education-related elementary and secondary administrative positions. For applicants working in the Hawai‘i Department of Education currently as teachers or vice principals, there are seven courses that are required for principal certification (EDEA 601, 610, 620K, 630K, 670, 680, 775). Applicants should check with the Hawai‘i Department of Education for additional requirements to become an administrator in the public schools.
For students who seek the MEd degree in higher education, the program is designed for those with interest in mid-level administrative and staff positions in higher education administration (e.g., admissions, housing, student activities, financial aid, placement, counseling, and health services). Experience in working in higher education is desirable.
Students are encouraged to plan an individual program of electives to prepare them for specific educational positions.
There are two basic degree options, Plan A and Plan B, both of which require a minimum of 30 credits.
Plan A (Thesis)
For the K-12 emphasis, program requirements include: (1) EDEA 601, (2) 602, (3) one 700 level seminar course, (4) one course in organizations and school contexts (e.g., 610, 650, 652, 670), (5) one course in leadership and policy (e.g., 675, 676, 680), (6) one course in legal/financial processes (e.g., 620K, 630K), (7) 6 credits of thesis research, (8) two elective courses in educational administration, and (9) two courses from any related graduate field of study (with approval of advisor) including educational administration.
For the higher education emphasis, program requirements include: (1) 657, (2) 602, (3) one 700 level seminar course, (4) one course in higher education organizations (e.g., 646, 650, 662), (5) two courses in leadership (e.g., 660, 661, 663), (6) one course in legal/financial processes (e.g., 620H, 630H), (7) one additional course in research methods (e.g., 604, 629), (8) six credits of thesis research, and one related course from any related graduate field of study with approval of advisor.
Plan B (Non-thesis)
For K-12, same as Plan A thesis (30 credits minimum): Three (3) credits of directed research instead of six (6) credits of thesis and an additional course in educational administration.
For higher education, same as Plan A thesis (30 credits minimum): Three (3) credits of directed research instead of six (6) credits of thesis research and an additional related course or educational administration course.
Selection of specific courses in the above areas will be by the candidate with the advice and approval of the student’s faculty advisor.
Students should refer to the Graduate Division website for the requirements for the transfer of credits.
Admission Requirements
In addition to the requirements of Graduate Division, applicants for the MEd in Educational Administration must provide the following:
- Resume or CV. For the K-12 program, include documented work experience of a minimum of two (2) years in a K12 setting. For the Higher Education program, documented work and volunteer experiences in a HE setting are preferred.
- Supplementary Information Form which will include providing: Names of three (3) academic references from people who are able to comment on the quality of the applicant’s experience, ability to pursue graduate study, and professional strengths.
- Statement of Objectives Form describing but not limited to who you are, what your academic and professional interests are, and how you’ll add value to the Educational Administration program.
For further information and application forms, go to coe.hawaii.edu/edea/ or contact the department at (808) 956-7843 or edadmin@hawaii.edu.
BAM Program: Dual Enrollment Program
The Department offers a dual-enrollment program with the UH Manoa Department of Ethnic Studies, leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Ethnic Studies and a MEd in Educational Administration. During their senior year, BAM students will be enrolled in the two programs, taking nine credits that count for both the BA and MEd. They will complete a master’s thesis or Plan B paper, working with an EDEA faculty member.
Admission Requirements
In addition to the application requirements described in the previous section on prospective MEd students, prospective BAM students also need to submit three letters of references and must have received a B or better in ES 480. Candidates should apply in their junior year for admission in their senior year. Interested students should contact Dr. Roderick Labrador (labrador@hawaii.edu or (808) 956-6915), Associate Professor and Academic Advisor, Department of Ethnic Studies for advising before submitting their MEd application.
Doctoral Degree
The doctor of philosophy in education (PhD) is a college-wide degree awarded for distinguished academic preparation for professional practice in the field of education.
The primary purpose of a PhD in the educational administration track is to provide advanced graduate study to highly qualified experienced leaders in administration. The program includes course work developing knowledge and skills related to educational policy and governance, leadership in organizations, administrative theory and practice, and research.
The program includes courses required for all doctoral students enrolled in the College of Education; courses in educational administration in either general education (K-12) or higher education; course work taken outside the field of educational administration; an internship within a school, school district, or post secondary or other educational institution; and the dissertation.
For further information, see “Doctoral Degrees,” section within the College of Education of this Catalog, or visit coe.hawaii.edu/edea/.