Discussion of hot topics in botany, including conservation of rare plants, invasive species, marine botany, ethnobotany, poisonous plants, evolution in action, fungal networks, and careers in botany with emphasis on Hawaiian examples. Students should enroll in BOT 100 and 101/101L, or BOT 100 and BIOL 171/171L. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Corequisite: 101/101L or BIOL 171/171L. (Once a year)
Growth, functions, and evolution of plants; their relations to the environment and particularly to humans and human activities.
Growth, functions, and evolution of plants; their relations to the environment and particularly to humans and human activities.
(1 3-hr Lab) Lab observations and experiments illustrating basic principles of plant biology. Pre: 101 (or concurrent).
Ethnobotany. Interactions between plants and people: use in religious, medical, and shamanic traditions; roles in cultural formation, destruction, and revolution; plant domestication and food systems; roles in human migration; cultural components of plant conservation. (Fall only)
Ethnobotany. Interactions between plants and people: use in religious, medical, and shamanic traditions; roles in cultural formation, destruction, and revolution; plant domestication and food systems; roles in human migration; cultural components of plant conservation. (Fall only)
Introduction to the native flora of Hawai‘i, its origin, evolution and ecology, and the observation, identification, and systematics of the Hawaiian flora.
The exploration of concepts and the process of science through hands-on experience in studying Hawaiian and introduced plants, their ecology, and cultural significance. Pre: 130 (or concurrent).
Impact of fungi in nature and on humankind. Selected historical events in which fungi played a significant role, their activities as decomposers and pathogens, and their uses as sources for mind altering drugs in religious ceremonies and in food and beverage production in various societies.
Nontechnical course emphasizing recognition of the many interesting tropical plants seen on campus; origin, status in Hawai‘i, and cultural and economic uses of campus plants.
Presentations by faculty highlighting research in tropical ecosystems. Topics include alien species, biodiversity, ecosystem services, ethnobotany, marine ecology, plant-animal interactions, and systematics of Hawaiian species. Assigned reading and writing exercises from papers in current journals. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101/101L or BIOL 171/171L. (Once a year)
Significance of evolutionary trends in the plant world, including reproductive, morphological, and life history adaptations by algae, fungi, and vascular plants. Pre: 101 or college general biology. Co-requisite: 201L.
(1 3-hr Lab) Lab exercises in the morphology and systematics of land plants, fungi, and algae. Corequisite: 201.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to statistical approaches in biology.
Students will learn how to formulate hypotheses, test them quantitatively, and present results. Students will analyze biological datasets using the computer language R. A-F only. Pre: 101 or BIOL 171 or BIOL 172; MATH 134 or higher, or MATH assessment exam. (Cross-listed as BIOL 220)
Introduction to and discussion of ethical issues associated with biodiversity, ecology, and conservation biology. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: any DB course or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 310)
Introduction to the concepts and principles of plant conservation biology and to plant conservation-inpractice in Hawai‘i and elsewhere. A-F only. Pre: 305 or consent. Co-requisite: 301L. (Once a year) (Crosslisted as SUST 313)
Introduction to approaches, methods, and analyses used in the study and practice of plant conservation, with an emphasis on experimental design and problem-solving. Includes both laboratory and field components. A-F only. Pre: 305 or consent. Corequisite: 301. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as SUST 313L)
General survey of the principles of ecology. Focus on processes influencing the distribution and abundance of organisms, interactions among organisms, and interactions between organisms and the environment. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171; BIOL 172 or BOT 201. (Cross-listed as BIOL 305)
Combined lecturelaboratory with intensive field experience for observational and experimental field work in native/impacted Hawaiian ecosystems. Field experience typically held during spring break. Terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats considered. A-F only. Pre: 305 and consent. (Once a year)
Management of native Hawaiian organisms and terrestrial ecosystems with particular attention to strategies, planning, research, and management actions necessary to control alien influences and promote native species. Pre: college general biology.
Introduction to the ecological processes and principles of tropical ecosystems, and to conservation issues facing tropical forests, with a particular emphasis on the neotropics.
A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172, or BOT 101; and BIOL 265.
Current research themes in botany presented in discussion format; reading current research papers. Oral presentations of primary research. Repeatable one time. BOT majors only. Senior standing and consent. A-F only. (Once a year)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Lecture/laboratory to examine the anatomy, physiology, morphology, and functional ecology of plants. Labs will develop skills in microscopy, experimental techniques for studying plant physiology, and basic functional ecology. A-F only. Pre: 101/101L or BIOL 171/171L; BOT 201/201L; or consent. (Spring only)
Will introduce the diversity, ecology, evolution, and biology of the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on our current understanding of fungal evolution and diversity and how fungi interact
with environments and hosts. Pre: 201, BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 430 and TPSS 432)
(1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to the morphology and life cycles of
organisms in the Kingdom Fungi. Focus on learning how to identify a diversity of fungi based on macro- and microscopic features. Field trips to collect specimens. Pre: 430 (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as BIOL 430L and TPSS 432L)
Survey and theory of plants used as medicines, cultural perspectives of herbal medicine, and the botanical/ chemical basis of allopathic and naturopathic medicine. Lecture/discussion, term paper or project. Pre: 461 or consent.
Ecological implications of cultural uses of plants. Examines the biological basis for, and ecological effects of traditional and local resource management systems. Pre: BOT 305 or BIOL 265/265L or consent. (Crosslisted as SUST 445)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Methods and techniques of handling and identifying plant materials used by early Hawaiians and modern Hawaiians for house and canoe construction, clothing, household and fishing items, medicine, and food preparation. Reading, laboratory, and fieldwork. Pre: 440 or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 446)
(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Geography, geology, climatology, biotic environment of Pacific Basin and Hawaiian Islands; endemism and evolution in terrestrial and marine biota. Pre: one semester of biological sciences at college level. (Cross-listed as BIOL 454 and SUST 450)
(2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Covers selected topics in plant population and community ecology. Strong emphasis on how ecology is practiced as a science. Labs take advantage of working outdoors in local natural areas. Pre: 305.
Interdependence of plants and animals, emphasizing the influence of animals on plant fitness and evolution. Topics include pollination, fruit/seed dispersal, herbivory, and ant-plant mutualisms. Pre: 201/201L or BIOL 265/265L.
Comprehensive analysis of traditional Hawaiian and modern resource management practices. Rigorous overview of the dominant physical and biological processes from the uplands to the oceans in Hawai‘i. Pre: HWST 207/SUST 217 or HWST 307/SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356.
Overview of the history of land, resources and power in Hawai‘i; players and processes influencing land and natural resources policies today explored from Native Hawaiian and other viewpoints. Extensive use of case studies. Pre: HWST 207/SUST 217 or HWST 307/ SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356.
Analyzing diverse land and water use strategies of O‘ahu, from traditional Hawaiian, scientific and economic perspectives, through classroom and on-site lectures. Topics include traditional Hawaiian methods, modern development, threatened ecosystems, ecotourism and scientific research. A-F only. Pre: HWST 207/SUST 217 or HWST 307/SUST 317 or HWST/SUST 356.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) “Hands-on” experience with Hawai‘i’s unique tropical flora; emphasis on recognition and identification of vascular plant families and the principles and methodologies that define them; evolution of biodiversity. Pre: 101 or college general biology.
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of algal diversity, structure, and evolution. Identification of common Hawaiian algae. Pre: one of 101, BIOL 172, MICR 351, ZOOL 101; or consent.
Scientific grant writing from inception through management to completion; students will write a DDIG and participate in a panel. Professional skills including “rules,” job applications, interviews, transitioning from graduate student to academic or non-academic job. A-F only. Pre: current standing as a graduate student, or consent.
Discussion of current research and classical papers important to modern concepts in history of science, plant diversity, plant interactions with the environment, and plant integration. Pre: graduate standing in BOT or consent. (Fall only)
Discussion of current research and classical papers important to modern concepts in ecology, plant interactions with other plants or animals, and ecosystem functioning. BOT majors only. Pre: graduate standing in BOT or consent. (Spring only)
Study and discussion of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, 1st edition 1859, and related current literature. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: BA or BS in BOT, BIOL, GEOL, or related field; or consent. (Spring only)
(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Survey of major research areas in the botanical sciences with emphasis upon research opportunities in Hawai‘i and an overview of 1) skills needed by botanical researchers including writing scientific papers and proposals, practicing ethical research procedures, and collection of specimens; and 2) equipment used by botanical researchers including computers, cameras, measuring and monitoring equipment, and global positioning systems. Lecture/ discussion, laboratory. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing in biological science or approval.
Study and discussion of significant topics and problems in botany. Repeatable three times.
Investigation of any botanical problem; reading and laboratory work. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent.
Lectures by distinguished visiting professor on contemporary botanical topics in the lecturer’s area of expertise. No more than 6 credit hours may be counted toward the MS degree requirements. Repeatable five times.
Vegetative response to hydrologic controls and nutrient cycles; quantitative linkages between hydrological dynamics and ecological patterns/ processes. MatLab is used to develop and simulate ecohydrological models. Pre: college level calculus or consent. (Once a year)
Modern ethnobotanical field research project design, execution, data analysis, and documentation methods. Intended for students preparing to conduct field research studies. Lecture/discussion, term paper. Pre: 105 and one of 201, 461, ANTH 200, or BIOL 172.
Field techniques for assessing the ecological effects of cultural uses of plants. Emphasis on documenting traditional and local patterns of plant use and measuring the effects on plant individuals, populations, communities, and landscapes. Pre: previous course work in anthropology or biology.
Practical field training experience for a scientific career conducting ethnobiological research. Repeatable one time. Pre: 640 or consent. (Summer only)
Theories, models, patterns, and predictive methods relating to the introduction, establishment, and spread of introduced organisms. Application of principles of invasion biology to conservation and natural resource management. Pre: one of 453, 456, MICR 485 or ZOOL 439; and 462 or BIOL 375; or consent
Theory and applications of population biology; behavior of population models, as revealed by analytical methods and computer simulation; application to population problems such as endangered species; discussion of classical and current literature in population biology. Pre: one of 453, 454, 456, NREM 680, PEPS 671, ZOOL 439, ZOOL 467, ZOOL 620, or ZOOL 623; or consent. (Cross-listed as ZOOL 652)
Learn advanced modeling techniques to investigate the dynamics of size-structure populations (using matrix and integral population models in R), and discuss various applications in ecology and conservation biology. Recommended: students have working knowledge of calculus. (Alt. years: fall)
A researchoriented course focusing on recent advances in all areas of plant ecology. Involves critical review of recent literature, independent research project, oral and written presentation of project results. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
Learn how to choose appropriate statistical methods to test hypotheses in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology and applications using R as a platform. Lecture/discussion, term paper. Pre: ZOOL 631 or consent. (Alt. years: fall)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Identification, systematics, evolution, and biogeography of native plants. Field trips. Pre: 461 or consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 661)
Fundamentals of experimental design, lab techniques and data analysis to conduct research using high throughput sequencing. Students will work in groups to conduct an amplicon sequencing study with ten samples. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Modern issues of naming and classifying of organisms, with a botanical emphasis. Includes lectures, discussions, class projects, and field trips. A-F only. Pre: 461 (or equivalent) or consent. (Once a year)
Molecular approaches to evolution, phylogenetics, and systematics. Basic use of chloroplast DNA, mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA, and electrophoresis. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony, distance, and comparative methods. Repeatable two times. Recommended: 201.
Graduate level course to train students in the pedagogical tools to enhance active learning in STEM classes. Includes discussions of the primary literature, demonstrations and practice using scientific teaching techniques. BOT or ZOOL or MBIO majors only. Graduate students only. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as ZOOL 670)
Environmental stress; pollution; salinity, geobotany, and other interactions between the environment and plant processes. Current literature emphasized at multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary levels. Pre: graduate status in a biological science, geosciences, etc.; consent for well-prepared undergraduates.
Discussion of current literature in physiological ecology, cellular and molecular adaptations to environmental factors by marine plants. Repeatable four times. Pre: 480.
Discussion of current studies in morphological, physiological, cellular, and molecular adaptation to marine environments by macroalgae, phytoplankton, and seagrasses. A-F only. Pre: upper division ecology class recommended, 470 (or equivalent), 480 (or equivalent), or consent. Co-requisite: 682L.
Field and laboratory research techniques and projects in the physiological ecology of algae and seagrasses. A-F only. Pre: upper division ecology class recommended, 470L (or equivalent), 480 (or equivalent), or consent. Co-requisite: 682.
Theories and concepts of ecology, evolution, and genetics for conservation of biological diversity. Topics will include restoration ecology, management planning, laws and policies, biological invasions. Pre: BIOL 375 and either 462 or ZOOL 480; and either 453, 454, 456, or 492; or ZOOL 410, 439, 620, 623. (Crosslisted as NREM 690 and ZOOL 690)
Research preliminary to thesis or dissertation research. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of graduate committee.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for MS degree and approval of thesis proposal.
Advanced topics in conservation and environmental biology. Repeatable three times, up to twelve credits. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ZOOL 750)
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: candidacy for PhD and approval of dissertation proposal.