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Public Policy Center (PPC)

PPC 101 Introduction to Public Policy (3)

Covers a broad overview of the issues facing communities today and various individual and community approaches to navigate and address these issues. A-F only.

PPC 301 Governing, Politics, and Public Policy (3)

Analysis of the major processes that translate citizen preferences into public policy. A-F only. (Cross-listed as PUBA 304)

PPC 330 Survey of Public Policy and Analysis (3)

Students will learn about the policy making process, the results of policy decisions and how public policy is assessed, analyzed, and responded to. Also discusses important policy issues that currently fill the political landscape. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.

PPC 336 Energy Economics and Policy (3)

Analysis of economic and policy aspects of energy use, and interactions of markets for various nonrenewable and renewable energy options. Evaluations of policies to develop alternative energy sources. Pre: ECON 120 or ECON 130 or ECON 131. (Cross-listed as ECON 336 and SUST 336)

PPC 340 Applied Principles of Environmental & Energy Policy (3)

Introduction to the methods and techniques of environmental and energy policy in relation to energy systems. Analysis of enacted policies from case studies to understanding the effectiveness, challenges, contradictions, and limitations of each. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 321 and SUST 323)

PPC 340 Energy Technologies for Addressing Climate Change, Economic, Policy and Security Issues (3)

Interdisciplinary course designed to describe the inter-relationships and dynamic interactions between energy systems, the environment (climate), policy, security, and economics. Repeatable one time. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: any 100 or 200 level OCN course, or consent. (Spring only) (Crosslisted as OCN 321 and SUST 323)

PPC 495 Topics in Public Policy (3)

Seminar on current issues in U.S. or international government policy. Topics vary and may include energy, long-term care, sustainability, etc. Repeatable unlimited times. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.

PPC 499 Directed Readings or Research (V)

Requires the sponsorship of a faculty member. Together they will agree on the study topic and the work to be accomplished. Depending on the scope of the project, credits range from 1-3. Needs instructor consent. Repeatable two times up to six credits. Senior standing or higher. A-F only.

PPC 695 Topics in Public Policy (3)

Seminar on current issues in U.S. or international government policy. Topics vary and may include energy, long-term care, sustainability, etc. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.

PPC 699 Directed Readings or Research (V)

Requires the sponsorship of a faculty member. Together they will agree on the study topic and the work to be accomplished. Depending on the scope of the project, credits may range from 1-3. Repeatable up to 9 credits. Instructor consent only. A-F only. Graduate standing only.