Role of microorganisms; how they affect people, property, and the environment. A basic survey course covering broad aspects of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and physiology; host-parasite relationships, public health, bacterial, mycotic and viral diseases; epidemiology; ecology of soils and water; environmental pollution; food microbiology; industrial applications at an introductory level. Not open to those with credit in 351 or equivalent.
(2 2-hr Lab) Primarily for students in nursing and dental hygiene. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).
(2 2-hr Lab) Primarily for students in nursing and dental hygiene. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).
Introduction to the ethical issues faced by individuals and institutions involved in scientific research. Based on case studies, students will discuss and write about ethical issues in research. Issues include humans and animals in research, mentoring, authorship, ownership of data, genetic technologies and record keeping. This course is designed for students with majors in the natural sciences. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 (or concurrent), or MATH 307 (or concurrent), or MATH 311 (or concurrent), or PHYS 170 (or concurrent), or CHEM 272 (or concurrent); or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 314)
Anatomy, chemistry, physiology, genetics, development, and environmental interactions of microorganisms. Pre: BIOL 171 or equivalent, CHEM 272/272L; or consent. Co-requisite: 351L. Recommended: BIOL 275/275L.
(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory exercises to accompany 351. Pre: CHEM 272/272L, and BIOL 171, or equivalent. Co-requisite: 351.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introductory bioinformatics will provide a basic foundation of biological information (DNA, protein, genome and proteome) by using information technology (IT). A-F only. Pre: BIOL 275 and BIOL 275L, or consent. (Fall only)
Evolution, ecology, biochemistry, genetics and physiology of marine bacteria by examining defined systems and organisms. Pre: BIOL 265/265L and BIOL 275/275L and BIOL 301 (or concurrent)/301L (or concurrent), and OCN 201; or 351/351L; or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 401. Pre: BIOL 265/265L and BIOL 275/275L and BIOL 301 (or concurrent)/301L (or concurrent) and OCN 201; or 351/351L; and 401 (or concurrent); or consent.
Fundamental physiological and metabolic processes of bacteria; emphasis on growth, functions of cell structures, varieties of energy metabolism, metabolic regulation, and differentiation at the prokaryote level. Pre: 351.
(2 3-hr Lab) Components and metabolism of the bacterial cell; emphasis on techniques of analysis of metabolism and molecular structure. Co-requisite: 431.
Structure and biological actions of antigens and antibodies; fundamentals of antibody synthesis; the relation of immunology to biology and medical sciences. Pre: 351 or BIOL 171, or consent. Recommended: BIOL 275/275L. (Cross-listed as MCB 461)
(2 3-hr Lab) Basic exercises and experiments in immunology, immunochemistry, immuno-biology to illustrate principles of 461. Co-requisite: 461 or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 461L)
Host-parasite relationships in microbial diseases of humans and animals with emphasis on bacterial pathogens. Pre: 351. Co-requisite: 463L or consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) Characterization of bacterial pathogens. Isolation, identification, and diagnosis. Pre: 351L. Co-requisite: 463 or consent.
Fundamental mechanisms of bacterial infectious diseases or pathogenesis at the molecular level. Emphasis on bacterial virulence and host-pathogen interactions. Pre: 351/351L or consent.
Modern techniques to study infectious diseases. Covers tissue culture and animal models to study virulence of extracellular and intracellular infecting bacteria, bacterial resistance mechanisms toward antibacterial drugs, and virulence factor assays. A-F only. Pre: 351 and 351L, 470 (or concurrent). (Fall only)
Genetic analysis and molecular basis of transmission replication, mutation, and expression of heritable characteristics in prokaryotes. Pre: 351 or BIOL 275, or consent. (Cross-listed as MCB 475)
(2 3-hr Lab) Techniques for study of transfer and expression of prokaryotic genes: transformation, conjugation, transposon mutagenesis, preparation and analysis of plasmid and chromosomal DNA. Pre: 475 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as MCB 475L)
Distribution, diversity, and roles of microorganisms in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. Importance of bacteria in pesticide degradation, bioremediation of oil spills, sewage treatment, biocontrol, food fermentation. Pre: BIOL 171 and CHEM 272, or consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) Techniques for study of interaction of microorganisms with and within their natural habitats; symbiosis between microorganisms and plants and animals; role of microorganisms in element cycling; food fermentation by bacteria. Pre: 485 (or concurrent) or consent.
Basic principles of virus biology. Topics include methods for virus study, virus structure, replication, gene expression, pathogenesis and host response. Pre: 351 or BIOL 275, or consent.
(2 3-hr Lab) General laboratory techniques and related theories in virology; including isolation, cell culture, assay, purification, and identification of viruses. Pre: 351/351L or BIOL 275/275L and 490 (or concurrent); or consent.
Provide fundamental concepts and dynamic characteristics of the molecules of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, their biosynthesis and regulation, and the mechanisms that regulate cellular activities. A-F only. Pre: basic course in cell and molecular biology, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as MBBE 601)
Graduate-level basic course on molecular biology and genetics. Prepares students to understand advanced concepts in related subjects such as biochemistry, cell biology, cancer biology, immunology, plant genetics, and genomics. Pre: MBBE 402/BIOL 402 (with a minimum grade of B or higher), or with consent from instructor. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as MBBE 602)
Introduction to ethical issues faced by individuals and institutions involved in scientific research. Moral reasoning, humans and animals in research, mentoring, authorship, ownership of data and genetic technologies. MICR graduates only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in MICR or related field, or consent. (Once a year)
Detailed reports and discussions on selected advanced topics and current research literature. Pre: 461 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Advanced studies of Microbial genome: relation to functional genomics, structural genomics, and proteomics. A-F only. Pre: 351 and one 400-level MICR course, or consent. (Alt. years)
Selected topics. Pre: 431 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Advanced studies of marine microorganisms in diverse habitats with consideration of applications of marine microbes, interactions with higher organisms, phylogeny and diversity, and past and current methods. A-F only. Pre: 351 and 401, or consent. (Alt. years)
Detailed reports and discussions on selected advanced topics and current research literature. Pre: 463, 490, BIOC 441; or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Use of bioinformatic tools to understand comparative genomics, metabolic pathways, and protein evolution. A-F only. Pre: 351 and one 400 level MICR course, or consent. (Alt. years)
Directed study and discussion of research literature on bacterial and bacterial virus mutation, genetic recombination, evolution and control mechanisms. Pre: graduate standing; undergraduates that have taken 475 may register with consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Highlights in microbial ecology; interaction of microorganisms with abiotic and biotic components of their environments. Modern techniques for study of autecology and synecology of microorganisms. Pre: 485 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Mechanisms of pathogenicity of microorganisms and defense mechanisms of human and animal hosts. Review of contemporary literature. Pre: 463 or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
Detailed examination of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis. Overview of key literature, synthesis of scientific problems into research proposals. Pre: 431, 463, or 470; or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Required of graduate students. Repeatable unlimited times; only one credit will count toward the degree.
Review of primary literature in a selected area of microbiology. Repeatable ten times; three credit limit. A-F only. Pre: graduate status or consent.
Selected problems in microbiology. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Molecular biology, genomics, molecular genetics, and infection mechanisms of bacterial plant pathogens and symbionts. Pre: PEPS 606 (with a minimum grade of B or better) or consent. (Cross-listed as PEPS 746)
Selected topics in any aspect of microbiology. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.