This first level course focuses on nursing practice and education. Professional responsibilities in the practice of nursing are emphasized. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: admittance into HS-DEN program. (Fall only)
This second level course builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the first level and focuses on professional responsibilities in nursing practice and education. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200. (Spring only)
Focuses on a health promotion model of care, assessment, and communication skills. It introduces the nurse’s roles, code of ethics, and evidence-based practice. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: admission to the School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, or consent. Co-requisite: 210L, 211, and 212.
Clinical course focuses on a health promotion model of care, assessment, and communication skills. Introduces nurse’s roles, code of ethics, and evidence-based practice. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Co-requisites: 210, 211, and 212.
Professional responsibilities of nursing practice are examined through the history of nursing, practice and education, legal and ethical issues, contemporary issues, and nursing roles. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: admission to the School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, or consent. Co-requisite: 210, 210L, and 212.
Focus on pathophysiological concepts that are basic to understanding illness and injury and the corresponding spectrum of human responses, which serve as a foundation for the formulation of clinical decisions and care planning. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: admission to the School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, or consent. Co-requisite: 210, 210L, and 211.
This course will help students to gain knowledge of the mechanism of action, toxicity, adverse reactions, side effects, therapeutic uses, and nursing implications of the major categories of drugs. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 210, 210L, and 212. Co-requisites: 220 and 220L. (Spring only)
Focuses on nursing assessment to support identification of risk factors and detection/prevention of complications from illness. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 210, 210L, 211, and 212, or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 213 and 220L.
Clinical course focuses on using nursing assessment to support identification of risk factors and detection/prevention of complications from illness. Nursing skills are integrated into clinical experiences. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 210, 210L, 211, and 212. Co-requisite: 213 and 220.
Provides an introduction to the HSNC Competencies and spiraling of concepts and is based on the assumption of student responsibility for learning. Emphasis on writing instruction, and research evidence to support nursing care. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Focuses on the basic concepts and applications of statistics as applied to nursing research. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Summer only)
Nursing care and health promotion for women, newborn, and families in acute care and community settings. Utilization of family theories and assessment tools for providing culturally sensitive, client-centered care. NURS majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 220 and 220L and 213.
Nursing care and health promotion for women, newborn, and families in acute and community settings. Utilization of family theories and assessment tools when providing culturally sensitive, family-centered care. Emphasis on teaching writing for the profession. NURS majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. CR/NC only. Pre: 220 and 220L and 213.
Nursing care and health promotion for children and families. Emphasis on concepts related to the delivery of familycentered holistic, culturally sensitive, therapeutic
nursing care to children and families in acute care and community settings. NURS majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 213 and 220 and 220L. Co-requisite: 322L.
Nursing care and health promotion lab for children and families. Application of concepts related to the delivery of family-centered holistic, culturally sensitive, therapeutic nursing care to children and families in acute care and community settings. NURS majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 213 and 220 and 220L. Co-requisite: 322.
Explore contemporary ethical issues and their legal implications in health care. Focus on decision-making in professional practice and social policy formation. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Explores attitudes toward the aged, biological and psychological aspects, ethnicity, sexuality, nutritional problems, community resources, other related topics. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Relates values, beliefs, attitudes, family organization, lifestyles, and health practices in different ethnic groups to health-care and nursing practice. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Focuses on complex situations requiring strong recognition skills, and rapid decision making. The evidence base supporting assessment and nursing intervention is explored. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 320 and 320L or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 360L.
Clinical course focuses on complex situations requiring application of strong recognition skills and rapid decision making. Evidence base supporting assessment and nursing intervention is explored. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 320 and 320L. Co-requisite: 360.
Provides an overview of the concepts and application of health education and health promotion theories and principles as applies to individuals, groups, and the larger public. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as DH 361)
Continuation of 211. Focus is on current issues in nursing and health care and nursing roles. Principles of organizational structure, leadership, decision-making, priority setting, and change will be discussed. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 320 and 320L, or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 360 and 360L.
Introduction to the research process and an understanding of the applicability of the scientific approach to nursing. Analysis and resolution of contemporary medical ethics issues in research and general nursing practice are primary focuses. Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: college-level statistics course.
(Lec) Introduces the process for research application and evidence-based practice. Includes: EBP questions, evidence sources, literature search and synthesis, levels and quality of evidence, and determination of clinical significance. Focus on contemporary medical ethics issues. NURS majors only. A-F only..
Limited to juniors and seniors in nursing.
Focuses on professional leadership development, mentorship, and professional skills for nurses. Students learn to be representatives between the Department of Nursing and alumni, prospective students, and the general public. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: one semester as a Nursing Student Ambassador.
Overview of the NCLEX-RN licensure examination and regular, systematic practice in taking multiple choice examinations. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
A two-semester course with seminar in professional role development in addition to paid work experience in nursing at a local agency. Upper division NURS majors only. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: 360, 360L, and faculty approval.
Summer practicum experience for students to learn the role of the professional nurse by building on previously learned knowledge and skills in the nursing program. Repeatable two times. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 360 and 360L, or consent. (Summer only)
Survey of complementary and alternative therapies used for health promotion of individuals and groups. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: open to non-nursing majors with consent.
Provides a broad overview of the Veteran-Military population and their unique culture, educational, and health care needs. Open to non-nursing majors. A-F only.
Provides a basic foundation for studies at the intersection of gerontology, health care, and the law and places an emphasis on proactive and preventive law for older adults in society. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Cross-listed as COA 449)
Theory course focuses on community, public, and global health nursing with an emphasis on strategies applied to improve health and decrease health inequities at the local as well as national and international levels. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 360, 360L, and 363. Co-requisite: 450L, 465, and 465L.
Clinical course focuses on community, public, and global health nursing emphasizing application of strategies to improve health and decrease health inequities at the local, national, and international levels. Emphasis on oral and writing instruction. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 360, 360L, and 363. Co-requisite: 450, 465, and 465L.
Theory on population and global health nursing with emphasis on analysis of strategies to address concepts of health disparities, inequity, social justice issues, and ethics which impact health outcomes of populations. Nursing majors only. Senior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 364. Co-requisite: 451L.
Clinic on population health nursing emphasizing application of strategies to address health disparities, inequity, social justice issues, and ethics impacting population health outcomes. Emphasis on oral and writing instruction. Nursing majors only. A-F only. Pre: 364. Co-requisite: 451.
Focuses on cultural aspects that influence health management in indigenous populations of Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and Asia, with an emphasis on development of culturally sensitive strategies to promote and improve health management. NURS majors only. Undergraduate majors only. A-F only.
Fundamentals of genetics and genomics, including principles of inheritance in humans, cellular function, mutations, epigenetics, and implications for health and disease. Includes overview of topics involving genetics/genomics in clinical settings and health care delivery. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 212, 220, 220L, and 363.
Theory course emphasizes the judgments, knowledge, and skills necessary for nursing practice, including case management and quality management experiences. The experience focuses on complex clinical judgments, interdisciplinary team functioning, and leadership. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 450 and 450L, or consent. Co-requisite: 460L.
Clinical course emphasizes application of knowledge and skills for nursing practice, including case management and quality management experiences. Focuses on complex clinical judgments, interdisciplinary team functioning, and leadership. Emphasis on writing instruction. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 450 and 450L. Co-requisite: 460.
Provides an advanced understanding of pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying human illness across the lifespan. Provides a foundation for formulating clinical decisions and therapeutic plans of care to promote disease prevention and health promotion. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Theory focuses on community health nursing with an emphasis for the Executive RN on strategies applied to improve health and decrease health inequities at the local as well as national and international levels. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 301 and 306. Co-requisite: 363 and 462L.
Field work focuses on community health nursing with an emphasis for the Executive RN on strategies applied to improve health and decrease health inequities at the local as well as national and international levels. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 301 and 306. Co-requisite: 363 and 462. (Fall only)
Examination of human responses to psychiatric and mental illness in relation to physiologic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental concepts. Emphasis on self-awareness, therapeutic communication, and holistic, individualized health-related outcomes. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 360, 360L, and 363. Co-requisite: 465L, 450, and 450L.
Application of the nursing process involving human responses to psychiatric and mental illness in relation to physiologic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental concepts. Emphasis on self-awareness, therapeutic communication, and holistic, individualized health-related outcomes. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 360, 360L, and 363. Co-requisite: 465, 450, and 450L.
Involves directed, mentored research study for SONDH Honors students with their honors advisor. The course grade depends on meeting objectives negotiated each course semester. Repeatable three times. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: acceptance into the Honors Program.
Planned individualized study or research in specialized area related to interprofessional collaborative practice. Repeatable one time. Senior undergraduate NURS students only. Pre: consent.
Introduction to history of nursing and leaders in the field. Will explore contemporary nursing issues and research. Strategies to foster adherence to a professional code of ethics in practice will be examined. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. (Once a year)
Web-enhanced on pathophysiologic concepts as a basis of illness and injury and the corresponding spectrum of human response, which serves as a foundation for the formulation of clinical decisions and care planning. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. (Once a year)
Essential principles of pharmacology using a pathophysiologic approach with emphasis on administering medications and evaluating their effects. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 501, 502, 504, 504L, 505, 505L. (Once a year)
Concepts/theories of health assessment, data collection, and analysis to distinguish between health/wellness, risk factors or health deviations across the lifespan. Attention to principles of communication and interviewing. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 501, 502, 503, 504L, 505, 505L. (Once a year)
Application of assessment skills in dry lab and clinical settings, with attention to principles of communication, interviewing and physical examination skills. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 505L. (Once a year)
Nursing process and scientific based nursing interventions to meet basic human needs using basic psycho-motor skills to support assessment, intervention, and evaluation activities. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 505L. (Once a year)
Application of the nursing process and scientific based nursing interventions to meet basic human needs using basic psycho-motor skills to support assessment, intervention, and evaluation activities. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 505. (Once a year)
Biopsychosocial theories of human behavior related to function, alteration, and/or disruption of mental processes; reviews current knowledge related to nursing care, psychiatric treatment/psychosocial rehabilitation of identified mentally ill adults/children and their families. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 507L. (Once a year)
Application of current knowledge regarding human behavior related to function, alteration, and/or disruption of mental processes; applies current knowledge related to nursing care, psychiatric treatment/psychosocial rehabilitation of identified mentally ill adults/children and their families. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 507. (Once a year)
Introduction to the theoretical concepts of holistic nursing care of the perinatal family. Women’s and men’s health issues are discussed. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 508L. (Once a year)
Application of the nursing care of the mother and family. The student will apply clinical and theoretical concepts of holistic nursing care for women experiencing customary and complicated perinatal processes. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 508. (Once a year)
Examines the bio/psycho/social response of the child and family to health and illness, as well as nursing care for acute and chronic conditions. Lab course taken concurrently. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 509L. (Once a year)
Accompanies and supports Pediatric Nursing to provide educational experiences in the hospital and outpatient or community settings. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 509. (Once a year)
Addresses the bio/psycho/social human health response to a wide range of conditions. Health promotion, risk reduction and disease detection and nursing care treatment in the acute setting will be covered. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 513L. (Once a year)
Application of the bio/psycho/social human health response to a wide range of conditions. Application of health promotion, risk reduction and disease detection and nursing care treatments in the acute care setting. NURS majors only or consent. Admission into GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 513. (Once a year)
Examination of continuity of care for clients with complex needs. Emphasis on application of leadership, management, and quality improvement in the clinical setting. NURS majors only or consent. Admission to GEPN only. A-F only. Co-requisite: 517L.
Deliver comprehensive nursing care to clients with complex needs in community and/or acute care settings. Leadership, management, and quality improvement competencies are stressed. NURS majors only or consent. Admission to GEPN only. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 517.
Introduces community and public health nursing with an emphasis on application to
nursing practice in the community and public health settings. NURS majors only or consent. Admission to GEPN only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Application of health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention and detection and nursing care treatments in the community setting. NURS majors only or consent. Admission to GEPN only. CR/NC only. (Spring only)
Introduction to epidemiologic principles and methods, with an emphasis on its application to nursing practice. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Once a year)
Teaching and learning concepts applied to health promotion and prevention of common health and illness conditions with culturally diverse individuals, families, groups, and communities. Includes didactic (30 hrs) and fieldwork (45 hrs). Repeatable one time. Pre: classified graduate student status in the SONDH.
Addresses the scientific, psycho-social, ethical, cultural, and spiritual issues surrounding genetic disease, genetic testing, and living with an inherited condition. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Review of contemporary national health policies, issues and concerns; and international comparison of health policy evolution; includes didactic and 45 hours of fieldwork experience learning.
Identification and synthesis of pertinent biopsychosocial and cultural data to complete advanced psychiatric-mental health assessments and diagnoses. NURS majors only.
Provides a framework for the development of advanced skills for systematic and comprehensive data collection, organization, precise recording, accurate assessment and communication of data reflecting the biopsychophysical status of individuals across the life span. NURS majors only or consent. A-F only.
Clinical lab and practicum for advanced practice nursing. Emphasis on integration of knowledge, skills and outcome evaluation. NURS majors only or consent. A-F only.
Provides an understanding of normal physiological mechanisms and pathological processes to serve as a foundation for clinical assessment, decision making, and clinical management across the lifespan. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: enrollment as a classified student in a graduate program in the SONDH.
Clinical laboratory that focuses on clinical skills and procedures performed by advanced practice nurses (nurse practitioners and/or clinical nurse specialists). Topics will vary by section and semester. NURS and NURD majors only. CR/NC only.
Augment APRN students’ understanding, evaluation, treatment plan development, and competence to care for patients with mental health and psychiatric disorders treatment plans across the lifespan in the primary care settings. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: consent.
The first of two courses that focuses on the delivery of advanced practice nursing in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of common acute and chronic adult health problems in the acute care setting. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612, 612L, and 613; no waiver. (Once a year)
Second of two courses that focuses on the delivery of advanced practice nursing in the assessment, diagnosis and management of common acute and chronic adult health problems in the acute care setting. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612, 612L, and 613; no waiver. (Once a year)
Selected emerging diseases are examined within historical context, known science (past and present) and societal factors that influence prevention, detection, treatment and containment strategies. Considerations for advanced public health nursing practice are identified and examined. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Examination of theory, research, and evidence-based inquiry to support evidence-based practice among MS prepared nurses. Pre: enrollment as a classified student in the graduate degree program in SONDH.
Diagnosis and management of health and illness with emphasis on clients with common acute/episodic conditions seen in context of family and community. Advanced practice nurse-client relationship, practice roles, and culturally relevant care are included. NURS majors only or consent. A-F only. Pre: 613 and 629.
Exploration of major issues and roles in advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing. NURS majors only or consent.
Survey of biopsychological bases of and biotherapies for major mental disorders, including the schizophrenias, affective and personality disorders, pediatric and geriatric problems, and neurological dysfunctions with appropriate applications to health care. NURS majors only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Seminar on theory/ research in advanced psychiatric-mental health nursing of adolescents and families representing diverse populations. Emphasis on developmental and nursing theories, evidence-based practice, therapeutic modalities and disease management of psychiatric illness. Pre: 611 (or concurrent) or consent. (Once a year)
Provides students with an understanding of different roles of the advanced professional nurse; an ability to proactively manage the environment of their specialty practice; includes 45 hours of field work experience. A-F only.
Introduction to the core competencies, key theoretical models and concepts that guide advanced population health nursing. The student will initiate their professional portfolio, which must be completed during the last semester of the MS program. NURS majors only. A-F only.
(2 Sem, 8-hr Lab) Opportunity to develop specialized clinical competence in assessment of children as a basis for the development of clinical specialization. Development of the individual’s potential toward health maintenance functioning. NURS majors only or consent.
Provides a theoretical basis required for specialized clinical competence in adapting recent
findings on child/parent assessments, social and health risk indicators, the role of environment, and multidisciplinary settings in the care of pediatrics. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612/612L, 633 and 634; or consent. (Once a year)
Prepares APNs to evaluate, monitor, and prescribe pharmaceuticals to treat acute and chronic illness across lifespan. Emphasis on drug indications, mechanisms of action, clinical efficacy, adverse effects, interactions, monitoring, education, and cost effectiveness. Enrollment as a classified student in a SONDH graduate degree program. Repeatable unlimited times. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: 613 (or concurrent) or consent.
Introduction to the use of information systems in healthcare. Selected information systems and data sets are explored with application of results to various patient populations and clinical practice settings.
Therapeutic modalities used in advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing with individuals, families, and groups representing culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only. Pre: 611.
Presents normal developmental, physiological and social needs of children within the context of family; then focuses on the management of common acute and chronic illnesses of children. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629.
Focuses on the evaluation of pediatric clients with higher acuity and more complex management issues. Emphasizes critical analysis of evidence based research in pediatric health care. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: Admission into the PNP and FNP program; 612/612L, and 633.
Provides a foundation of concepts necessary to maintain and promote women’s health, including developmental, physiological and social needs of women of all ages and the management of common health problems and concerns specific to women. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629.
(2 Sem, 12-hr Lab) Focuses upon assessment and intervention of at-risk and high-risk women during pregnancy, interconception, and the menopausal years. Emphasizes critical analysis of research in pregnancy, family planning, and common gynecological problems. Pre: 635 or consent. NURS majors only or consent.
Theory and research in advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing of children and adolescents representing culturally diverse populations. Emphasis on growth and development, assessment and diagnosis, and therapeutic modalities. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 620 (or concurrent).
Exploration of a variety of philosophies of science and examination of factors influencing the development of nursing theory and the emergence of nursing as a discipline. NURS majors only.
Management of chronic illness using selected health care systems in culturally diverse communities. Management includes practice, consultation, education, research, and evaluation. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629.
Exploration and analysis of key global health topics of concern for APNs. A-F only.
Introduction to the field of health care technology and informatics for clinicians through the application of health care information systems. Open to students in other healthcare fields by permission. A-F only.
Supervised application of theories, research, and skills for advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing with individuals, families, and groups representing culturally diverse populations. Includes the program’s capstone experience. Repeatable five times. NURS majors only. Pre: 611. Co-requisite: 632.
Family systems approach to include selected family theories, family research and family centered culturally sensitive clinical assessment and intervention in health and illness situations. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
A review of theoretical systems and approaches to complementary and traditional care in culturally diverse populations with a focus on wellness. Appropriate for all health-care professionals.
Testing and evaluation applied to nursing education. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Advanced study, exploration of special topics in clinical nursing. (D) developmentally disabled children and their families; (I) current issues in professional nursing. NURS majors only or consent for (D).
Analyze and critically evaluate basic issues, policies and trends in human resource management as it applies to health care agencies. A-F only. Pre: consent.
Study of theoretical and conceptual models of leadership and management as applied to relevant advanced nurses’ roles, their respective populations, and changing healthcare environments. NURS majors only or consent.
Analysis of various clinical management concepts and health-care delivery systems influencing outcomes, process, and costs in the delivery of care. NURS majors only.
Supervised practicum to build mid to senior level nursing leadership competencies and facilitate change in complex healthcare organizations. NURS majors only. Pre: 663 (or concurrent) or consent.
Economic and financial concepts and tools for use in developing and managing patient care processes. NURS majors only.
Online course focuses on use of CBPR methods by Advanced Practice Nurses to address population level issues amendable to nursing interventions; 15 hours of didactic and 90 hours of field experience are included. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Once a year)
Introduces evidence-based practice methods for improving the quality of nursing practice. Develops skills in differentiating quantitative and qualitative research, statistical methods, and searching, critiquing, and synthesizing literature, pertinent to health care issues. A-F only. Pre: permission of course faculty. (Fall only)
The role of the advanced professional nurse in public health preparedness, planning and response. Includes 45 hours of field work where the student will practice emergency response functional roles. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Summer only)
Includes basic bio-statistical techniques and the application of statistical findings to practice programmatic decisions. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in the Department of Nursing or consent. (Once a year)
Student will conduct a complex service project for a public or community based agency. May be taken for 1-6 credits. (45 hours of practicum experience awarded for each one credit of the course) Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 24 credits of MS in Advanced Population Health Nursing or consent.
Using knowledge of translational science, designs an implementation plan for a practice guideline. Determines evaluation methods and selects outcome variables that best measure success. Discusses institutionalization of, and identifies facilitators and barriers to, practice change. NURS majors only. Graduate standing only. A-F only. Pre: 669. (Spring only)
Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, management and evaluation of clients in supervised clinical practicum for advanced practice nursing. Repeatable unlimited times. NURS majors only or consent. A-F only. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629 (or concurrent)
Seminar to discuss the evidence, concepts, and principles of assessment, diagnosis, management. Utilization of clinical cases and current literature on health care assessment. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629. Co-requisite: 676L.
Beginning level clinical experience. Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of adult clients for advanced practice nursing students in primary care settings. NURS majors only. CR./NC only. Pre: 612/612L, 613, and 629.
Intermediate level seminar where students discuss current evidence, concepts, and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of adult clients. NURS majors only. Pre: 676/676L. Co-requisite: 677L.
Intermediate level practicum. Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, management, and evaluation of clients in supervised clinical practicum for advanced practice nursing focusing on adults with acute or chronic diagnoses in primary care. Repeatable one time, up to five credits. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 676/676L.
Intermediate level seminar. Students will discuss current evidence, concepts, and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of clients focusing on vulnerable populations (pediatric, geriatric, women). NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 677/677L. Co-requisite: 678L.
Intermediate level clinical experience. Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of clients in a primary care setting for advanced practice nursing students focusing on vulnerable populations (pediatric, geriatric, women). Repeatable two times. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 677/677L.
Advanced level seminar. Students will discuss current evidence, concepts, and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management focusing on primary care of clients across the lifespan. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 678/678L. Co-requisite: 679L.
Advanced level clinical experience. Application of concepts and principles of assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of clients across the lifespan in primary care settings for advanced practice nursing students. Repeatable one time, up to five credits. NURS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 678/678L.
Evaluates the impact of history on the culture of nursing and nursing education. Explore strategies to provide education in a culturally sensitive manner to culturally diverse students. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or consent.
Teaching and learning concepts applied to health promotion and the prevention of common conditions of disease among populations with health disparities in Hawai‘i and other places; includes didactic and 45 hours of field experience. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Spring only)
Nursing research methods for qualitative and quantitative studies, institutional review board procedures, and how to develop a research proposal. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Application of concepts and principles of education, consultation, research, and management and evaluation of clients in supervised clinical practicum for adult health clinical nurse specialist students. Repeatable five times. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612 (or concurrent), 612L (or concurrent), 613 (or concurrent), and 629 (or concurrent); or consent.
Advanced study of the functional, cultural, psychological, and socioeconomic phenomena that impact the physiology of normal and abnormal aging. Emphasis is on promoting successful aging among elder residents of the Pacific Basin and applications to primary health care. NURS majors only or consent. Pre: consent.
A culminating experience in nursing education program designed for students to integrate, critique, extend, and apply knowledge gained in the program. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Spring only)
Directed study of problems related to nursing theory and practice. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only.
Analyze biologic, psychosocial, physiologic, and health disparity aspects with conceptual application to healthcare of the aging population. Demonstrate understanding and distinguish normal changes from common disease-related changes. NURS majors only. A-F only.
Introduces the major fields of philosophy for use in research. Frameworks for the evaluation and critique of philosophical approaches to research will be explored, debated, analyzed, and applied as relevant to the PhD student’s dissertation. NURS majors only. A-F only. (Fall only)
Small group sections will guide students as they produce their own clinical trial protocol. Topics like ethics and statistical power will be addressed briefly. Repeatable one time. Pre: any graduate level statistics course.
Theory of testing and evaluation applied to nursing research in culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)
Evaluates conceptual models for use in evidence-based practice. Refines skills in searching and critiquing the literature for application to practice change. Synthesizes a body of literature to design interventions pertinent to a practice problem. A-F only. (Fall only)
Provides opportunities to know and practice the process of theory development in nursing and to test concepts, relationships, and models about health behavior in culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only.
Critical analysis of quantitative research methods used to analyze problems of interest to nursing in culturally diverse populations. Repeatable three times. NURS majors only. Pre: 620 or equivalent course and an advanced statistics course; or consent.
Introduction to qualitative research methods in the development of nursing disciplinary knowledge related to culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only.
Advanced in-depth exploration of the data collection, data analysis and methodological issues in the qualitative research traditions (ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology and critical theory) used in nursing research. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 742 (or equivalent) or consent. (Once a year)
Women’s health and the role of women health professionals. Current literature and research regarding attitudes, roles, rights, and health care. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as SW 776)
Analysis of forces that affect adult learners. Concept of lifelong learning vis-à-vis development of creative strategies that assist maturing, self-directed persons to develop their potentialities. NURS majors only. (Cross-listed as EDEA 745 and EDEP 745)
Principles of and frameworks for program evaluation. Students develop logic models and evaluation plans for a community program and collect and analyze evaluation data. A-F only. (Spring only)
Current theories, issues, and trends of curriculum development in nursing. Application and critiques of related research. NURS majors only or consent.
Supervised experience in instructional planning and teaching. Repeatable up to 10 credits. NURS majors only. Pre: 747 (or concurrent) or consent
Integrate scientific findings from various fields of study to the leadership and management of healthcare systems to ensure the delivery of quality and safe care. A-F only. (Fall only)
First course offering in-depth analysis of specific concepts and theoretical formulations of nursing and other disciplines pertinent to the student’s area of research interest. Addresses human responses to health in culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only. Pre: 739.
Advanced application of general linear model theory to analyze complex problems of interest to nursing in culturally diverse populations. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 741 (or equivalent) or consent. Once a year.
Advanced application of multivariate statistics to analyze complex problems of interest to nursing in culturally diverse populations. A-F only. Pre: 741 and 752 or equivalent courses, or consent. Once a year.
Evaluates the historical foundations of healthcare systems and their relationship to current issues and trends in healthcare services. Analyzes the variations in healthcare delivery systems across nations and the impact on health outcomes. A-F only. (Fall only)
Synthesis and analysis of interventions and variables that influence the rate of adoption of innovations. Application of concepts to patient populations and systems of healthcare. A-F only. (Fall only)
Analysis of concepts, issues, and methods in conducting culturally competent research in the health field. Pre: graduate methods course or consent.
Theory and practice of financial management to achieve high quality and cost effectiveness in healthcare. Hybrid course which combines face-to-face with online learning. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 665, no waiver. (Alt. years)
Provides students with advanced study and critique from faculty leading to the development of a draft dissertation proposal. Peer exchange facilities individual scholarship, research topic mastery, and ability to conduct rigorous critique. NURS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 739, 741, 751. (Spring only)
Examination of quality of health care, the process of managing healthcare outcomes and costs in the delivery of care through the interdisciplinary process. NURS majors only.
Supervised experience in executive nursing leadership to address important health issues for high-risk or under-served populations utilizing an interdisciplinary systems-based approach. NURS majors only. Pre: 664 and 774 (or concurrent), or consent.
Under the guidance of their DNP Project Team members, students will synthesize, integrate, and translate newly acquired knowledge and skills in the implementation and evaluation of their DNP Project. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.
Faculty guided research opportunity to gain mastery of research skills and techniques through participation in mentored research. Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. PhD students only. A-F only. Pre: 741 (with a minimum grade of B-), 742 (with a minimum grade of B-), 751 (with a minimum grade of B-) and a quantitative methods course.
Designed to introduce students to grants, grant writing, and grant management. Combined lecture discussion, seminar, and exercises on grants, grant writing, and grant management for health sciences. Open to NURS students only, others with approval. Repeatable one time. NURS majors only. Pre: instructor consent.
Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable nine times. NURS majors only. Pre: consent.