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Communication (COM)

COM 201 Introduction to Communication (3)

An overview of communication emphasizing intercultural, organizational and international communication and media arts with introduction to multimedia, ICTs, and public relations perspectives.

COM 310 Media Arts (3)

Combined lecture-discussion on theories and criticism of visual media, covering aesthetic development and delivery through multimedia and cinematic principles. A-F only. Pre: 201 (or concurrent) or consent.

COM 320 Communication and Communities (3)

Combined lecture-discussion on communication within organizational communities and between organizations and their communities with attention to intercultural issues in local, global, and online interactions. Pre: 201 (or concurrent) or consent.

COM 325 Communicating Sustainability (3)

Application of scientific communication theory, strategic communication, and multimedia techniques to select issues of environmental sustainability. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 201 or consent. (Crosslisted as SUST 325)

COM 330 Information and Communication Technology Concepts (3)

Combined lecture discussion on basic technical concepts related to ICTs embedded in sociocultural context. Pre: 201 (or concurrent) or consent

COM 331 Techniques of Video and Digital Cinema (3)

Orientation to techniques of production. Emphasis on history, language, and theory of the creative process and application to video productions and multimedia. Pre: 310 or consent.

COM 337 Techniques of Multimedia (3)

Combined lecture-lab providing an orientation to, and examination of, procedures and techniques of multimedia. Emphasis on new media literacy, human computer interaction, and basic design of electronic multimedia. Pre: 310 or consent.

COM 339 Public Relations Writing (3)

Enhance students’ professional writing skills in the contemporary public relations field and equip students with the foundations of essential techniques for persuasive
communication. COM majors or consent. A-F only. Pre: 201 (with a minimum grade of B).

COM 340 Intercultural Communication (3)

Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of intercultural contexts. Focus on theory, research, and managing intercultural effectiveness. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 345 Information Technology and Health Communication (3)

Combined lecture-discussion on the application of ICTs for health communication from the aspect of technologies, systems, services, and policies. COM majors only. A-F only.

COM 350 Mediated Interpersonal Communication (3)

Theory and practice of interpersonal communication from a social science perspective. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 355 Digital Cultures (3)

Introduction to the social, cultural, and ethical implications of information and communication technologies by studying new and emerging media including games, interactive media, and virtual worlds. COM majors or consent. Pre: 330.

COM 369 Esports and Society (3)

Introduction to professional and collegiate esports (electronic sports) in global context, including theories related to leisure and gaming, and current academic and industry developments. No previous technical or gaming experience is required. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 380 Media Communications and Conflict (3)

Mass communication and conflict; deals with understanding the role of news media in influencing conflict, and introduces students to conflict-sensitive communications working to assist in resolving conflicts. Sophomore standing or higher. Pre: any 200-level DS course. (Cross-listed as PACE 380)

COM 390 (Alpha) Journalism/Communications Workshops (V)

Short-term intensive workshops in journalism and mass communication skills and projects. (B) workshop in new media; (C) workshop in reporting; (D) workshop in editing; (E) workshop in broadcast journalism; (F) workshop in public relations. Repeatable in different alphas up to 6 credits. COM or JOUR majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 390)

COM 392 Emerging Topics in Communication (3)

Emerging communication topics of interest to faculty and students. Repeatable one time on different topics, up to six credits. COM majors only. A-F only.

COM 401 Survey of Inquiry Methods in Communication (3)

Exploration of quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly used in communication studies and related professional work. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 420 Communication in Multicultural Organizations (3)

Cultural diversity in multicultural and multinational organizations is examined regarding communication-related aspects of working life. Pre: 320 and 340, or consent.

COM 421 Public Relations Strategies (3)

Practice and effects of public relations. Strategic management, techniques, new communication technologies, diverse publics, ethics, and social responsibility will be emphasized. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 422 Public Relations Campaigns (3)

Synthesizing and applying the principles and techniques of public relations to create comprehensive campaigns. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 421 or consent.

COM 425 Filming Social Change (3)

Introduction to visual documentary theory and methods. Basic instruction in using digital video technology and hands-on production to tell visual stories and examine social issues related to diverse peoples, cultures, and communities through video projects. A-F only. Pre: one DH or DS course, or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 425)

COM 431 Studio Production (3)

Studio production ranging from three-camera studio production to broadcast and magazine show formats to on-line web production. Fundamental knowledge of lighting, sound, blocking, and equipment competency. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 432 Social Media (3)

Combined lecturediscussion on situated use of ICTs in various personal and institutional settings. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 433 Video Scriptwriting (3)

Application of communication theory to creating and revising commercial and dramatic script material for video production. Pre: 331 or consent.

COM 436 Media Effects (3)

Social, political, economic, and cultural effects of broadcast media are examined to understand their impact on human behavior. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.

COM 438 Telecommunication in the Pacific Hemisphere (3)

Development of international telecommunication, with special emphasis on the evolution of wireless communication and the internet. A-F only. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 444 Communication and Gender (3)

Theories, myths, and the missing links in gendered communication. Application of established and emerging theories of gender and communication to interpersonal, organizational, intercultural, and mass communication. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.

COM 451 Communication and Law (3)

Role of communication in the legal process; impact of law on communication processes. Pre: COM/JOUR major and junior standing, or consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 365)

COM 452 Building Communication Theory (3)

Major theories of communication in terms of requirements for a theory, theory development, associated research, and application. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.

COM 459 Special Topics (3)

Topics of interest to faculty and students; taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable on different topics to six credit hours. COM majors only. Pre: COM/JOUR major and junior standing, or consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 459)

COM 460 Media Ethics (3)

Ethics and social responsibility for media professionals. Application of ethical theories and principles to case studies and research projects. COM majors only. (Cross-listed as JOUR 460)

COM 465 Political Communication in the Digital Era (3)

An examination of how various aspects of digital media platforms, such as affordances and communication processes impact political outcomes. COM majors or consent. Sophomore standing or higher. (Fall only)

COM 475 Global Communication (3)

Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of international contexts. Focus on commerce, diplomacy, and mass communication. COM majors only. Pre: COM/JOUR major or consent. (Cross-listed as JOUR 475)

COM 476 Capstone in Digital Cinema Production (3)

Creating, scripting, and producing complex programs. Media aesthetics and professional production, preparation, and execution are emphasized. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 320 and 330 and 331, or consent.

COM 477 Capstone in Interactive Multimedia Design and Development (3)

Design, development, and evaluation of interactive computer-based multimedia communication. Emphasizes authoring and production of such multimedia elements as fullmotion images, audio, and graphics. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 320 and 330 and 337, or consent.

COM 478 Capstone in Communication in Communities (3)

Synthesize knowledge, apply research findings in service to community, and develop proposal for intervention or campaign through assignments that emphasize the development of writing skills. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 320 and 330; and 340 or 421; or consent.

COM 479 Capstone Project in ICTs and Policy (3)

Written research or media project focused on specific ICT and policy problems related to Hawai‘i and the Asia-Pacific region. COM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 320 and 330; and 432 or 438; or consent.

COM 480 Communication Seminar (3)

Application of theoretic and methodological criteria to researchable questions. Topics will vary. Pre: 201 and senior standing, or consent.

COM 489 Communicating Creativity (3)

The role of communication in fostering or inhibiting creativity. Exploration of theoretical bases for shared scientific or artistic creativity in communication research. COM major or consent. Pre: 201 and senior standing, or consent. (Once a year)

COM 490 Senior Thesis Project (3)

Completion of the thesis project appropriate to the selected area of concentration within the context of a seminar. Emphasis on ongoing process of writing, editing, review, and revision. Pre: COM major and senior standing, or consent.

COM 495 (Alpha) Communication Internship (V)

Application of communication skills and knowledge. (B) community setting; (C) School of Communications activity. Under faculty supervision, interns participate in operations of an organization and analyze communication processes and effects. Maximum of three credits per semester; six credits total toward major; each alpha repeatable up to three credits. Pre: COM major or consent.

COM 499 Special Problems (V)

Independent study of selected topics under faculty supervision. Repeatable up to three credits. Pre: COM major and junior standing, or consent.

COM 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1)

COM 611 Communication Theories (3)

Systematic study of major theories of communication and current status of communication research.

COM 612 Communication Inquiry (3)

Introduction to inquiry and the array of quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly used in communication.

COM 623 Strategic Organizational Communication (3)

Theories, concepts, and applications of strategic communication and public relations to achieve organizational goals. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent.

COM 633 Information and Communication Technologies (3)

Information and communication technologies, structures, processes, and networks as an area of research and study in the social sciences. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent.

COM 634 Social Media (3)

Systematic study from a social science perspective of current and emerging social media. Attention to user needs and impact. Pre: 612 (or concurrent) or consent.

COM 643 Intercultural Communication (3)

Problems and opportunities of intercultural communication from theory and research, consulting and training, and policy and program perspectives. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent.

COM 644 Global Communication and Journalism (3)

Analysis of the emerging global media landscape as digital technologies enable the sharing of news, information, and commentary across geographical and cultural borders. Focuses on causes, characteristics, and consequences. Pre: 612 (or concurrent).

COM 645 Digital Storytelling (3)

Focus on development of narrative-based creative activities in all mediums (text, audio, video, etc.) within communication contexts, i.e., journalism, film, public relations, etc. A-F only. Pre: enrolled in the School of Communications MA program, or instructor approval.

COM 646 Intervention in Multicultural Organizations (3)

Describes the array of communication-related intervention programs designed to enhance effectiveness in multicultural organizations at home and abroad. A-F only. Pre: 623 or 643 or consent.

COM 660 ICT Policy and Planning (3)

Processes and methods of planning appropriate to the information and communication sectors, including future economic, social, political, technical, and environmental perspectives. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as PUBA 628)

COM 691 Communication Topics (3)

Coverage in depth of some area of theory and research. Repeatable one time. Pre: 611 or consent.

COM 692 Communication Research Seminar (3)

General research seminar in communication. In-depth coverage of specific research methods to develop, refine, or interpret graduate students’ thesis or dissertation projects. COM, CIS majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 611 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.

COM 695 Communication Practicum (V)

Supervised work experience, study of an organization, and career planning. Required of Plan B students in the main communication program. Repeatable up to six credits. CR/NC only. Pre: 611 and 612, or consent.

COM 699 Directed Reading and Research (V)

Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: consent.

COM 700 Thesis (V)

Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: 611 and 612, or consent.